Chapter 6- A Chat with the bug

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Ladybug swung her legs on the edge of the rooftop as she waited for the arrival of her leathered partner, Chat Noir. She did not know if he would bother to show up this time, but she hoped he did. She just wanted to see him again.

It has been three days since Chat kissed Marinette, and things have not been the same. At least not for her. It was as if the moment their lips met, Chat Noir transferred the luck of the black cat to her.

First, Chat Noir runs away from her with absolutely no explanation. Then, she arrives at school the next day and notices Adrien acting odd, but only towards her. The more time passed, the easier it was to realize that Adrien was avoiding her, but what was even worse was the little attempt to hide it.

Adrien wouldn't even look at her, and when the group got together, he tried to put as much space between them as possible.

Marinette couldn't understand the sudden change of attitude, but it hurt like hell. She then came home, waiting for Chat's arrival, but he never showed up. She went to bed that night secretly wishing for things to change, and it was just a bad day for everyone. Sadly, the days that followed were not any better.

Chat had not returned.

Adrien had stopped talking to her altogether.

And Marinette felt broken.

While Marinette understood that it could be awkward for Chat Noir to see her again after the kiss, she wished he would have the guts to come and talk about it, but apparently, neither Chat Noir nor Adrien wanted to see her again.

Marinette wondered if Tikki was secretly happy about it. She surely didn't want Chat Noir coming around. The situation was most likely a relief for the kwami.

Ladybug sighed as she looked at the time. The patrol should have started ten minutes ago.

"I guess I am all alone. Again."

Ladybug felt disappointed, she believed Chat Noir's anger towards Ladybug would have died out by now, but apparently, she was wrong. The heroine sighed and closed her eyes. She wondered if she should wait a little longer for her partner or start patrol.

"It's hopeless," she whispered, losing hope. Adrien didn't care about her, and now it was beginning to look like Chat Noir didn't either.

With that thought, Ladybug stood up, dusted herself off, and got ready for patrol.

"I guess patrol is all on me now. Paris needs a hero," Ladybug whispered as she got her yo-yo out and stood in position.

"Good evening, Ladybug," Chat Noir spoke. "I apologize for my tardiness. I had something come up in my civilian life," he called from behind her.

Ladybug turned the second she heard his voice. She couldn't believe he had shown up. She had started to think he wouldn't come back. Ladybug took a step towards the hero but quickly stopped herself. She would not run into his arms as she had done as Marinette. Not after his actions.

The truth was that as much as she missed Chat Noir, the only thing his absence did this past few days was fill her with anger. He ran from Marinette like a coward. He didn't even bother asking what she had felt, just as he had with Ladybug. Chat Noir was supposed to be reliable, yet he chose to run and leave people behind when he felt like it. She had not seen him in days, yet here he was pretending as if that never happened.

"Nice of you to finally show up, Chat Noir," Ladybug said almost angrily. "Let's patrol."

Ladybug was quick to swing ago and leave her partner behind. Unknown to Chat Noir, her action was only to hide her face as tears filled her eyes. She was hurt, and while she missed him, the second their eyes met just reminded her of the hurt he had been inflicting on her the past few days. While it all began because of her, it felt like Chat was trying to punish both sides of her.

Chat Noir sighed. He knew things were going to be odd, but Marinette was right. Paris depended on him. Shaking his head, he began to follow Ladybug. Chat Noir was not angry at Ladybug's actions. In fact, he understood why she was angry. She was, after all, the guardian of the miracle box, but why couldn't she understand him as well? It was not easy showing up tonight. Especially with all the confusion, he had been dealing with these past few days.

Patrol went faster than either of them expected. While it was completely silent, the two had fallen in sync as they always did.

Ladybug landed on the Eiffel Tower, bringing the end of the patrol. "Alright, see you Sunday," Ladybug stated, ready to call it a night.

"Wait," Chat Noir called out before Ladybug could leave.

"I am sorry, M'L- Ladybug. I know I was wrong in not showing up before, but I needed some time to get myself together, and you know- keep my promise," he added sadly.

Ladybug sighed. The tone of Chat's voice made her break. She felt sad for him. She knew the situation was difficult for Chat, and she had no right to be angry. All this was her fault.

"No, I am the one that should be sorry. I wanted to apologize for overreacting that day. It's just that Ladybug is not the real me and I-I," she hesitated. She didn't know if she didn't say it because she didn't want to hurt Chat or because she was no longer sure.

"I know, bug. I know that your heart belongs to someone else. But you don't have to worry about me anymore. I will be okay. I have someone that is helping me get through it. She is miraculous," Chat Noir said almost dreamily.

Ladybug smiled. Somehow, Ladybug knew that her partner was speaking about her civilian self. Wait, was he? Ladybug found herself frowning. Marinette had not seen Chat Noir in three days. What if he was talking to someone else?

"She sounds amazing," Ladybug stated, faking happiness.

"She is," Chat Noir responded, giving her a genuine smile but just like Ladybug, his smile quickly faded.

"W-well was, I-I haven't seen her in a few days. I don't know."

Ladybug felt her heart swell. Chat Noir was talking about her, wasn't he?

"Oh, what happened?" Ladybug asked, genuinely wondering why he had run from her and not returned.

"I-" Chat Noir hesitated.

"It's okay, kitty, you can tell me."

"I messed up, Ladybug," Chat Noir confessed. "That day we fought, I was upset, and she-she saw me and helped me. Right away, I felt a- I don't know, like a connection, and I returned," Chat said softly. His claws dragged through his hair as he paced back and forth.

"I went back to see her a few days later, and she was worried about me. We talked about me and then you, and she said things, and I- I,"

Ladybug watched as Chat seemed to be struggling with his words. She then gave him a smile of encouragement, patiently waiting for him to continue.

"I kissed her! I don't know what I was thinking or what got into me, but I kissed her. I probably scared her and ruined our friendship. I can't explain it, but it was as if my body had reacted on his own, and I- I didn't- I like- I don't know. I love you, Ladybug, but I-I couldn't help it," he confessed.

Ladybug nodded, attempting to keep her emotions hidden as much as possible. Deep inside, she wanted to scream with happiness, but she knew she was not Marinette, and she couldn't do that at the moment.

"Did she push you away and tell you that? Did she say you ruined your friendship?"

Chat Noir shook his head. "I panicked and ran out before we could even talk. It didn't help that my miraculous was running out of time. After I realized what I had done, I didn't know what to do, and I have been avoiding her ever since," Chat Noir admitted in shame.

"Miraculous was running out of time. Chat, you saw her as a hero?" Ladybug asked, pretending she didn't know and assuming her guardian role.

She watched as Chat Noir scratched the back of his neck and nodded.

"Chat, does she know your identity?" She continued.

"No, she saw me as Chat, but I never showed her who I was. I would never reveal my identity, Ladybug. I wouldn't dare place, Mar-her at risk. Please don't tell me I can't see her as a hero because I will not allow you to take her from me. Just know that I would never risk our or her safety," Chat Noir spoke, confidently standing his ground.

"Chat, if Hawkmoth finds-"

"I know! I am careful, I swear," he interrupted.

Ladybug nodded. "I believe you."

"Now, I need to say this. Forgive me, but you are stupid." "How could you just run? Chat, I hate to break it to you, but what you did was wrong. You can't just leave her with no sort of answer. For all you know, she could be thinking you hate her. You should talk to her before it's too late. If I were her, I would think you regretted ever meeting her."

Chat Noir bit his lip. Was she right? Did Marinette think that he regretted meeting her? If it was true, he wondered what she thought about Adrien now. He knew he had been avoiding her worse than Adrien, but the blonde couldn't look her in the eyes, knowing that it was him who had kissed her, and she had no idea, even worse, that he dreamt about doing it over again.

Chat Noir was actually surprised. He believed Ladybug would yell at him, forbid him to see Marinette again or even try to take his miraculous, but she didn't.

That is why he had fallen in love with her. She and Marinette were so much alike. Wait, what? Shaking his head, he removed the thought. "What do I do?" He asked nervously.

"Just that! Go to her, explain yourself and apologize for running away, I might add," Ladybug said teasingly.

Chat Noir smiled at the comment, though it didn't seem to ease his nervousness. He hated to admit it, but he was affraid. What if Marinette decided she didn't want to deal with him anymore? Wait if she told him she no longer wanted to speak to him? Could he deal with her hating him? Marinette already hated him as Adrien. Chat Noir was his last chance to be close to her.

Noticing his face expression, Ladybug spoke up again. "Hey, don't worry. I am sure she doesn't hate you. Who knows, maybe she liked the kiss," she teased again.

"But that's just it. She deserves better, better than me. I was being selfish. She is amazing and deserves someone who is not confused. I don't want to hurt her, but I am affraid I will lose her," Chat confessed.

Ladybug was taken back by his confession. Did that mean what she thought it meant?

"Listen to me, kitty," Ladybug spoke up. "If you are honest with her, I am sure she will understand. If she is as amazing as you say she is, I am sure she will be there for you no matte what. You have nothing to worry about, okay?"

Chat Noir smiled and nodded. As always, Ladybug was right. Now, he needed to find his Marinette.

"Thanks, bug. I got to go. I have a princess to go see." 

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