Lunch with Lauren

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It's been a week and a half since was released from hospital after having her son.

She called me to have lunch with her and since I don't need to be on set today I agreed to meet her.

Looking at my phone I see the address and a smile spreads across my face when I see that we'll be having lunch at Lusive.

I have seen Chloe in a while and I'm hoping that she will be there.

The same security guy from last time is standing at the door and when he sees me approach he says. "Miss Knight is expecting you." He opens the door for me and I enter the club.

I follow the hall until I reach the bar.

Chloe is standing behind the bar and she hurries over to me. "It's good to have some familiar faces here. I'm sick of seeing all the men."

I laugh. "What happened to most of the females that got hired?"

She looks at Jai's office. "He fires them after his third warning of flirting with him. He told me that the woman are here to work and not flirt. He's uncomfortable when someone other than me flirts with him, which is why he's being careful with hiring woman now. Don't you get jealous when woman are around Evan."

Looking at her I say. "I can't get too jealous or I could jeopardise our careers. He's an actor and he kisses a lot of woman on set. As long as he comes home with me at night I know that he's not going to cheat on me."

"Where is he now?"

"At Universal Studios he's filming scenes for our movie."

She frowns. "Aren't you supposed to be on set?"

I shake my head. "Evan and I were filming different scenes yesterday and today. Tomorrow we'll be spending the entire day on set together and I'm looking forward to it."

A smile spreads across her face. "Let me guess that it will be some mature scenes? Where you get down and dirty."

Jai walks down the stairs and he looks at us. "Who's getting down and dirty?"

Chloe points at me. "She is on the set of her movie with her fiancé."

Jai wraps his arms around Chloe. "You couldn't pay me any amount of money to do a mature scene like that with Chloe."

She slightly turns in her arms. "You promised me that we would do a nude photo shoot."

I laugh.

Jai's face turns red and he places his fingers over her mouth. "You weren't supposed to tell anyone, Chloe."

She kisses his cheek. "People are going to see it when they walk into the house, because I plan to put the photo over the mantel piece."

He nips at her neck. "Jai stop." He lifts her up. "I'm going to take my fiancé away for a bit. Find a table and a waiter will be with you shortly."

"Everyone will be arriving shortly." Chloe yells, as she's carried up the stairs to the office.

The blinds are pulled across and I'm alone for a bit.

I pull out the script and I read through it quickly.

A waiter walks over to me. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Sure, can I have a jug of water."

He walks away from the table and I see him fill up the jug of water. He returns with a couple of glasses and the jug. "Mr Marshall told me that you were expecting a few more people."

"Thanks," I look at the glasses and see that he's put a total of six on the tray.

Why are there so many glasses?

Lauren didn't tell me who was coming to lunch. I thought it would have been Lauren, Charlie and I.

I don't have to wonder any longer as the door opens and I see Lauren walk in followed by Charlie, Amalia, Kara and another girl that I don't know.

The fourth girl had blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin and she looks beautiful.

She looks at the office. "Chloe," she yells.

The door opens to the office and Chloe runs out of the room. Her hair is a mess and she's not ashamed to show everyone what was happening in the office.

Chloe hugs the new comer. "You came Leila?"

She nods. "I couldn't miss meeting you're new friends."

Chloe walks over to the table and she introduces Charlie, Lauren and into her best friend. She looks at the two new comers. "I'm sorry I don't know those two."

Amalia steps forward and she holds her hand out to Chloe. "Hey, I'm Amalia."

She wasn't nice when I first met her. What's made her change all of a sudden?

Charlie stands next to me. "Amalia wants to apologise to you for the other day. She knows that she didn't make a good impression with you and she wants to make it up to you."

"Did she tell you why she acts like that?"

She nods. "It has to do with her being the head of the Mafia. She's supposed to act talk and make people afraid of her. She didn't want to do that with Knox's family. Knox has been good to her since her family died and she's the only one left to carry on the Marino family name."

Amalia looks at me. "Can we talk somewhere?"

"Sure," I lead the way over to the bar and I sit.

Amalia sits across from me. "I know you've spoken to your sister, but I want to do this myself. I want to apologise for the way I acted a week and a half ago. It's just when I'm around Adrian..." she looks at the ground. "It's complicated between us."

Looking at her I say. "I overheard part of the conversation, when I answered the door."

She runs her hands through her hair. "Men don't like a woman in charge and I was having a hard time with the ones from my families Mafia. They don't want me to be in charge for long and they're pressuring me into having an heir so he can take over when he's eighteen. They're giving me a certain amount of years to be head of it before they over throw me and I don't want that to happen so I gave Adrian an ultimatum. That I could kill him then and there after he trespassed on my property or he could live and give me an heir. He didn't want to die. So, he agreed to give me an heir. But, he told me under no circumstances will we ever be intimate all it is, is a good fuck and that's all it will ever be. He doesn't want anything to do with the child when the time comes."

I place my hand on her hand. "He may seem cold right now, but he will eventually thaw out and once he gets to know the true you, he will fall for you."

"You think so?"

I nod. "My fiancé and I didn't get together in a convential way either. He proposed to me before he took me on a real date. He was also dating a woman that was a psychopath at the time and it took awhile for us to actually be together. It could be the same way for Adrian and you. I just hope nothing bad has to come to you for him to realise how he truly feels."

Amalia hugs me. "Thank you, Ariana. It's good to have someone to talk to." She looks at Lauren. "I have nothing in common with my cousin's wife, but she's a kind woman that's willing to give people chances and I'm lucky to have that within family."

Amalia and I walk back to the group and we talk over lunch.

It was the best lunch I've had in awhile.


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