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A couple minutes later, Charlie walks into the dining room with the pregnancy test in her hand and her face is pale. "I'm..." before she can get the words out she collapse and Jasper just makes it to her before her head can hit the floor.

I walk over to her and see...


Two lines on the stick.

She's pregnant.

Jasper looks on the ground and he sees the test. He holds Charlie in his arms. "She's pregnant." He announces to the room.

Knox walks over to his brother and places his hand on his shoulder. "Congrats, brother."

"We should take her to the hospital."

Knox looks at me. "Lauren's on the phone to our doctor. He'll be here soon to look at her. Whenever someone here gets sick we like to deal the same Doctor and that includes the woman of this house.


Lauren walks over to me with her phone in her hand. "He has two Doctors. I called the female one. She deals with pregnancies. When I had my son I told Knox that I wasn't going to let a male check me out. He had. I choice, but to hire someone for me."

"Dinner next weekend at my parents place will be a lot more interesting."

Lauren laughs. "I wish I was there to see what you're brother are like."

Evan moves over to me and he wraps his arms around me. "

"They're not that welcoming. I remember all the stuff I went through when I first became friends with her in kindergarten. It still gives me nightmares."

I hit his arm. "It wasn't that bad."

He laughs. "You call putting worms in my meat pie wasn't bad. They were wiggling while the inside of the pie was hot."

Lauren and I laugh.

Knox looks at us. "It was worst when a girl met our father. He used to pull a gun on them and point it at their heads. He said. "Are you sure you want to join this family?" I had a girlfriend that literally peed on the floor and I swear she even shit herself. She got out of the house quick smart."

I shake my head. "I don't blame her. Who would expect their boyfriends father to pull a gun on them. Let me guess. It was probably to see if the girl is worthy of the Family?"

Jasper stands up with Charlie in his arms. "It was." He looks at his brother. "I'm glad that Knox put an end to that bastards life." He walks out of the room.

Knox looks at the ground.

I wasn't expecting that to come out of his mouth.

They should really keep family matters to themselves.

It's like they keep forgetting that they met me less than two hours ago.

When Charlie wakes up I'm going to go home.

Evan's phone starts to ring and he excuses himself. He walks out of the room and stops near the front door.

Lauren grabs my hand and she pulls me out of the room. "Let's check on your sister."

We walk up the stairs to the second floor.

The room that Charlie's in is at the end of the corridor.

Jasper looks up when we enter. "She's dehydrated. The doctor gave her some fluids. She should be waking up soon."

Evan walks into the room with Knox. He stands next to me. "I just got a phone call from agent and she told me that shooting for the movie starts tomorrow at 5am. I have to go."

"I'll go with you." Looking at Jasper I say. "Can she stay the night?"

"Sure, do you want me to drop her off at the office in the morning?"

I shake my head. "Tell her to take a couple days off. I'll let my bosses know that she won't be able to come in. If she wants to she can sketch things for our new line. You could fax them to me if you want."

"Okay," he smiles. "I'm glad that her sketches are actually going to be clothing. She made Knox and I suits a couple weeks ago. A few men have even asked her to make one for them."

"Is she going to do it?"

"Yes, I am." Charlie sits up. She looks at me. "Thanks for coming tonight, sis. It meant the world to me."

I walk over to her and give her a hug. "I'll tell you again, Charlie. You've got a good man there. Even though he does bad things I believe they're for the right reason. I can tell that The Moretti's want to get away from the dirty business."

Knox has his arms crossed. "Have you been talking to my wife?"

I laugh. "No," looking at him I say. "If you were completely evil you would have shot me instead of letting me in your house. I heard that you're building an orphanage and a youth centre. The kids of this generation are going to thank you for doing this."

"I'll walk you out." Jasper says.

Evan holds my hand and we walk out of the room with Knox following us.

"I called my driver while you were with your sister. He's going to take you home." Knox tells us.

"Thanks, Knox."

"You're welcome."

Lauren is walking beside him and once we get to the door she hugs me. "Call me during the week and we can organise a girls night."

"That would be nice." I hear a gun off and I'm pulled behind the wall of the house.

I see Knox covering Evan with his body.

"Shit," Knox orders his men around and he gets three men to take Lauren, Evan and I to the basement.

"What about Charlie?"

Jasper looks at me. "I'll be with her." He points the gun at the door and he runs from the room.

The three men lead us to basement and they lock the door, trapping us inside.

Lauren walks over to the lounge and she sits. She pulls a magazine off the table and she flips through it.

This must be normal for her.

Evan walks over to me. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I lie.

He knows I'm lying too.

I'm shaking and I'm probably pale.

Evan sits on the ground and he pulls me down with him.

He's probably used to this since he's been in movies that he's been shot at. Even if they were blanks, but the bullets out there a real.

I feel something sticky on my hands and look down at them and I see blood. "Evan,"


"Have you been shot?"

Lauren stands up and she rushes over to us.

"No," Evan says. He looks at himself.

Lauren moves my shirt. "You were shot, Ariana." She takes a closer look at it. "The bullet went through."

"Oh," that's when everything begins to turn dark.

My hands make there way to Evan's face. "I love you, Evan."

He place his hand over the wound. "Don't give into the pain, Ariana. You need to stay awake, baby."

My eyes begin to close.

He taps my face. "Ariana, I can't lose you baby. Please, stay awake."

The door opens to the basement and I hear Lauren say. "She's been shot."

After that I black out.


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