Telling Evan The Whole Truth

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I pull my car into the driveway and I'm greeted by Samuel our head of security. "Hello, Miss Houston. I'll let you right in."

"Thanks, Samuel." I look behind me and see Evan pull into the driveway. "Evan is behind me." I pull away from the gate and head to the house.

Pressing the garage button the doors open and I pull the car in.

Evan's side of the garage opens and he pulls I'm next to me.

I step out of the car and lean against it, folding my arms.

He steps out of the car. "Why were you in a hurry to get home."

"I wasn't in a hurry." I place my hand in his. "I want to make dinner with you and then we need to talk."

His face pales. "Just what a guy wants for hear from his girls mouth."

I laugh lightly. "It's not that type of talk, Evan. It's the type that you need to know before we go to the tell all interview."

He shakes his head. "I thought you told me everything I needed to know."

"No, I haven't. I've been putting it off for sometime, but I think it's best that you know before hand. I hope you don't get mad at Ethan for it."

He runs a hand through his hand. "I don't think you tell me over dinner. Since you started the conversation you might as well me." He pulls me to the living room where we sit on the lounge.

I can't look at him as I'm about to tell him about what happened that night.


I was in the library as a piece of paper was handed out to everyone and on it had information about a party that night.

A girl that sat opposite me took it from me and she said. "Are you going to the party?"

"Yes, I'm sick of sitting in my dorm room acting like a good girl." I looked away from her. "It's not like I have anyone that cares about me anymore. The last person that did, took off with my roommate and I haven't seen him much as they both stay away from the room." I check the address for the party and then I head in the direction of my dorm

In my room I go through my closet to find something to wear.

I settle on a short black dress with knee high boots. I apply a light layer of make-up before I walked out the door.

The party was in full swing when I arrived.

I saw Bethany with Evan and they were laughing and drinking. I grabbed a drink before I moved into the living room where people were dancing and hooking up.

No one bothered me as I leaned against the wall and drunk the bottle of beer that was in my hand.

Every time I finished my drink I would walk to the kitchen and grab another drink.

Bethany was making out with Evan and the guys around them would cheer.

I looked at her and she had her eyes open.

She knew when I was about to walk into the room so she would do something with Evan to show me that she had the one guy I thought would want me.

As I continued to drink I started to feel buzzed and I saw Ethan across the room.

He walked over to me and the next thing I know his lips was on mine.

I told him that I was going to lie down and I went to find a room.

Finding one at the end of the hall that was occupied I lied on the bed.

I closed my eyes.

Not too long later the door opened and I heard my name being called.

I opened my eyes to see Ethan.

He walked over to me and we made out.

One thing led to another and we wnet further than I did with anyone.

*End Flashback*

Looking at Evan I say. "It turns out the condom that Ethan used was broken and it was from Bethany. She set the whole thing up for Ethan and I. It wasn't an accident that I became pregnant. She did it on purpose."

Evan doesn't look too happy with the new information that I gave him about Bethany. He looks at the ground. "I'm glad that I never used the protection that she had. Or I would have made her pregnant."

"It was her plan to get me knocked up so she could pass everything as hers. I don't know how she would have passed a child off as yours if I did get to experience the pregnancy, but the thought of my child being kidnapped and being placed with her makes me sick."

He rubs his face. "That baby would have had me to raise it, but it would have broken you further if that happened."

"I know. I don't think that I would have been able to come back from something like that. A child being kidnapped from its mother is a worst fate then death."

After the talk with Evan we remained quiet and enjoyed each other company.

I'm glad I told him about the condom. It feels good to have that off my chest.

I lie my head on his shoulder and eventually I fall asleep.


"Sir, Miss." Someone shakes up.

Evan's arms tightens around me and he mumbles. "What?"

"Dinner is ready. I couldn't leave without making you something to eat." The female says.

I open my eyes and see Danika looking at us. "Thanks, Dani. You didn't have to do that."

She looks at me. "Yes, I did. You've been kind to all of us and you made Evan realise that you can still cook even if we still work for him. He's starting to give us weekends off to spend with family and friends. You made him change in a good way."

A smile spreads across my face. "I'm glad your happy with how everything is turning out, Dani. Thank you for dinner and we'll see you on Monday."

"Bye," she waves at me as she walks out the door.

Turning to him I ask. "You've gone soft."

He laughs. "I blame the beautiful woman in front of me that's carrying my baby. With you being pregnant I realised that everyone that works me has family and friends that they want to see on the weekends so I thought it would be good for them to have the weekends for themselves." He captures my lips with his abs he kisses me.

We make our for a bit before we pull away breathing heavily.

My stomach grumbles and I look at Evan. "Dinner time."

He stands up and puts his hand out for me to take. He helps me off the couch.

We walk into the dining room to see a table with candles lit and two plates across from each other with vegetables, baked potato and steak with Diane sauce.

A note is stuck to a silver tray for me.

I pick up the paper and read the note.

Dear Ariana,
Thanks for everything. I'm glad that Evan is with you. He's more happier then I've ever seen him. Have a great night.

- Danika.

Evan looks at the note and he laughs. "I like that girl. She tells the truth."

"I know."

We sit across from each other and bags small talk.

Evan looks out window as we finish dinner. "The sun is setting." He lifts me up and carries me out to the deck.

We watch the sun set and the sky is full of different colours, pink, purple, blue and white.

It's going to be a beautiful day tomorrow.


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