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Well, yes that's the word. I read through the reports and understand what it says.

This is it in brief:
So, 1d had their upcoming tour, 'on the road again'. (I loved it!) Moving back to the point, their tour arrangement and management was well maintained by mr.Lucifer. He apparently had a heated row with them after the tour was arranged for. The reports don't mention what it was about. But the very next night, there was a murder in Mr.lucifer's  house! Unfortunately, he was the one who died.

So naturally, people will blame 1d for it.

It's obvious. But that was such an immature reason.

I had the task on me to prove them innocent, I guess. And I was ready to do it.

Nialle walks over to me while I am having a conversation with mr.Robert. 'When did we get models into our house?' He queries. Instead of getting angry, I actually feel my cheeks heating up. Come on ! He called me a model! I was enthralled. I try to give him a glare, but smile appears instead.

'I am y/n, the head of the current murder case.' I take out my hand. He snuck in too. If I was not in a public domain, I would have never let him go. How can I?! But keeping my reputation, I let go. (That's sad).

Louis eyes on me. 'So you gonna solve this case my doing a Ramp walk here?' He says,  coming over.

I am annoyed. He should thank me instead of making rude comments! I control my temper, and before I can roast him, Lisa runs to me. She is quite a casual dresser. She nods at Louis and nialle, and looks at me with a come-with-me-right-now look. And if you ever say no to Lisa in this look, you get a free tour of heaven.

I nod and give a challenging look to Louis. I'm gonna take revenge for sure.

I go the corner of the hustle bustle and she says sternly, which makes me jump.

'Y/n we are in trouble, I mean it!'

'What for?'I ask

'We have been assigned by the court to solve this case by 15 days, and if we don't, our heads will be separated from us!'
Looking stunned, I ask 'they actually said that?'
'Well no, but I'm sure that's what gonna happen!'

The Lisa again. Hyperbole to the fullest. I reckon, once she said ' there are a million people outside for you! Hurry!' And when I came out, there were 3. Come on! Where 3 and where is MILLION?!

Snapping me from my thoughts, she asks 'daydreamer, what happened?'
I snap back. 'Night dreamer, nothing.' (That was a horrible snap.)

I say back 'how do they think we are gonna solve this in freaking 15 days?!'
'Say that to them y/n' she blurts and then walks away when someone calls her.

I am lost and exhausted. I can't take the day anymore. But convincing my legs, I walk back to the house where Harry greets me. 'I'm Harry, nice to meet you.' I give my hand too. 'I'm y/n'. I could see that none of the band members have slept. Their eyes are covered with dark circles,un-combed hair (I hate that!), and no proper dress code. I see myself staring at him, and quickly gauge away my eyes. He didn't seem to mind though.

'I hope you can drive us out of this shit'

I turn to see that it's zayn. He smiles, very tired.
'I'll try my best' I say. 'We will start from tomorrow'.

'Why not today?!' Liam Payne comes in. He glares at me. 'So you realize the pressure we are under?! It's not only our reputation, but career and life as well!'
That's what I hate. When people give their own priorities. What does he think? I don't have a career? I'm not under pressure?! I'm just a dumbo doing ramp walk?!

I stare hard and try my level best to sound cool. 'It's not only yours, Mr.Payne, but mine's  in danger too. And you don't know what freaking pressure I AM IN! If I don't solve your case within the given time, my head is out of my body!'(copied statement)

I try hard to sound calm, but it's not possible. I can't just do it.

'I'm sorry, he didn't mean that' Nialle comes in. 'He's just not able to take it. Please excuse him, Mrs.y/n'

I don't know if he is trying to insult me or calm me down. Did he just say Mrs.y/n?! An insult to my fashion. My age. My life.

I anyways ignore that and walk away from there, and get into my car, driving off home. My head aches and I feel my body tense. I ask my driver to inform that I'm leaving.

Author note: hey ppl, 2nd chap is out! And let me tell you, Niall and Louis are my favorite band members!
Who r urs! Pls do tell me in comments, and don't forget to vote, and follow me!
Btw how was the story so far?

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