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Evan walks through the crowd looking for the nearest restroom leaving me alone at the table.

A chair across from me is pulled out and Georgia takes a seat. "Do you remember me from high school?"

Seriously she wants to reminisce? We weren't friends in high school.

I look at her. "I remember you. You wee the quiet nerd that had a crush on Rafael who was also a nerd back then, but he also played basketball which made him a little bit cooler."

Georgia laughs. "That true." She leans across the table. "I need your help."

How can I help her?

I feel a set of eyes on me and I turn around and see Xanthe glaring daggers at Georgia. "What do you need?"

"How did you get Evan to propose to you?" She looks at the back of the room where Rafael is standing. "I want Rafael to notice me more than a friend."

I sigh. "He's not going to be more than a friend for you, Georgia. Rafael is in love with Xanthe. Can't you tell with the way he can't take his eyes off her for five seconds and when she's on the other side of the room his eyes are on her making sure she's safe. He won't ever do that to you, Georgia. Just move on from him. There's plenty of guys for you here."

She slams her hand on the table. "I'm going to get him with or without your help."

"Good luck with that."

I pull my phone out of my pocket and send a message to Xanthe.

Evan sits next to me and he drapes his arm across my shoulder. "I saw you taking to Georgia. What did she want?"

"She wants my help in taking Rafael from Xanthe. That woman is as deranged as..."

Evan cuts me off. "Bethany," he looks at Georgia. "I know. Why is it that some girls change when they think their in love with someone that doesn't love them."

I look at him. "I didn't change when I was in love with you. I just learnt to keep it quiet when we went to university together. After you got with Bethany I built a wall around my heart. Over the last couple of weeks the wall has crumbled down and now I feel vulnerable to you. I'm just waiting for the pin to drop."

Evan takes my hand in his and pulls me onto the dance floor. "It's never going to drop."

He's only saying that because Bethany isn't here.

I stop a waiter and grab two glasses of champagne and I hand one over to Evan.

He takes it from me and we drink.

When the waiter walks back around I place the empty glasses on the tray.

Evan pulls me onto the dance floor. He places his right hand on my hand and his left is on my hips.

I let him lead as we move across the dance floor.

He spins me around and then dips me.

He knows how to dance.

Evan seems way better at it then he did in high school.

The music stops and Rafael walks onto the stage.

He looks into the crowd. "I would like to thank you all for coming to my home coming party. There's a few announcements that I would like to make tonight." His eyes linger on Xanthe. "The first thing I'd like to announce is that I'm a taken man. Baby, come here."

Xanthe walks up on the stage and he places his arm around her.

"I am a taken man. My ex wife and I have decided to give us another chance."

A few people scream in protest. While everyone else says. "Aw,"

I knew those two would get back together. I saw the sparks fly when we were in the office.

"The second is that I have decided to work closely with Butler Inc with my fashion line and thirdly I have found faces for my fashion line. I'm looking forward to you all meeting the faces when the billboards go up. Thank you all for coming to my homecoming party."

People raise their glasses and yell. "Homecoming," we take a drink.

As I'm not much of a drinker I start to feel dizzy and I grab onto Evan's hand so I don't fall.

Evan looks at me. "I think we should go home."

I shake my head. "I'm fine."

He lifts me up. "You're only saying that so we don't leave. I'm going to do what a good fiancé does and take his girl home. Tomorrow Mom wants us to have breakfast at her place. She cornered me when I went to the restroom earlier."

Why didn't I see his Mom?

As Evan carries me to door Mrs Wilson blocks our way and she looks at her son. "Why didn't you bring Ariana over to us?"

He looks at his mother. "I want my girl to myself."

She laughs. "Damn, you're more possessive of Ariana then you were of Bethany. If truth be told you've always been more happier with Ariana."

Why does everyone want to talk about that girl while I'm around? I really don't like her.

"Ariana has always been my girl. I just had to wait for the perfect time to claim her." He leans close to my ear. "No matter what happens in a couple of months I want you to know that I love you. You own my whole heart. No one has been able to hold a place in it besides you."

Aw! He's so sweet.

I don't want the party at the Wilson's to come.

I'd rather be with Evan for the rest of my life, but that's going to be hard when I'm afraid to tell him that his brother was the father of the child I lost.

Mrs Wilson looks at me. "We'll see you for brunch in the morning, sweetheart."


She looks at Evan. "I'll have some orange juice on hand, just in case Ariana can't have alcohol in the morning."

"I'll be fine," I sing.

She laughs. "We'll see about that. Have a good night you two."

Evan carries me to the waiting limo.

A few paparazzi take picture of us and that when I know that I will be in the gossip column tomorrow.

In the car Evan places me on his lap and he strokes my hair. "Don't worry about what they're going to put in the gossip section."

It's easy for him to say that. He's been in the spotlight for years.

I'm still waiting for them to find out my identity.

I'm sure my name will be revealed soon and my occupation will probably be the next thing to be revealed.

They're going to be surprised when they find out that I'm a photographer for Butler Inc.

My life is going to change as soon as those billboards are placed with Charlie and my faces.

There's also going to be a poster of Evan and I for the new magazine that's going to be coming out announcing that Rafael and Xanthe's company are working together in the fashion world.

When news of that spreads a lot of people are going to want to work for them and that includes Bethany.


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