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The following morning I wake up before my alarm and I head to the bathroom and climb into the shower.

After my shower I wrap a towel around my head and another around my body. I walk into my bedroom and head toward the chest of draws.

As I'm pulling out my underwear the door opens to my room and Evan walks in.

Evan freezes and his eyes rack my body.

At least I have a towel wrapped around me. I'd hate to see what would happen if I was naked.

"Can I help you, Evan?"

He looks me in the eye. "I was wondering when you needed me at the office for the photo shoot?"

"You should come in with me today. I want to get a few shoots done with you."

A smile spreads across his face. "You want to see if we look great together in a spread don't you? Maybe we could..."

A naked shoot together.

I finish off his though beforeI throw a shoe at him. "That's not going to happen, Evan."

He walks over to me. "You never know, sweetheart." Evan kisses the top with of my head. "Hurry up and get dressed. I don't want you're breakfast to get cold." He walks out of my room.

I put on black matching underwear and a black halter dress.

I feel like dressing up a bit for work today.

On the nightstand my phone begins to vibrate and I see "Xanthe" appear on my screen.

What does he want? She never calls my phone.

I answer the call.

Me: Hello, Xanthe.

Xanthe: Are you coming to the office today?

Me: Yes, I am. Why?

Xanthe: Great! Do you think you're siblings and fiancé are up to come in for a photo shoot? I want to start on the magazine.

Me: I'll call her after breakfast. They will be at the office by ten.

Xanthe: See you then.

I hang up the phone and walk downstairs to the dining room.

A plate of pancakes, bacon, eggs, hasbrowns and toast are sitting on the table.

Evan looks at me. "I didn't know what you'd like so I made everything."

I laugh. "You know what I like, Evan. So, why did you make so much food."

There's a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it." Evan says and he walks toward the door. He opens the door and I hear my brother's and sister's voice as they walk into the house.

At least I don't need to call them about being at the office at ten.

They walk into the dining room and then help themselves to the food.

I look at my siblings. "You're photo shoot is today. My boss called not long ago and she wants you at the office at ten."

Charlie walks over to me and hugs me. "I can't wait to try on some Butler clothes. I have been admiring their stuff for awhile now, but I didn't want to spend all of Mom and Dad's money on designer clothes."

I laugh. "I've see your closet and its full of designer clothes."

"I brought all my clothes during the filming of the TV show that got axed after the first season." She puts a forkful of eggs into her mouth and she chews with her mouth open.

She's acting like a little kid.

Evan shakes his head. "I forgot what it's like to eat a proper breakfast with your siblings."

The last time Evan and I had breakfast at my parents place. It involves a full English breakfast and half an eaten meal before Shawn picked up a spoon and he threw eggs at me after I said an inappropriate comment about him.

After the egg hit me all hell broke lose and my siblings and I had a food fight.

Mom and Dad weren't happy about it until Shawn threw a roll at Mom. It hit her shirt and there was a jelly stain on it.

She joined in and then Dad did too.

Evan just sat at the table watching my family.

After the food fight he pulled me aside and told me that he loves the way my family are together. He never had a close relationship with his parents like I do.

When it comes to his family they are reserved and they expect their kids to be well behaved even when people around them are acting like idiots.

After breakfast I take the dishes to the kitchen and I clean up.

Charlie walks into the kitchen and she whistles. "Damn, this is the kind of kitchen I would love to cook in." She runs her hands across the marble top. "Do you think I can cook dinner one night for you?"

I turn away from the sink and look at her. "You'll have to ask Evan. Just promise me you won't put laxatives in our food."

She did that to Shawn when he had a date with Charlie's ex best friend.


Charlie's friend used her to get close to Shawn and when she got a date with Shawn.

Charlie offered to cook dinner for them and Shawn thought that was nice of her.

He didn't know about her hidden agenda until later on that night they both started to sweat and fart a lot in the living room.

The smell started to make me sick until I saw the two of them run out of the room to the bathroom.

I looked across from me to find Charlie on the floor laughing. "What did you do?"

She sits up wiping the tears that were falling down her face from all the laughter. "I put laxatives in there dinner."

I lean closer to her and ask. "Why?"

"She used me to get a date with Shawn. I needed to pay her back for using me. Maybe, it will make other people think before they use me to get a date with our brother."

"What did Shawn do?"

Bradley walks into the living room and he looks at us. "What did I miss?"

"Sophia and Shawn have the shits."

Bradley shakes his head. "You put laxatives in there dinner didn't you?" She nods and Bradley hi fives her. "I taught you well, little sis."

I point at Bradley. "This was your idea?"

"Of course. I couldn't watch my little sister cry over a bitch that used her to get close to our brother." Bradley pulls me onto a hug. "If you feel sorry for them, then you should watch out. I wouldn't want my food poisoned next." With that he walked out of the room with Charlie.

*End Flashback*

Charlie starts laughing. "That was the best day of my life. Bradley sure knows how to pay people back for betraying them." She touches my shoulder. "You haven't done anything to hurt me, so your food will be fine."

Evan walks into the kitchen and he leans against the counter. "Are you ready to go beautiful?"

"Yeah," I put the last dish into the rack and I walk over to Evan who has his arm open for me. I step into his arm. I whisper. "Charlie, wants to ask you something."


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