The Farm Is Prepared

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I am sitting in the living with a magazine in my hand.

There's an article about pregnancies in it and I'm finding it quite interesting.

Lauren runs into the room. "You're going to want overhear the conversation that Knox is having with Evan."

I follow behind Lauren and we stand at the door.

Knox has the speaker on and I can hear what Evan and him are talking about.

Evan: There's one more thing that I need to tell you.

Knox: I'm not going to like this am I?

Evan: No, but it's what's going to happen. I'm going to break Bethany out of the prison transport bus. She told me last night that she's going to kill Ariana if she didn't escape.

He's as stupid as a sack of potatoes.

Knox: You're insane. How can you put her life in more danger by helping that woman out.

Evan: I don't have a choice.

Knox: You have a choice, man. You're just making the wrong one. I can protect her.

Evan: I know you can, but there's heaps of things to think about. Like how is Lauren going to react if you're in jail for killing a group of people?

Knox: I kill people all the time and I've never been caught.

Evan: You kill people that put your families lives in danger and most of them turn out to be enemies of your family.

Knox: That's true. Call me when she's free and I'll tell you where you can find us. We need to end this once and for all.

Evan: I agree.

The call ends.

Lauren grabs my hand and we walk away from the door. She looks at me as take a seat on the couch. "Are you alright?"

I shake my head. "He's only put my life in more danger. I'll have to handle this on my own." Looking around the room. "I can't trust anyone to finish what Bethany started, but I'm willing to end it once and for all."

There's a knock on the door and Lauren looks at me. "Are you expecting anyone?"

"It's probably, Hans. I told him that I was with Knox and you."

"Who is Hans?"

"He's my parents driver. He was the one that drove me here."

Lauren walk over to the door and she looks threw the peep hole.

There's another knock and Knox walks out of his room. He withdraws his gun from his holster and he walks over to the door. He puts the chain across before he opens the door. "Hello?" He puts the gun between the door and aims it at the person. "What do you want?"

"Is Ariana there?"

"Who are you?"

I walk over to the door and I see Hans standing there.

He doesn't have his hands up as he looks at Knox.

"Let him in Knox. That's my parents driver, Hans. He's the guy that's going to help us."

"I hope he can help."

Looking at him. "His help is better than the help I'm getting from Evan, my brothers, Whitney and you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Crossing my arms I say. "You're playing chicken with my life. How stupid are you all for helping Bethany escape? She's going to kill me and instead of taking one life she could possibly be taking two."

Lauren shakes his head. "What are you playing at Knox?"

Knox has a defeated look on his face. "I don't know, Lauren. Everything sounded better in theory. Reality for it is a mess."

Hans walks into the room. "It doesn't have to be a mess. I came by to tell you that the farm is prepared." He pulls a map out of his pocket. "My friend has put a few land mines on his property and he marked the spots on this map to keep you safe."

I take the map from him. "Thanks, but you're friend shouldn't have done that."

Hans shrugs. "He wants to protect the very nice woman that I drove here when she needed a break from Los Angeles."

"Thanks, for everything you've done, Hans."

He hugs me. "You're welcome. I'm not going to leave until you return to Los Angeles with me in one piece."

"Do you have a spare gun?"

He nods. "It's in my car. Do you know how to fire a gun?"

"Yeah, when I was younger Dad took me to a shooting range. He taught me everything when it came to a gun. He didn't let me shoot until I had my stance perfected and then he told me to concentrate on the place that I wanted to shoot before he showed me how to turn the safety off."

Knox laughs. "Okay, she knows what she's talking about."

Hans nods in agreement. "I'm surprised that your Dad would take you to a place like that."

"He gave me a choice, a car or how to shoot. I didn't have a driver's license at the time. So, I chose the gun range. I wanted to learn how to shoot in case something happened and now I'm glad that I took the chance."

"I'll get the gun." Hans walks out the door.

Looking at Knox I say. "I want you to tell me the truth. Do my brothers work for the FBI? Because if they do their doing a crap job."

He laughs. "Yes, they are FBI, but they've been too busy looking out for you that they haven't had their heads in the game."

"Do you think when this is over that they will leave the Agency and do something different?"

"I don't know, Ariana. That's something you'll have to ask them when you see them."

The door opens to the room and I hear Jasper and Charlie.

Charlie walks over to me and she hugs me. "I got some cute outfits for the baby." She pulls out bibs in blue, black, yellow and pink. "Don't you think these are cute?"

I look at them and it has Nashville printed on it and others have a few other saying about Nashville. "They're cute, Charlie." I grab her hand. "I want to tell you something, sis." I pull her into the room that Knox gave me.

"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant too."

She squeals. "That's great. Our kids are going to be best friends."

I laugh. "They're also going to be cousins and family."

My phone starts to ring and I see "Shawn" flash across the screen. "What does he want?"

Charlie looks at my phone. "You have to answer that. You know how our brothers get if you avoid their calls."

Of course I know how they get.

If Charlie and I ignore their calls they make a huge deal out of it the next time we see them and they tell us that something could have happened to them and we decided it was a good idea not to answer our phones.

I hit accept on the phone.

Me: Hello, Shawn.

Shawn: Sis, we'll be in Nashville tomorrow. I know you know that we broke Bethany out of the bus. We did that so she could call the hitman off you. There's about three of them in Nashville and they've been keeping an eye on you since you arrived.

Me: She's lying to you. There wasn't three here.

Shawn: Huh?

Me: You're Agent is the only hitman here.

A red dot appears on my shirt.

Oh, shit. This is my end.


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