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After lunch Mary pulls her phone out of her pocket and she looks at it. "I have to get going. Henry wants to go out for dinner tonight." She hugs me. "I hope you can make that son of mine fall in love with you. I would prefer you to be my daughter in law then that woman my son is with."

Evan looks at her. "I'm not going to fall in love with, Ariana. She's my best friend. If something was going to happen between us it would have happened before now." He hugs her. "We'll see you next weekend at the launch party. That might be the last one I can go to until I've finished filming the romantic movie I was cast in."

Mary laughs. "Damn! I feel sorry for the woman that's starring with you in it."

I elbow him. "You're more like the action type of person. The romantic comedy is going to be a nice twist."

Evan looks at me. "I should get you a day pass for the set. I would love to see how you would react while being on the film set with me."

"I would love to see how everything works behind the scenes of a movie."

Evan's phone starts to ring. "Excuse me." He answers the call and walks out of the room.

I walk Mary to her car. "Do you think he'll actually want to be seen with me on the set of the movie?"

She nods. "All Evan has talked about is asking you to see him on set, but he was afraid you would turn him down as you've been busy with being a photographer."

"I would have jumped at any chance of seeing Evan do what he loves. He came with me to work today."

"Did he like it?"

"He ended up making out with my boss while he tried on the Men's line."

She shakes her head. "He's exactly like his father. They don't know what they have in front of them until it's not there anymore."

"Did something like this happen to Henry and you?"

Mary opens the car door and sits in her seat. "You could say that. Henry and I met through our parents. They were best friends and one night my parents had a party and invited Henry's family. I spent the night drinking punch, which I later learnt had alcohol in it. Henry and I slept together." She has tears in her eyes. "A couple months later I found out I was pregnant with Evan. It was also the time that I saw Henry with another woman and she was hanging all over him. When he saw me he pushed her away. He hurt me by being with another. I packed my bags and moved to Alaska."

"Did Henry come after you?"

A smile spreads across her face. "He did after he found out that I was pregnant. He begged my parents to tell him where I was. Henry got the information he needed from them by telling them that I was pregnant with his child. My parents believe that a child should have both parents in there lives and that gave them the push to give him my address. Henry begged me for forgiveness even though he swore he didn't do anything with the girl. When he went back to work he hired a male secretary and he gave female clients to other people. He didn't want to lose me, so he made a few changes at work that made things easier for us."

Evan walks out of the house and he stops at the top of the stairs. "Bye, Mum."

Mary waves at him. "Bye, son. I will you see next weekend." She closes the door and them starts the engine.

"Bye, Mary." I step away from the car.

"Bye, Ari." She turns her attention to her son for a moment. "Good luck with everything." She pulls away.

I watch her pull away before I walk back to the house.

Evan has his arms crossed and he's leaning against the wall. "What did Mum and you talk about?"

"She was giving me some advice." I place my hand on his arm. "Lets watch a movie. We need to practice with being a couple and stuff."

He laughs. "I know how to it is to be in a relationship. You're more reserved and it's you that's making this awkward not me." Evan lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder. He carries me into the house and drops me on the leather couch. "I'll make us some popcorn and you can get the movie." He walks into the kitchen.

I walk over to the DVDs and go through the eight shelves that Evan has full of DVDs. He has them alphabetised which is easier for me to find the movie that I want to see. I take it off the shelf and put it in the player.

A couple minutes later, Evan walks into the living room with a bowl of popcorn and two diet cokes. He places them on the table. He sits on the couch next to me and he presses play.

I pick up the bowl and place it between us. I reach for some popcorn at the same time as Evan and his hand touches mine.

He looks at me, before he takes the popcorn and places it in his mouth.

I grab my handful and turn back to the TV.

Halfway through the movie Evan stretches his arms out and then he places his right hand behind my back.

I look at him.

"What?" He asks.

"If you want to put your arm around my shoulder, just do it. Instead of putting on a show." I move closer to him and lie my head on his shoulder. "It's not that hard."

Evan wraps his arm around me. "I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

"I'll never feel uncomfortable when it comes to you." I kiss his cheek and turn my attention back to movie.


I wake up to a loud bang. I look around the room and notice that I'm still in the living room with Evan.

Evan and I must have fallen asleep during the movie as I'm still in his arms. He opens his eyes and he looks at me. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I rub my eyes. "Who turned the TV off?"

"I did. You fell asleep before the credits rolled and I didn't want to move you." He looks at the clock on the wall. "Do you want to see what the cooks made for dinner tonight?"

"Sure," I move out of his arms. I stand up and wait for him to move off the couch.

Evan rises and holds his hand out for me.

I take his hand and we walk into the kitchen to see that the table has been set. There's two candles lit on the table and two plates are set with a silver platter in the middle. Two wine glasses are filled to the rim with red wine.

Evan pulls the seat out for me. "I want to show you how much I care for you."


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