First Stop Charlie

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As soon as we enter Los Angeles Hans drives us to Knox's place.

Knox gives him directions to the mansion. "You're sister has been blowing up my phone asking about you. She's impatient to see you."

I laugh. "She wants to make sure that I'm okay."

"You're parents will be over for dinner tonight. They want to hear about what happened while we were away."

"Okay," I turn towards him. "Can you help me tell them? I don't think I'll be able to tell them everything."

He nods. "Sure,"

The car pulls in front of the gates to the mansion.

I see the guys draw their weapons and they aim it at the car. "Knox?"

He looks out the window. "Damn it. I told them that I was going to be in a black SUV, but it looks likes no one passed the message on. Knox pulls the window down. "Stand down men."

They put their guns away and the gate opens.

Hans drives the car to the house. He parks the car.

I look out the window and I see Charlie with Jasper and they look happy.

Stepping out of the car I walk over to my sister and hug her. "Hey, sis."

A smile spreads across her face. "I'm glad you're not hurt." She looks behind me. "Where's Shawn and Brad?"

"They're making their way back themselves. I just need time away from them."

"Have you spoken to them?"

"Yes, they came to me before we left Nashville to apologise for everything that happened."

"Did you forgive them?"

"We're talking, Charlie. I'm hurt from the things they put me through. Shawn and Evan had reasons for doing what they did and Shawn doesn't. He just went along with Brad and Evan did."

Charlie looks at Knox. "Can you get her bags and take it to the spare room close to mine."

I hit her arm. "Charlie, that's rude. This is his house and it's up to him if I'm allowed to stay not you."

She give Knox the puppy dog eyes and she pleads with him. "Please, Knox."

Knox looks at me and laughs. "I told you she won't let you leave." He look at the front door. "Where's Lauren?"

"She's still in bed. Last night she had a fever. I called the doctor and he came over and checked on her. He gave her some medication before he left."

"I'm going to check on her after I take Ariana's things up to her room."

I pull my phone out of my bag. "I'm going to call Yasmin. I told her of hive her a call when I got back."

Walking inside the house I find a bedroom close to kitchen and I call Yasmin.

Yasmin: Hello, this is Yasmin.

Me: Yasmin, it's Ariana. I'm back.

Yasmin: That's great. When can you come back to work?

Me: I'll be there tomorrow.

Yasmin: That's great. Xanthe as been asking about you.

Me: I'll give her a call later. Hie has everything been going?

Yasmin: It's been going okay. We just miss our photographer and model. Things were easier onnus when you were in the office.

Me: Things will be back to normal then.

Yasmin: No, it won't. You're still the talk around town. Bethany destroyed your reputationn and now you have to build yourself up again.

Me: I don't care about what people are saying about me. They can believe the shit that the news wants to spread.

Yasmin: Xanthe and I have been hounded by the paparazzi to make a comment on what happened and we've been declining them all the time, but you should really get your side of the story out there.

Me: I'll think about it.

"Ariana," I hear my name and turn in the direction of the voice and I see Lauren walk into the room. "You're here."

Yasmin: I'll let you go. You've probably got a lot of people to talk to.

That I do.

Me: I'll see you at the office at 9am.

I hang up the phone and look at her. "I heard you were sick."

She nods. "I had a fever last night, but it's passing. I feel a bit better than I was last night."

"That's good to know." I hug her. "When's your next appointment with the doctor."

A smile spreads across her face. "Next week. Knox and I are looking forward to seeing our baby. We get to find out the gender of the baby."

"Are you going to find out? Or do you want it to be a surprise?"

Knox walks into the room. "I want it to be a surprise." He points at Lauren and she wants to find out."

I laugh. "That sucks. I bet a hundred that Lauren will win and you will find out next week."

Knox shakes my hand. "You're going to lose."

"Lose, what?" Jasper asks, walking into the room.

I turn towards him. "About him finding out the gender of the baby."

Charlie walks into the room and he places his arm around her. "He's going to find out. He won't be able to contain the excitement when he finds out."

Lauren looks at me. "He didn't want to know about our son. So, I told him to get out of the room if he didn't want to know while I asked the doctor and she told me it was a boy. After I found out Knox begged me to tell him. When I told him we were having a boy he was excited and he took us straight to the shops so we could shop and get everything ready for his room."

Charlie looks at Jasper. "We're going to find out the gender together."

Jasper kisses her cheek. "Yes, we are."

"What are you and Evan going to do?"

I look at the group. "Evan's going to come with me to the appointments. We will be living apart for while. I just need time to get over everything that happened. I'll never stop loving him." I place my hand on my stomach and a smile spreads across my face. "I'm happy that I'm going to have Evan's child. I never thought I would have a child until Evan showed me how he was going to propose go Bethany. If there wasn't a crowd where we were we would have forgotten about it, but since there was and the paparazzi outside the window we knew we had to play along. At first it was fake until he moved me into his place. I had to fight my feelings for him and remind myself that he was still with Bethany and I couldn't get the one man I wanted the most in the world."

Lauren wraps her arms around Knox. "It took us awhile to get together because we both are opposites in every single way. I was an event planner and he was the Mafia. I wasn't supposed to meet him that night, but he also wasn't supposed to fall for me. We ended up getting our happily ever after."

Knox looks at her lovingly. "Our happily ever after isn't finished. It will be over when we die together. I hope that we we have great great grandchildren when that happens."

Lauren looks at him. "So, we're going to live until were 100?"

"That's the plan."

That's so sweet.


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