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I sit next to Evan and Charlie. On the other side of Charlie is Shawn, Bradley, Mom, Dad, Ethan, Madison (Ethan's girlfriend), and then Ethan's parents.

On the table is waffles, pancakes, bacon, eggs and French toast. Next to that is maple syrup, jelly, vanilla ice cream, chocolate topping, orange juice, tea, coffee, apple juice, a bottle of water, butter, knives and forks.

I pick up a waffle and put it on my plate. Picking up the spoon for the ice team I scoop some and put it on the waffle. I put the chocolate topping on it and I begin to eat the waffle.

Shawn looks at me. "Is that all you're going to eat?"

I start to reply with food in my mouth.

Mom scolds me for doing it. She tells me that it's not lady like to talk with my mouth full.

Once I finish the waffle I look at her. "Shawn hates it when I don't reply. He expects answers right away from people. If anyone should get in trouble it's him."

"Nah, uh," Shawn sticks his tongue out at me.

I pick up a slice of toast and I throw it at him. It hits him in the side of the head.

"Hey," he yells, picking up a forkful of scrambled eggs he flicks it towards me and I move out of the way watching it hit Evan smack in the face.

I start laughing.

Mom has a shock look on her face as she watches us.

"Oh, boy." Mrs Wilson says. "This isn't going to end well.

Of course it's not. Shawn shouldn't have thrown scrambles eggs.

Mr Wilson grabs some food and he puts it on a plate. "Let's go Sweetheart. I don't want to be here when the food fight starts."

Dad grabs some food as well. He takes Mom's hand. "Get you're plate. We'll eat in the living room."

Mom and Mrs Wilson pick up their plates and they leave the room with our father's.

Madison looks at Ethan. "Should we leave as well?"

Ethan shakes his head. "I don't think anything will come out of it.

A piece of egg is stuck on Evan's collar and I pick it up and put it in my mouth. I whisper in his ear. "It tastes better off you."

Evan's face turns red. "Don't say things like that to me."

"It's true though." I put my hand on his leg. "If you weren't dating Bethany I would let you take me up to your room. Since you have a girlfriend I'm not going to ask you." I pour myself a glass of orange juice and start to drink.

Evan phone starts to ring and he pulls it out of his pocket.

I see the name on his screen. "Bethany,"

Why does she have to call him? I thought she was enjoying her time in Europe on photo shoots.

Evan looks at me. "I have to take this." He swipes his finger across the screen." "Bethany," he pushes the door open and walks out the back.

I see him pull the phone away from his ear and he hits another button on the phone.

I think he put it on loudspeaker.

"I'll be back." I walk to the basement.

At the other end of the basement is a door that leads to decking where Evan is on the phone with Bethany.

Me being the nosy person that I am wants to listen in on the conversation.

I want to know if Bethany has heard about the billboard that Evan and I are on together.

Bethany's whiny voice comes across the phone.

Bethany: Baby, why won't you come here? I want to see you.

Evan: I'm busy.

Bethany: No, you're not. I heard from some friends that you were seen around Ariana. Don't you care that I hate that girl?

Evan: I don't care if you hate her, Bethany. She's a better person than you will ever be. You have put a wedge between Ariana and I. I hate that you have ruined a friendship between my best friend and I. She hasn't done anything to you.

Bethany: She's trying to take you from me. You're mine, Evan. If I have to take drastic measures to keep you I will. She screams through the phone.

Shawn walks through the door during that comment and he looks at me.

My eyes widen at what she said.

She's threatening me.

It's bad enough that she took my child from me and now she wants to take me out.

I haven't done anything to her.

As the saying goes jealousy is a bitch and I'm in the crosshairs when it's comes to Bethany.

Shawn wraps his arms around me. "I'm going to protect you, Ariana. I promise nothing will happen to you."

For some reason I trust my brother. All he's ever done is protect me. That's why he's probably involved with something to do with the agent that I saw him with when Evan was in the hospital.

Evan: I'M NOT YOURS. He yells.

After that I don't hear anything as I think he's hung up on her.

Looking at Shawn I ask. "What's going on?"

He runs a hand through his hand. "I can't tell you. It's safer for you to be in the dark, but when the time is right I promise I will tell you everything."


"I'm going inside." Opening the door to the basement I head back in the direction of the dining room.

When I get to the dining room I see Bradley talking to Charlie.

She looks at me as I enter the room. "Can we go for a walk?"

"Sure," I pick up a waffle from the plate and I begin to eat it as Charlie and I walk out of the house.

"I've been dating this guy for a year now and he's been talking about getting married and starting a family."

A smile spreads across my face. "That's great. Mom and Dad are going to be happy to be Grandparents in the future."

She laughs. "I'm glad you're excited. The thing is I want him to meet Mom and Dad, but I don't want to bring him home without some support."

"So, you want me to be there when he comes to dinner?"

She nods. "Also, I want you to meet him before Mom and Dad. I'd like to have your blessing before I tell Mom and Dad.

I sit on the step and turn towards her. "Why do you need my blessing? You should bring whoever you like to dinner."

Charlie holds my hand. "His name is Jasper Moretti. He's the younger brother of a Mafia guy."

"WHAT?" I yell.

She cover my mouth with her hand. "Not so loud." She moves her hand. "I met him when I went to a party that a friend was working at. She snuck me in and there he was standing with a group of men. When his eyes landed on me I felt electricity run through my body. It was love at first sight, but I had to keep it quiet as he's really protective of me. He's agreed to meet you."

She did a good job with keeping a secret.

Knowing my brothers they won't like this Jasper guy, which is why she wants my blessing before going to the rest of the family.

"When am I meeting the guy?"

"Monday, I think it's best that we do this at a cafe."


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