"Chapter Thirteen"

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~ 2 hours later...~

Me and David officially did it.. and it was best thing that has ever happened.

We had finished an hour ago and I have to be honest... no condom was involved... and I'm fearing that I don't want to be pregnant.

"God that was amazing." He said still laying there still in ecstasy of what just happened and I'm pacing back and forth from being scared and thinking of doing what I could decrease the chances.

"Babe...? He said sitting up.

"Yeah it was but... What if I got pregnant? Isn't it–"

David shushes me as he motions me to come over towards him.

"Did you take your pills?"

"Yeah earlier this morning."

"Then you won't get pregnant but if we do... I wouldn't care at all." He said as I finally walked over towards him and he had his arm around me.

"You wouldn't?"

"Hell no. I wouldn't mind having a kid with you and would support you through it... But..."

"Yeah marriage first comes first."

"But my parents will kill me if they found out I had unsafe sex before marriage." David confesses.

"My dad would kill you if we did it. Period."

"Ha ha very funny." He said before I walked over towards him and kissed him on the cheek.

"You're so adorable, Fruit Cups." I said jokingly.

"Right back at you, Apple Slices."

So I never got to explain about how our nicknames existed.

So when David first started coming to elementary school, he didn't have friends at all and sat at lunch alone. Me and Natalie thought it was a good idea to invite him to sit with us.

He had apple slices and I absolutely love them.

"Hey mind if we trade?" Young me asked him.

"Sure, since I love apple slices." Young David responds back.

"Me too!" I squeaked as we both laughed.

And after that we called each other based on the foods we swapped with.

"I love you, Maeve."

"Right back at ya, Dobrik." I flirtatiously said as he laughed.

"Don't be flirty with me now, Apple Slices. Because you want me to go on round two."

"God no because the gang might've heard us and record–" my voice trailed off.

I opened the door and my to surprise, it was empty.

"Guess it's only us."

"Then we can go for round two."

"David Julian Dobrik."

"Maeve Noella Nielson."

I made a look at David with my hands on my hips.

"Come ooooooon~" he pleadingly begged and starts with the puppy eyes.

"No." I said as I put my clothes back on.

"You're mean." He said with a pouty look.

"I know, I'm a bad bitch." I said jokingly as I went to find the girls.

They were in the back chatting.

"There you guys are."

"And here's the woman of the hour!" Corrina said.

"Oh hi. Didn't know I was brought up." I said as I sat with them.

"Weeeeeelllll." Trish said with an awkward smile.

"You walked on me and Dave fucking, didn't you?"

Trish blushing was the answer to my question.

"Maaaaaaybe." She said.

I crossed my arms, raising my eyebrow.

"I'm not a perv! I was gonna tell you we were having Plan B of our night!" Trish said as her voice was high pitched in a nervous voice.

"Riiggggght." Me and Corrina said in synch.

"Anyways, enough about you Trish." Kristen said.

"How was is it... with the King Prankster?" Carly  asked.

"Well..." I was about to begin, blushing a little.

"And her skin is glowing too." Trish points out.

"Ahem." I said before Trish bites her lower lip.

"It was amazing... and it felt... right. Like he's someone worth waiting for it."

"I hear wedding bells." Kelsea said as she came in.

"Sorry I was late." Kelsea said as she sat with us.

"Yeah that won't be anytime soon." I said as I got a YouTube notification.

InsertNameHere: Ugh. Why is David still in love with Maeve? He belongs with Liza not Maeve!

JamieSchones: Yeah, I feel he's dating her just to make Liza jealous. That's my theory.

MadiThorn: Yeah! I hate Davieve. Diza should happen! 😡🤬

I sigh reading through all the negative messages.

"What's wrong?" Kelsea asked as she snatched my phone and saw the comments.

"You're gonna believe all the haters, aren't you?"

"Me? Caring about what haters said? No." I said.

"You shouldn't just ignore them forever."

"Yeah but then she's gonna cause drama and get us involved with Keemstar." Corrina said.

"Guys... I need time alone to process this." I said as I went me and David's room.

Suddenly, the room smelt like lavender..

The messages continue to grow but I also saw some positive messages.

MaevexDavid4Ever: Hey, Maeve! Ignore what the haters say. They're just mad that their ship sunk. I ship Davieve!

HannahR: Yeah! You don't deserve any of this!

GiannaStone: We ❤️ U, Maeve Nielson!

I sigh and then had to take the risk.

MaeveNeilson: Ok if you all hate me so much, then why come to my channel to shame on me for dating someone who I truly love and he loves me back? Why go out of your way to try ruin my day? Also the logic to this is that if you don't like my channel, then simply skip off my channel and or unsubscribe. I couldn't care less if you did just I don't want to tolerate ANY hate to me or on my channel. If you think your words can hurt me. You are wrong. 🙂

I was about to hit publish comment on the one thread. But then I thought.

..No. Corrina's right. It's also playing fire with fire.

David comes in after going to the bathroom to see me both pissed and confused.

"You okay?"

"David... I have a question."

"Sure, lay it on me."

"..How did you and Liza handle all the comments about people still shipping you and Liza together and some that hate us being together..?" I asked in a unsure voice, thinking it was a stupid question to ask.

"I simply ignore the comments... why you're still getting them?"


"Yeah eventually they'll just blow over and leave you alone..."
"But it kills me to see people to react like this..."

"Trust me, babe." He reassures before he wraps his arms around me.

I take a deep breath and looked down at my feet.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing just... in awe still."

"Of that it was me the whole time?"


He scooted back to the bed and I scoot with him.

"I just can't believe it's actually you. The one kid that was picked on and I had feeling for after those few days..." I went on.

"Yeah I still can't believe you're the golden hearted girl I fell for..."

"What made me golden hearted...?"

"Well.. you didn't exclude the special ed kids and made them part of your group and I never seen kids like them so happy and warm around you. You helped me through the rough times... and you helped others." He went on.

All of them were true...

I never called myself the "kid with the no cape." I just did what I was raised by my parents. To love and help anyone regardless of their ability and color. And I've heard all the insults the r word.. the stupid.. the enabled... towards them.

The first special ed kid I met was... Madison.

Madison. Where do I begin with that girl?

She was like Stephen Hawkins. She had ALS at a young age and made her wheelchair mobile. She couldn't speak but use a text to speak.

And my god the poor girl was bullied because of it. So... I went to her class, introduced myself, and told her I'm gonna be your friend through this.

She half smiled and knew...


She died years ago. Her death still touches me...

But I learned to move on.

"Babe?" He asked as he saw me frowning.

"Huh? What?"

"Why are you crying?"

I didn't even realize I was crying until I touched my cheek and it was wet.

"Oh uh..."

"Your lil sis?"

"No. Someone else."

David cocked his head like a puppy.


"Do you remember Madison?" I asked him as he nods.
"Haven't heard that name in awhile..."

"She died couple days after her birthday... just
turned 16, too. And she had a boyfriend whom was also wheelchair bound and they went to their spot they first met. He was gonna propose but..." my voice trailed off.

"Shit." He said feeling bad now.

Madison knew David as well and back then she knew. She wanted us to date but I was too naïve and I was too young. We went to the same high school but we had very few classes so we see each other, but not very much.

She died junior year... and because she died before she could graduate, I had to beg the principal to make a little speech up on stage about her and had a moment of silence for her.

"I'm assuming you miss her?"

"Every day.. but I know she didn't want me to mope around because of her.. and hell I know she's probably smiling like a dork to find out we're together."

He smiled some.

"Anyways... I guess we need to change." I said as he sighs.

"Man I was just enjoying time with you." He whined as he got up and I had put on a change of clothes and off to hang out with the squad.

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