The Party Part II

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He puts the glass down and looks at me. "I don't want to spend a night away from you. It was too long when I stuffed things up when it came to..." he trails off.


Looking behind me I see what caught his attention and I see the host with Jai, Chloe and Riker.

They are laughing at something that Riker said.

Chloe looks around the room and her eyes land on me. She whispers something to Jai and she walks over to me. "Hey, Ariana." She looks at Evan. "Evan."

He nods. "Chloe,"

"Hi, Chloe." I see Jai's eyes on her as we talk. I lower my voice and say. "He's watching you."

Chloe laughs. "I know. Everywhere we go he has to keep an eye on me. He's afraid that I'm going to get hurt." She takes my hand let's dance. I love this song."

I look at Evan. "Do you mind?"

Evan shakes his head. "Have fun, baby." He kisses my cheek and then I'm pulled to the dance floor.

Chloe and I sway our hips and move our hands to the beat of the music. We start to sing along to the song, very offkey might I add.

I feel eyes watching us and I turn towards Evan and see him standing with Jai.

Both of them are talking as they watch us.

Chloe and I dance a few few songs without Evan and Jai.

Chloe yells. "Let's get the guys on the dance floor."

"Okay," I yell over the music and we walk across the room.

As we get closer to the guys a fight breaks out in front of us and a guy crashes into us.

Riker grabs Chloe and I before we can fall and he moves us away from the fight.

When I look back to where Evan and Jai were standing we don't see them.

Where's Evan?

Riker pulls us away from the fight and we find a place to sit in a corner.

Looking back at the fight I see the sandy blonde hair of Evan and the dark hair of Jai.

I point at the fight. "There they are."

Chloe shakes her head. "I hate it when he gets involved in fights, but they're normally started by people that hurt me and that guy crashed into us when he was pushed."

Riker looks at Chloe and I. "Are you alright?"

She nods. "I'm fine."

"Me, too." I tell them.

Riker looks back at the fight. "I'm going to break up the fight." He walks over to where the Jai and Evan are. He pulls them away from the fight, but a right hook connects with Riker's face. He tackles the guy and they fall into another group of people.

Chloe stands up as Jai is punched in the face.

I stand next to her. "Don't go over there. Someone will break up the fight soon."

Looking around I don't see anyone walking towards the fight.

Evan doesn't see a right hook coming to his face and his head turns to the side and there's a split on his face. Blood is coming out of the wound on his face.

A guard runs over to the fight and he tries to break it up.

He's unsuccessful at first. He pulls his radio to his mouth and he calls for help.

A few more guards run over and the fight is broken up.

Evan walks over to me. "Let's go." He takes my hand.

Opening my purse I pull out a tissue and hand it to him. "Clean your face. When we get home I'll get an ice pack and clean the wound.

He takes the tissue from me and wipes his face. "Have I told you how much I love you?"

He tells me that everyday.

I play along with him. "No, you haven't."

He laughs at my response. "I love you, Ari."

A smile spreads across my face. "I love you too, Evan." I take his hand in mine and we head towards the door.

Annabelle stops us before we leave. "What happened to your face?"

Evan tells her what happened and she nods.

She looks at the door and back to us. "Are you leaving already?"

"Yeah, we are. We have a busy day tomorrow. We're going to my parents place for brunch and then we have to go to Ariana's sisters."

She pouts. "That's too bad. I was hoping to get to know you're girl here."

"I'll talk to you during the week, Anna. Bye," I wave at her as we walk through the door.

Chloe and Jai are right behind us.

"Do you need a lift anywhere?"

"No, we drive here. Our place is about a ten minute drive from here." I hand the ticket over to the valet.

He grabs the keys off the hook and gets the car for us.

A limo pulls in front of us.

The driver steps out of the car. "Good evening, Mr Marshall. Miss Knight."

"Hi, Frank." She pulls her phone out of her bag and walks over to me. "Can I get you're number? I would like to hang out with you one day."

Everyone seems to want to spend time with me and it feels like all the free time I have is disappearing. It's going to be hard when I start filming the movie with Evan.

I give her my number and then I call her phone. "Now, you have my number."

Jai and Evan talk for abit until the car is pulled around.

Riker walks out of the house with a group of girls trailing behind him. He turns towards them. "Can I help you?"

They start giggling and continue to talk about him.

I wonder how'd they feel if they knew the guy was part of the Mafia in New York. I'm sure they would run the other or they might pee themselves.

The keys are dropped in my hands. "Evan, are you ready to go home?"

"Sure, baby." He puts his arms around my shoulder. "I can drive."

"No, I want to drive. Now, get in the car."

Evan opens the door for me and I climb in.

I put my seatbelt on and wait for him to get in the car.

He says something to Jai and Riker, they laugh. He fist bumps both men before he climbs into the car.

"What was that about?"

Evan looks at me. "Jai, Riker and I are going to meet up tomorrow. I need to get in shape for our next movie."

"You look great." I tell him.

He laughs. "Of course you would say that my beautiful fiancé, but I want people to think I workout all the time."

I look at my stomach. "They're going to think I'm fat, Evan. I can't be in a movie while I'm pregnant."


At home I pull into the garage and we climb out. I press the alarm and the car beeps.

We walk into the house and head to living room.

Evan turns the tv on and sits on the couch.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a swab, antiseptic and an ice pack. I walk into the living room and clean the cut. I put two strip on the cutvabd give him the ice pack.

"Thank you, Doctor Houston."

I lay across the couch with my head on Evan's lap.

He runs his hand through my hair and eventually I fall asleep.


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