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The limo pulls in front of a wide golden gate with the letter M on it. There's an intercom that the driver presses and he talks for a bit before the gates open and the car drives up the driveway.

Looking outside I see a bunch of trees on either side of the driveway.

A dog begins to race after the car with a guy running after it. "Chase," he yells.

The dog stops and looks at the guy, before it barks and runs off again.

Charlie laughs. "Chase, knows I'm here. That why he's running from Brenton."

The car stops next to a golden statue of an angel. It's similar to the one that's outside Buckingham Palace in London.

Evan steps out of the car first and he puts is hand out for Charlie to take and she does.

She touches his chest and says. "Thanks, Evan." She walks off yelling. "Jasper."

Evan's hand is held out for me to take and I do. He smiles at me. "Should I be worried who owns this place?"

I nod. "It's the Moretti Family."

His face pales. "Shit," he looks around and we see heavily armed men around the grounds. "At least we're well protected in the premises of these guys."

I laugh. "That's true."

Jasper walks over to us. He's wearing the same suit he wore this after and I don't see his holster. "Hey, Ariana. I told you I won't have a gun with me for dinner."

Evan grabs my arm and he whispers. "Why didn't you tell me that he had a gun while you were meeting him?"

"I didn't think it was important."

"Whoever you meet is important to me. I don't want you to put your life at any more risk than it is."

What does he mean by 'put your life at anymore risk than it is?' My life isn't in any danger, that I don't know about.

Jasper holds his hand for Evan to shake. "I'm Jasper Moretti."

Evan takes his hand. "Evan Wilson."

"I thought I recognised you. So, when's your next blockbuster coming out?"

Evan wraps his arm around me. "I'm working on a movie now, while I do some modelling at the side for the company that Ariana works for."

A guy with dirty blonde hair wearing a suit walks out the door. He has blue eyes and he looks like his brother.

Standing next to him is a blonde girl and she wearing a short red dress that stops above her knees. Her hair is in a ponytail.

They walk over hand in hand and I recognise them as Lauren and Knox Moretti.

The face of the Moretti group.

A lot of people know that the Moretti Group is a front to all the illegal stuff they do.

I personally don't understand how someone like Lauren can oversee the stuff he does and live happily with him, but I'm not the one in her situation.

I'm in a completely different situation. I'm in love with my best friend while being accidentally engaged to him in the public eye.

To Evan and I it's starting to feel like the real thing, but there's one thing stopping me from getting too close to him and that's Bethany.

Every inch of the mansion reminds me of all the times that he's been with her alone in the house and all the places they could have had sex.

Everything in the house is what she envisioned for them as a couple, while my vision of a place is different to hers.

The more time I spend with Evan I'm falling for him more and I know when we break-up at the party it's going to be hard for me.

At times I see the love Evan has for me, but I don't know if it's true love or it's a crush kind of love and I'm truely afraid to find out.

Evan introduces us to Knox and Lauren. "This is my fiancé Ariana Houston and I'm Evan Wilson."

Lauren squeals. "It's nice to meet you in person. Can I get your autograph?"

Evan laughs. "Sure, Sweetheart."

"Can I get a picture too? My best friend won't believe that I met a celebrity like yourself."

"Don't you meet celebrities all the time with your company?"

She shrugs. "They're not Evan Wilson."
She looks at Evan and says. "Kara and I have loved you since your first movie and we've had a bet at who would meet you first and I won."

Knox smiles. "She gets excited easily. Please forgive her for her behaviour."

I laugh. "I use to be that way too. Until I met the guy I had a celebrity crush on and found out that he was a complete douche. You can't take people at face value, but with Evan he doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Which is why I love him."

Evan leans down and his lips smash against mine.

I wrap my arms behind his neck and I deepen the kiss.

He tastes like peppermint, thanks to the mint he had before we arrived here.

A throat clears and I see my sisters face turns red as I look at her. "Is there a problem?"

"Yes," she walks over to me holding Jasper's hand. "I don't want to see my sister get stripped on the driveway with my boyfriends family around."

I roll my eyes. "You're going to pay for that comment, sis. When you least expect it, I'm going to pay you back."

She laughs. "I'm looking forward to it."

"I'll show you into the house." Knox says and he leads the way inside the mansion.

We climb a select of stairs that leads to the front door.

Knox opens the door and we walk inside.

To the left of door is a double staircase that leads to the second floor of the house.

A chandelier is hanging in the living room that has a fireplace. Above the fireplace is family photos of the Moretti's.

Then there's one of Lauren and Knox on their wedding day.

Next to that is a picture of the wedding party.

A red head is looking at a guy that looks similar to Jasper and Knox.

He must be related to them.

Lauren stops next to me. "I love that group photo." She picks it up and points to the red head. "That's my best friend Kara Collins and the guy she's eying is Knox's cousin Derek. They're getting married in a couple of weeks and their first child will be born not long after the wedding."

"How long did she have a crush on Derek before he asked her out?"

She laughs. "He never asked her. She had to ask him out herself. On the first date he told her that he couldn't ask her out as he didn't want to put her life in danger. She told him that if her best friend could be involved with her cousin then she's capable of doing the same thing."

"Did she ask him to marry her? Or was it his idea?"

"It was his. He came to me first. He wanted to make sure that I was okay with it. You know how the guys ask the parents?" I nod. "Well Kara and I don't have great parents and we made a plan that if either of us were to get married the guy would have to ask the permission of the best friend. Kara gave Knox a hard time when she asked him."

"I hope you did the same to him."

"I did. He had to go through more hoops than Knox did with my best friend. He past with flying colours."

"What kind of test did he have to pass?"

"I had to know that he could protect my best friend if something were to happen with other families and he proved that to me. You should do the test with Jasper.

Maybe I will.

Looking around the room I see Evan having a serious conversation with Knox and then they walk out of the room.

Lauren looks in the direction of Knox. "Oh," she mumbles. "Knox is in business mode with Evan."


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