"Chapter Eleven"

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Three weeks later


All I see was the bright light and the faint sounds of a heart monitor beeping. Everything sounded so faint and my eyes sting with the bright light.

I saw David sitting on the seat next to me. Then my parents with their seats nearby.

"H...Hello?" I let out in a weak, hoarse voice.

"MAEVE!" David's shouts as shushing can be heard.

I flinch and tried to focus on my vision as its being blurry. Doctors swarm in as I tried to sit up but used my arm that's under a cast along with my left leg making me wince and collapse.

"Where am I..?" I asked while they performed some tests on me.

"You're at the hospital," David responds.

"Do you have any memory of the accident?"

I had to stop and think...

All I can remember is the impact and a deer standing over me...

"I remembered the impact and the deer... but my memory is vague," I respond.

And I couldn't believe my own two eyes... Hayes was standing to my left side of me with his index fingers on my arm, checking my pulse.

"Hayes McColey is that you?" I asked faintly with a weak smile.

He didn't respond until he was done along with doctors.

"She is stable but might have to keep her for a few hours just to be sure..."

"Is she going to be wheelchair-bound or wearing a walking boot?"

"She's gonna be wheelchair bound but it's only temporarily. And she has to see her regular doctor to have checkups and therapy on the leg."

I listened in and felt exhausted like waking up from a deep sleep...

"Any more questions?"

"Yeah. How long have I been in a coma?" I finally spoke up after listening in.

"Three weeks," Hayes responded.

When he said that, I felt confused... it felt like it was yesterday...?

When there were no more questions, they all left and I looked at Dave.

"David.." I said his name before he grabs my other hand and had his hand on my cast.

"Yes, babe?" He asked.

"Was I... out for three weeks...?"
"Yes." He responds.

I then remembered... Addie's death and how I was very depressed.

I sink into the bed, just remembering.


"I..." I didn't know where to begin.

"Honey, her death wasn't your fault." Mom said as she knew.

"I feel like it is..." I confessed.

"I shouldn't let her see Zara and should've..." my voice trailed off as David moves his hand to my hair, stroking it.

"It wasn't your fault, babe." He said as I bite my lower lip, fighting the tears.

"I... need some rest." I paused, "Mom... Dad.. you can go. I don't want to keep you both away from your jobs." I told them.

"Honey—" Mom says before my Dad shushes her.

When they leave, I looked at David.

"Cuddle with me?"

"You don't even have to ask." He said in concerned as he lays down with me.

He put his arm around me and I felt safer in his arms.

"I... love you, David." I let out calmly as I rolled over towards him.

"I love you too." He said before kissing my forehead and smiling a little.

"Can you tell me what happened while I was... in my coma?"

"Not much happened really other than the gang really missing you." He paused before reaching his phone and went on my profile.

"I also kind of kept up your profile." He continued as he showed a photo.

Hey guys, this is David. Maeve is in the hospital right now and is in critical condition. She needs some prayers. 🥺

The post reads.

All the comments were positive and some were from the gang.

"Dave..." I said, shocked and flattered.

"You're my girlfriend you deserved to be spoiled." He said awkwardly as I kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you... for being there for me even though I was a b– witch and emotional wreck," I said as he puts his hands to my cheeks.

"Hey no need to thank me, you're my adorable girlfriend."

Soon as he heard footsteps he immediately got off the bed and on the couch.

"You're free to go." The doctor said as nurses came in and unhooked me from everything and David was there to help me through it.

When we got outside to his Tesla, I felt... exhausted.

"Hey," I said towards the nurse.

"Can you tell Hayes I said... thanks for me?" I asked her as she made a small smile and nod.

Soon I got in the Tesla and David has put the crutches in the back, I rest my head on the car seat.

He grabbed my hand while driving out of the parking lot.

"Everyone's gonna be happy to see you." David begins trying to break the awkward silence.

"Yeah..." I said in a sleepy voice.

"Before we go back, we need to go pick up meds for your leg." He instructs as I made a tired "mhmm."

"Aaaand I guess to make the reunion short since you're feeling sleepy."

"I don't know why it's just I guess all the stress and depression caught up to me or that I've been in a coma state for three weeks and it felt like taking a really long nap."

He listened and nodded his head.

"You know... I kind of did research and read that while in a coma you go into a dream-like state..?" He said awkwardly.

"Yeah.." I respond back.

"I hope you don't mind me asking did you.. see anyone while in your coma?"

Well... I did see Addison and a woman named Eden who was an angel/intern sent by God to guide me through all my memories and the past and made me see myself... literally. I thought.

"It's a long story..." I paused.

"Go ahead," he said.

"I saw Addie... she had her hair back and she was the cutest angel you ever saw. She was with me the whole time and I met this Intern Angel named Eden that was my guide through everything. And made me see myself... literally."

"Is she nice or evil?"

"Nice. Just looking out for me and show me myself with the depression and anxiety emotions."


"It was supposed to help me learn about myself and about my mental health." I continued before he still held my hand, and held it close to mine, kissing it.

"So... that means..."

"Yeah... I'm gonna think positive and never let it get to me." I said with a small smile.


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