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Tonight is the last night that I will be needed on set of the movie. I have met some amazing people through this movie  and I have been asked to do a table reading in a couple of weeks for a to show.

Apparently, the tv show needs an attractive blonde for the role of a school nurse. (They're words not mine.)

I haven't given them an answer yet as I don't know what I will be doing in a couple of weeks and I don't want to get their hopes up that I will accept.

In Hollywood you're expected to take roles as they're offered, but for me I'm not going to do that. I'm going to take roles that appeal to me.

If Hollywood really wants me around I'll be happy. If not I have no problems going back to what I love.

Evan walks out of his trailer. "How does it feel to be filming your last scene in the movie?"

"I'm excited. I had so much being apart of the movie." Looking at him I say. "I'm going to concentrate on my job at Butler Industries until you finish with the movie."

"That's good. I've noticed that you started to slack when it came to designing things for the fashion line that Charlie and you are working on."

"I know. I feel guilty that she had to do more work."

"Has she been in contact with Xanthe and Yasmin while she's been away?"

"All the time. They emailed me the things that she deigned so I can make things match the outfit."

Evan takes my hand as we head towards warehouse 23.2

Richard is waiting for us. He looks at me. "It was a pleasure to work with you, Ariana."

"You too, Richard." He shakes my hand. "I have a new project to start when this movie is over and I was hoping that you would be part of the movie?"

A smile spreads across my face. "I would like that."

"Perfect," he looks at Evan. "I would like you to be apart of it as well, Evan."

"If she's in I'm in." Evan pulls a card out of his pocket. "You're going to need a manager."

I shake my head. "No one is going to manage me. I will be doing that myself."

A smile spreads across his face. "Do you think you'd like to take on a new client?"

I look at him in amusement. "Really? You want me to manage you?"

"Yes, I can't imagine another person that's perfect for that position besides you."

"What about your manager now?"

"She hasn't been doing a good job. She keeps telling me take roles for things that I'm not interested in."

"I don't know anything about being a manager. I'm going to be winging it."

"That's fine. Do you want to continue with action movies? Or do you want me to explore different roles for you?"

"I'd like to try my luck with different movies. If you can I would like to be apart of a tv series."

Richard hears the last part and he says. "I have a friend that's putting together a cast for a tv series here in Los Angeles. I can give him a call for you and put in a good word."

"That would be great." Evan says. "

"It's time to finish Ariana's last scene."

My character is standing in front of church waving her best friend off as she heads away for her honeymoon.

Turning to Evan's characters best friend I say. "I'm taking the job in New York. When they get back can you tell them to give me a call." I write my number on a piece of paper.

He takes it from me. "I will. Before you leave I want you to know that I love you." He kisses my cheek.

I slap him. "You can't tell me that kind of thing before I leave."

He touches his cheek. "Yes, I can. If I couldn't tell you now I would regret it for the rest of my life and I don't want to live with that kind of regret."

I hug him. "I like you too, but I think you deserve someone better than me."

There's a car not too far from where I am standing and I climb in.

Next to me is a car with a camera on it and as I drive away the shot continues and I cross the intersection.

After that scene Richard moves me to the green room where I will be filming the last scene.

I climb into the makeshift car and i begin to drive. As I cross the intersection a couple miles down the road from where the reception was a truck runs through the red light and crashes into the car.

"Cut," Richard yells. He walks over to me. "That was perfect."

Evan lifts me up and he hugs me. "That was perfect. I can't believe that was you're last scene."

I shake Richard's hand. "Thanks for the opportunity."

"You're welcome, sweetheart." He claps his hands gaining everyone's attention. "The next scene we will be filming is the funeral scene."

A group of extras put the casket on a table with a small bouquet of roses.

As I watch this scene unfold it touches my heart and it brings tears to my eyes as I watch Evan and Natasha cry for my character.

It's beautiful the words that Natasha said about my character.

Evan's character also had nice things to say and he looks at me as he says everything.

Tears fall down his face as he thinks about what could happen to me with what Bethany has planned.

Evan and a group of extras pick up the coffin and they carry it out of the mak shift church.

"Cut," Richard yells. "That was on of the most touching scenes I've see unfold on the screen. That's all for tonight."

Some people from the set walk out with a cake and on the cake it says. "Welcome to Hollywood, Ariana."

Looking at Richard I say. "You didn't have to do this."

"Of course I did. You were such a surprise when you showed up on set with the lead male actor. He never told me how beautiful and talented his girl is."

My face starts to heat up from his word.

Evan and I spent most of the night talking and laughing with the cast from the movie.

A keg is brought out and a few bottles of wine.

Richard wanted to throw a party for me because "I was worth it." Is what he told me.

After a few drinks I start to feel the effects of the alcohol.

Walking over to Evan I say. "Can we go home?"

He nods. "I'll have to call my driver." He pulls his phone out of his pocket and he makes the phone call.

I hug Natasha and a few extras that I got to know while I was on set.

Evan takes my hand and we walk out of the studio.

When we get outside I see the car waiting for us.

The car door is open and I climb inside.


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