House Warming Party Part III

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I hear the bell ring and I walk over to the door and I see my friends at the door.

"Xanthe," I hug her followed by Yasmin and Rafael. I great them both and hug them. "I'm glad you all made it."

There's another guy with them and I don't know who it is.

Yasmin introduces me to her boyfriend. "Cole, I want you to meet my best friend and employee Ariana Houston. Ariana this is his boyfriend Cole Mason."

Cole holds his hand out to me. "It's nice to meet you, miss Houston."

"It's nice to meet you too, Cole." I step aside and let them into the house."

Cole looks around. "This is a beautiful house. How can you afford a place like this if you work for Yasmin?"

"Cole," Yasmin hits him. "That's not a polite thing to say.

Looking at him I say. "I have my own money. I was born into a rich family and I have been doing other projects at the side as well as working and modelling for Yasmin and Xanthe."

Rafael pushes Cole aside. "Where's Evan? I have a few things to discuss with him."

"He's in his office talking Dad."

Rafael nods. "I'll talk to him later. It's not that important for me to intrude on what he's talking to your father about."

I show everyone to the living room where everyone is talking and drinking.

Yasmin is talking to Cole as they walk to the corner of the room.

Xanthe watches her sister. "He's not normally rude."

I touch her arm. "Don't worry about it, Xanthe."

"Ariana," someone yells and I look around for the person. "Excuse me,"

I walk over to my sister. "Charlie, what do you need?"

"Where's Dad? I need to tell him something."

"He's with Evan." My feet start to ache. "I'm gong to sit down, Charlie. My feet are sore."

She shakes her head. "You're legs shouldn't be sore." Looking down she sees me wearing heels. "You should take those shoes off."

I walk over to the couch and look out the window. I see the sun start to descend.

I can't wait to see the sunset tomorrow with Evan.

Evan has been gone with Dad for so long that I'm starting to worry about him.

Lauren takes her son from Knox and she walks over to me. "Ariana, I want you to meet my thirteen month old son, Nero."

Nero looks at me with his blue eyes that looks like his father. He has his mothers hair.

"You're so, cute." I tell him. I put my fingers over his nose and I say. "Who has your nose?"

He starts laughing as I make chomping noises.

Lauren has a smile on her face. "You're great with kids. Maybe, we can go out somewhere with Nero during the week?"

"Okay," I look across the room at Charlie. "Can Charlie come?"

She looks at Charlie. "I don't think Jasper will let her. He's being very protective of her. Knox was never like that."

"How was Knox then?"

"He's chill. If something happens he'll deal with it. Jasper however he likes to prevent things that's why he prefers Charlie to he close to him."

Lauren and I move over to the couch. She puts Nero next to her and he reaches out to me.

I look at her. "Can I hold him?"


I lift him up and place him on my lap.

He wraps his small hand around my finger and he starts babbling.

I look back at the door waiting for Dad and Evan to walk through the door.

Lauren touches my arm. "What are you worried about?"

"Dad and Evan left not long ago to talk in his office. I hope nothing has happened to him."

She laughs. "You're Dad isn't that scary. If you want scary you should see the pictures of Knox's." She looks at the ground. "My parents never cared about me and for your father to be in there talking to Evan it means that he's going to give him his blessing for you to marry him."

I pick up a glass of water from the table and I drink. "Thanks for getting a caterer for the party."

She smiles. "You're welcome. The next time you throw a party give me more time to come up with something."

"Okay, first I need you're card. Then I can call you for the engagement party and baby shower."

"You want me to organise those?"

"Yes," looking at my sister across the room. "My sister will be organising the hens night."

Evan walks into the room with Dad.

Dad whispers something to him before he walks over to Mom.

Evan clears his throat gaining everyone's attention. "Today is supposed to be a house warming party, but I don't want it to be just that." He holds his hand out to me.

I walk over to him and take his hand. "What are you doing, Evan?"

Pulling out my ring he goes down on one knee and says. "Ariana, I have loved you for a really long time and I was an idiot for not choosing you sooner. You have held my heart in your hands from the moment I met you in the hall freshman year of high school. As each day comes my love for you grows. Will you marry me?"

My hands begin to shake and my heart is racing as I look in the eyes of my best friend.

Tears begin to well on my eyes and I nod. "Yes, Evan. I will marry you."

Our family and friends cheer.

Evan slips the ring on my finger. "No one will ever get in our way again." He places his hand on my flat stomach. "Our child and you are my world now, Ariana and I will try my best to keep you happy. At times I will mess up. I want you to remember that I will always love you." He kisses me.

He's so sweet and I'm glad that Evan is all mine.

I don't have to worry about anyone trying to tear us apart or trying to kill me because there completely crazy.

Evan and my friends and family walk over to us and they congratulate us on the engagement.

Madison holds onto Ethan's arm as they stand close to us.

I haven't really had time to talk to them since the revelation of the baby and I feel guilty about it.

"Ethan, can we talk?"

He nods. "I think it's time we did."

"Follow me." He walks out of living room with me and we walk to baby's room.

I pull the ultrasound photo out. "This is your niece or nephew."

He looks at the photo and his eyes start to tear up as he remembers that he could have had this a long time ago with me. "This should have been us looking at this together a long time ago."

"I know." I place my hand on his arm. "We both know that we would never have been together like a real family as I loved your brother and I wouldn't have been able to raise our child with you."

He sighs. "I know. Are you going to tell Evan about what happened at the party like how I was given protection from Bethany and how it was broken?"

"Yeah, I'm going to do it tomorrow. I need to tell him before the tell all interview. I want everyone to hear the truth from me. I can't continue living with all these accusations circulating around Hollywood. My children are going know about this someday and I don't want them to think there mother is a home wrecker."

He sits on the floor. "Madison and I are moving next week. She wants to get away from Los Angeles. I think she's threatened by you."

"Why would she be threatened of me?"

He looks at the ground. "I told her that when we were growing up I had a crush on you and when I slept with you it felt great."

"I never felt that way about you, Ethan."

"I know."

There's a knock at the door and I see Madison there. "Ethan, can you keep me company? I don't know anyone here except your parents and brother."

Ethan stands up and he walks over to her. He leaves the room without saying a thing.

I walk over to the giraffe and I touch it.

The head reaches my shoulder and I feel short around the stuffed animal.

Evan walks into the room. "Ethan told me that I could find you in here." He looks at the giraffe. "You look cute standing next to giraffe." He takes his phone out of his pocket and he takes a photo.

I talk to Evan for a bit before we go back to the living room to join our family and friends.

A woman walks into the living room and she announces. "Dinner is ready."

Everyone makes their way into the kitchen where a banquet is set up with food. 

Lauren walks over to me. "She's one of the best caterers around Los Angeles and I got her at short notice. She usually drops everything for me and does last minute parties. I'll introduce you to her later."

I look at the food that's in the banquet and I see mixed vegetables, potatoes, steak and pork. I put a bit of everything on my plate before I walk over to the table.

A waiter is walking around the table with a bottle of wine in his hand and a hug of water.

"Can I have a glass of water?"

He pours water into the glass for me. "What can I give the person sitting next to you?"

Evan stands behind me. "I'll have some wine."

"Okay," the guy pours Evan a glass of wine before he moves to the spot.

Once everyone has their food we all start to dig in.

Small conversations are made around the table as we enjoy the food that was made at short notice.

Mom is sitting next to Lauren and she says. "I heard it was that organised the caterer."

"Yes, Madame." She looks at the ground."

Mom lifts her chin so Lauren is looking into her eyes. "You don't need to be scared of me. I'm not you're parents."

"How did you know?"

Mom places her hand on Lauren's shoulder. "I used to be like you a long time ago, but when I met my husband everything changed. I started to trust people and I learnt exactly what a mothers love should be when I met his mother. She showed me things that I didn't know was missing in my life. It made me show my feelings toward my children."

"Thank you, Mrs Houston."

Mom smiles. "You should come over to my place sometime with my daughter. You'd benefit from having a mother figure around."


Knowing Mom she's going to get my Grandmother to visit us.

Grandma has been wanting to visit us for awhile now, but with the threats of Bethany, mom thought it was safer that she stays away."

Evan nudges my arm and I turn towards him. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," looking back at mom I say. "Mom's going to get Grandma to visit us and she's going to get a shock when she learns that two of her Grandchildren are pregnant."

He laughs. "She's going to love being a Great Grandmother."

"You think so?"

He nods. "I do. She's going to love them. I wouldn't be surprised if she drags Charlie and you to the shops to buy things for baby's."

A phone starts to ring and everyone pulls their phones out to see if it's there's.

Evan looks at his and he curses. "I have to take this." He rushes out the door.

I push my plate of food away from me as I begin to feel full.

Charlie looks at my half eaten plate. "Aren't you going to finish that?"

I shake my head. "I'm full."

She shakes her head. "You should eat more than that."

After Charlie said that.

Mom starts telling me that I need to eat some more and I tell her the same thing I did to Charlie.

Evan walks back into the room and he takes a seat next to me. "I have to go back to universal studios tomorrow. The director forgot to add a part in the movie and he needs me to complete the scene."

"What scene did her forget?"

"It's part of the wedding scene. Where I'm with my friends waiting for Natasha's character to walk down the aisle."

"Why would be forget that?"

"He was too busy finishing off you're scene. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie when it comes out next year." He looks at my plate. "Are you going to finish off that plate?"

I shake my head.

Evan puts a breadroll on my plate. "If you're not going to eat the rest of the food at least eat this."

I take it from him and put it in my mouth.

After dinner the waiter clears the table and they start cleaning the kitchen.

Mom walks over to me. "You're Dad and I have to leave now. We have a busy day tomorrow."

I hug her. "Thanks for helping Evan with the house."

"You're welcome. Expect me to pop around every now and then since you live down the road."

I laugh. "I'm looking forward to you're unexpected visits, but you have to remember that Evan and I will be busy soon."

She nods. "Well let me know of your schedule so I don't look like an idiot and coming over to yours while you're at work."

"I'm still working for Xanthe and Yasmin. "I'm never going to leave my job with them. They're the best friends that I have and I wouldn't be where I am without them."

She smiles. "I'm glad my daughter knows who her true friends are."

Dad hugs me. "I love you, kiddo." He kisses my cheek. "Don't be a stranger and visit your Mom and I when you have free time."

A smile spreads across my face. "I'll have free time when our daughter comes."

I walk my parents to door and wave at them as they walk out the door.

Everyone starts to leave not long after my parents.

Once everyone had gone Evan take my hand and he pulls me to our bedroom.


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