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The disc begins to play and I see myself walking down the hall. I have my handbag over my shoulder and a smile spreads across my face. I place my hand on stomach as I am close to the first step.

A set of hands wearing a black hoodie pushes me down the stairs.

"I know that hoodie. Why would she do it?" Evan says.

Now he knows it was Bethany.

I fall down the stairs hitting each mstep as I tumble down. My head hits a step and there's blood on a step.

Tears begin to fall down my face.

That crazy bitch.

At the bottom of the stairs I lie on my stomach and I see a whole heap of blood on the ground.

I place my hand on my stomach.

That shouldn't have happened to me. Why would she do that to me?

My handbag is lying on the ground next to my body and the person picks up the bag. She goes through it and pulls out my pregnancy test.

That's why I couldn't find it when I woke up in the hospital.

The hoodie is pushed back and I see Bethany's face.

She has a smile on her face as she holds my pregnancy test.

"No," Jensen yells. He throws his chair across the room and it hits the wall. "Give me the keys to the car." He holds his hand for me.

I go through my bag and look for the keys. "Evan, are you alright?"

"No, I'm not. I need to get out of here. Don't expect me at the house tonight." He takes the keys from me.

What's wrong with him? He shouldn't be this mad about something that happened to me.

Bethany leans towards me and she whispers something.

I turn off the computer and look at my bosses. "Can I have a few minutes to myself please?"

"Sure," Yasmin says.

Yasmin and Xanthe walk to the door.

As Xanthe is about to shut the door she says. "I will understand if you don't want to do the shoot today. After seeing that I'm sure it will be hard for you."

I look at her. "I'll have to do it. I can't keep cancelling on my siblings. They're really looking forward to wearing your clothes."

"Okay," she shuts the door.

I'm left alone for abit letting what I saw run through my head.

I turn the monitor back on as the video continues to run and I see my brothers walk through the door.

Shawn has tears falling down his face as he looks at me. He sees my bag and opens it. He pulls out my purse and see that it's me.

Bradley turns me over and when he sees my face he pulls his phone out. He paces back and forth while on the phone.

Shawn is checking me for injuries and he removes his jumper and places it under my head.

A group of people walk into the hall to see what's happening and no one does anything to help my brothers.

I'm glad that I have big brother like them.

Evan and Ethan are in the crowd close to the front.

Bethany has her arms wrapped around Evan and she's whispers something to her.

He looks mad and tries to shrug her off, but she won't let him go.

Ethan pulls Evan through the crowd and away from the scene.

I didn't know that Evan was there to see me like that.

My phone vibrates and I see a message from my Charlie.

I head to the car park where my siblings are waiting for me.

Charlie runs over to me and she hugs me. "Thank you for helping us with launching our careers."

"It's not launched yet, Charlie. You have a lot of work to do before that."

She looks at my parking spot. "Where's the Audi you drove here." She looks behind me. "Where Evan?"

"He took the car."


I don't answer her. Instead I walk over to Bradley and Shawn. "I saw the video. Evan was with me and he was mad. He took the car and told me that he wasn't going home tonight. I don't have anyway to get to his place tonight."

Shawn wraps his arm around my shoulder. "You can spend the night at Mom's. She wouldn't mind that you spend the night at the house. It will be good to have another family dinner."

A smile spreads across my face. "Just like we did growing up." I turn towards Charlie. "Are you going to spend he night too? We can calm have a slumber party in the entertainment room like we did when we were younger."

Charlie nods eagerly. "You can count me in. You better call Mom, Bradley. She'll hate if she's not given notice."

Bradley pulls his phone out of his pocket and he gives Mom a call.

A couple minute he hangs up the phone.

"What did Mom say?" Charlie asks.

"She's happy that we're all going to be under the same roof again for the night." He stops next to me and whispers. "She's going to talk to you and find out what happened between Evan and you. She like him you know."

Of course she does. He's the only guy I ever brought home to meet my parents and he'll always be the only guy that I bring home with me.

"We can't keep the bosses waiting. Follow me to the photo shoot room." I lead them down a hall until we reach a lift. I press the up button.

When the doors open I press the button to the sixth floor.

That's the floor where we store the clothes and camera for the photo shoots.

The Butler building has eight floors. Each floor houses a different part of the  company.

The first floor is reception.

Second floor is for the designers. They are the people that see up the dresses.

Third floor is for the business side of the company where they choose where to sell the clothes and weather or not the Butler Twins are ready to showcase the new line.

Fourth floor is storage.

Fifth floor is recruitment.

Sixth floor is where I spend a lot of my time behind the camera and telling people what to do.

Seventh floor is the darkroom and where the people for the magazine will be working as soon as the magazine is ready to be published with the help of Rafael.

And finally the eighth floor is Xanthe, Yasmin and my offices are located when we're not needed anywhere in the company.

I don't know why they gave me an office for when they mostly find me on the sixth floor going through the photos that I took the day before.

Rafael is sitting on my chair and he looks at me when I walk through the door. "You're late."

Yasmin laughs. "We all can't be on time especially after the morning we've had."

I give her a smile and she nods her head.

Rafael tells us to get changed and he gives suits to my brothers to try on from his fashion line.

I can't wait to see my brothers in their suits.

Before we walk out of the room Rafael asks. "Where's Evan?"

Xanthe touches my arm. "I'll talk to him. Get changed."

I take Charlie's hand and show her to the change room.


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