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When I wake in the morning I feel Evan's side of the bed is cold. He hasn't been there for awhile. I climb out of bed and head to the vanity to brush my hair.

I walk downstairs and look for Evan. I find him in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

He looks up as he hears the stool being pulled out by me. "Hey, baby. I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed."

A smile spreads across my face. "I'm sorry I ruined the surprise. It was sweet of you to think about doing that for me."

He flips the pancakes over. "When you're heavily pregnant then I'll be able to bring you breakfast as you probably won't be able to get out bed."

I glare at him. "Your making it sound like I'm going be lazy when I'm heavily pregnant."

"Most woman do become lazy."

Looking at him I say. "I won't have time to be lazy. I have premiers, fashion shows, photo shoots, designing, acting and photo shoots again to keep me busy. Oh, shoot. I need to call Xanthe about getting me a dress for the movie awards show."

Evan puts the pancakes on a plate and he brings them over to me. "I need a tux as well."

Of course he does.

"I'll give them a call now. If I don't do it now then I'll forget about it." I pull my phone out of my bag and I call Xanthe.

After a couple rings she picks up.

Xanthe: Hello, this is Xanthe.

Me: Hey, it's Ariana there's a movie awards happening in two weeks and I was wondering if you have a dress for me to wear?

She laughs.

Xanthe: You know my sister and I always have dresses for you to wear. When you walk down the red carpet let everyone know you're wearing a Butler Design.

Me: Everyone knows that I wear on Butler designs. Evan's also going to need something to wear.

Xanthe: That's perfect I get to match Evan and you up with the clothes. It's going to look cute seeing the both of you matching.

A smile spreads across my face as I think about Evan wearing a matching tie.

I just hope she gives me a red dress to wear.

The only dresses I seem to wear are black ones. I hope this time Xanthe gives me a different type of dress to wear.

Me: Xanthe when do you need Evan and I there for the fitting?

Xanthe: Come by some time next week. Are you coming into work today?

Me: No, I have to go to the mental hospital.

Xanthe: Please, don't tell me that you're going to see the girl that made you have a miscarriage?

Me: Yes, I am. I need to get closure and I'm ready to move forward with my life. Leaving that girl in the past will be good for Evan and I.

Xanthe: Be careful. I'll call you later and see how everything went.

Me: Okay,

I hang up the phone and start to eat breakfast that Evan cooked.

He looks at me. "Are we getting the clothes from there?"


He fist pumps the air. "Yeah," he looks at me. "The guys on the red carpet are going to be jealous that I have a better suit than them. A lot of the guys wear Dolce and Gabana, while I get to Butler. Did you know the men's clothes line had become popular since I model for them?"

I shake my head. "Did I tell you about the Butler Fashion Show?"

"No, when is the show? Am I modelling?"

"Yes, you are. It's the weekend after the Movie Awards Show."

"Okay," a smile spreads across his face. "We're going to have so much fun backstage."

Trust Evan to think like that.


After breakfast Evan drives us to the hospital and I pull my phone out of my back.

I text Shawn and let him know what's going on.

He's not that happy that I'm going to do this, but he also understands that I'm doing this for myself and no one else.

To move on from something it's best to face the problem head on, instead of trying to forget it.

I tried forgetting about Bethany, but she seemed to get into my head more and that's not healthy for me since I'm pregnant.

Evan pulls in front of the hospital. He parks the car in the parking lot. He turns towards me. "Are you ready?"

I shake my head. "I'm never going to be ready to face her. All she's ever done is cause problems for me."

His hand touches my face and I feel extremely loved by that gesture. "You're going to be fine." He points between us. "We're going to be fine. We're going to get the closure we need with her. She will be on her own."

"Do you know what's going to happen to the baby after its born?"

Evan moves his hand off my face. "I don't know what's going to happen to the baby. That child isn't our concern. It has nothing to do us. I'm just thankful the baby isn't mine."

"She tried to pass it off as yours. I wasn't stupid to fall for her sick games. Besides, if it was yours she would have been further along when she came home from Paris, but she wasn't."

Evan opens the car door. "I want to get this over with."

So do I.

He steps out and walks around the car. He opens my door for me and I step out.

I shut the door and follow Evan to the entrance of the hospital.

Evan takes my hand as we approach the front desk. He stops at the desk and says. "My fiancé and I are both here to see Bethany Hanson."

She types something on the computer. "I'll let the Doctor Collins know that you're here. Please take a seat." She indicates towards the chairs.

I walk over to the seats and find magazines on the table. I pick one up and flip through the pages.

Evan pulls out his phone and he starts tying away on it. "You're brothers have decided to come as well. They're about to pull into the parking lot. Do you want to meet them out front or should I?"

"You can." I turn back to the magazine that's in my hand and I see Evan walk out the door.

The New It Couple

Exes Xanthe Butler and Rafael Cortez have been seen together at restaurants and other functions.

They seem to be having so much fun together that they're now being dubbed The New It Couple.

Both Xanthe and Rafael are taking the fashion world by storm as they collaborate with each other.

It goes into more details about who they've been hanging around and photos of the group together.

Evan and I haven't had a chance to do anything with them as we've been busy and spending time with other people.

Shawn, Brad and Evan walk back into the waiting room.

Doctor Collins walks out the door and he looks at the group. "Thank you all for coming." He looks at Shawn and Brad. "Even though the two of you didn't call to say you were coming. It's good to see you. Bethany is going to happy to see you all."


Doctor Collins shows us to his room. "I'm going to get Bethany." He walks past the door and enters a no public access door.

I walk into the room and take a seat next to Evan as we wait for Bethany.

A couple minutes later, Bethany walks into the room with Doctor Collins.

Bethany doesn't look great. Her eyes don't shine like used to.

It's like all her happiness has been sucked away.

Her stomach is bigger than it was when I saw her a couple months ago.

Bethany looks at the group. "I want to apologise to you all for everything I've done." She turns her attention to me. "There's so many things that I've done wrong to you, Ariana and I'm truly sorry for that."

An apology isn't going to take away everything she put me through.

Nothing will ever bring my baby back to me.

She looks between Evan and I. "I was jealous of the relationship that the two of you have. It showed me that I wasn't ever going to have something as pure as what you have."

"Why were you jealous Bethany? You had everything that everyone wanted. You had you're beauty and leadership. Everyone wanted to be like you. I wasn't the type to follow others and it hurt when you took the one person I cared for away from me."

She sniffles. "I'm sorry." She begins to repeat the phrase over and over.

I walk over to her and I place my hand on her shoulder. "I forgive you, Bethany." I feel much lighter after I said that to her.

It's time for me to move on and enjoy my life with Evan.


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