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A/n: guys! It's my final chapter! I've been in this book for quite some time now, and the love I received was immense. Thanks a lot to all of u for moving with the book, felling how y/n feels, for understanding that I'm a first time fan fic writer. For many of u it might be just a story but for me, it's been a hell Lot of hard-work, dedication and memory filled.

So, once again, thanks for reaching until here.


'Say hi!'

'How long are you planning to have the camera, Lily?'
'Just two minutes please!'

'Whoa! What's that?'

*camera shakes*

'Stop!! God!'

*camera shakes again*

'Mom! Look at Ryan!'
'I'm sure your mom has seen him many times.'


'Stop doing that to her, Ryan.'
'It's fun!'

'Lily! Stop with the camera now'.
'Say cheese!'

*she smiles in front of the camera.*

'Mom, you're cute!'
'Your dad told me that many times.'

'Did I?'

'Ok fine, I did.'
'Dad can you say it once again?'
'The "L" word?'

'I love you, Eleanor.'

*at least 4 people say awww*

*some futile background noise, someone else takes the camera*

'Olivia! Give the camera back to Diana please.'
'She isn't asking for it, mom!'

*camera shakes*

'It wasn't me!'
'I swear it was Khai!'

*khai giggles at the background*

'Don't trouble your sister.'
'I'm not.'
'Oh sure.'
'You're being so sarcastic.'
'Maybe I am.'

'Your uncle taught me how to be so sassy, ask him.'
'Don't blame it on him! You were equally sassy earlier.'

'Only Aunt Diana knows how to control her brother.'

*few chuckle*

'I sure do!'
*hugs Zayn*

'Ok, but where's dad?'
'Niall is on the way, Stella.'


'Boys! Some drinks?!'
'Yes please!'

'Wait! Mommy look here!'
'Olivia, dear-'
'Please? Pretty please?'
'You should have been uncle Harry's daughter. You pout just like him.'

*harry chuckles*

'Oh, wait—'
*juice falls over the camera and Olivia's shirt*
*camera gets stained*

'I'm sorry! I didn't know!'

'Okay, and that's enough!'
*camera slowly stops*


Diana lifts the camera up gently from get niece's hand. 'But we were filming!'
'You can do that tomorrow. I guess you've captured enough family drama anyway.'

So, this is what their family looks like after 5 years.
Niall and Diana made their debut as a couple just 6 years ago, and the very next month they got married, in a very gracious wedding ceremony.

The case was successfully solved, being the fact that Hannah was the culprit. If you look at the clues carefully, you will understand why she was the culprit. But alas, that tale is for another day. Today it's something different.

It's something new.

Although Diana had to go through a heart-breaking 4 year ban, for saving Adeline, she got back to work last year, with a smile on her face.
She's 26 now, and Is the mother of her child, Stella.

Stella Malik Horan.

And Niall, he's in his dream world, with his wife and children, and in fact dedicated a song for y/n as well (Diana)

Louis William Tomlinson confessed his love for his lady, Eleanor shortly after Niall's wedding. He has 2 kids, Lily and olivia , in just 5 years (no dirty thoughts, folks!)
Louis also dedicated a song for olivia.

Now, Zayn. The mysterious one. He found his love at the runway, baring Gigi Hadid. The day he told the family of the big secret, it was total chaos.
His son Ryan hadid malik and khai hadid Malik are quite a pair, although khai is still a 2 year old.

Liam married Lisa in an intimate ceremony, where none of the boys knew. But then, they being supportive of each other, totally stood by their friend, and celebrated its after math.
Liam's kid is on the way.

Lisa is 7 months pregnant.

They haven't decided the name yet, but I think a new song will be printed on the 1d album.

Ah! Harry. The one we all have been looking for. If I tell you that's he isn't married yet, will you believe me? But trust me, that's the truth. But yes, he has gotten a girlfriend for himself.

And it's not Adeline. (Sigh of relief from the audience)

She's someone special, and she's often called the artist of the decade.

Yup folks, it's Taylor swift.

So, after the wedding of Niall and Diana, everyone shifted to nearby houses, but they've got a club house, where they chill most of the time.

The guys have been on hiatus for 6 years now, and next month is going to be a milk fresh start.

The start of sunrise.

The fans literally died when they got to know about their reunion. And although Zayn was going to leave the band, I guess y/n's pleadings worked.

'Daddddd!' Stella yelled, and hugged Niall hard. 'What's my baby up to?' He asked, beaming with joy.
'Do you even remember her mother?' Diana asks.

'Umm do I?'
'Ha just kidding. Come here my lady.'

They shared a passionate kiss, ignoring all the grunts and yucks from the others.

'Horan, she's my sister.' Zayn says, eyebrows raised.
'She's my sister as well.' Liam concludes.
'She's my bestie.' Louis wails, chuckling .
'She's my caring little friend' Harry says, dimples showing.

'And she' Niall says, smiling while pulling off her hair strands behind her ear, 'is my everything.'

The kids gasp awww, while Zayn smiles, Gigi's head on his shoulder, and khai on his lap. Eleanor gives an evident smile, while the boys just shake their head on how romantic he's became lately.

Diana then pulled him into an another kiss, eyes closed, and deeper than the 1st one. He held her tight, afraid she might go away. He then buried his face into her neck, making her smile.

'Alright kids, avert your eyes!' Louis yelled, and closed his eyes. 'They don't get it when we say find a fucking bedroom.'

So, Diana was now surrounded by 2 overprotective brothers, zayn and Liam, 2 overprotective bff's , Louis and Harry, and 1 over protective husband.

And of course, free willed kids.

'Okay, on this occasion, I wanna gift you all something.' Says Gigi, while Zayn eyes her suspiciously.
Everyone calms down. Taylor gives a thumbs up. 'Wait, what is it?' Harry asks, clearly impatient.

Gigi then comes over and flips a board. All of them gasp.

It was a family picture. (Imagine it with my description)

In the front row, were Harry and Taylor, Niall and Diana, along with Stella and Ryan. Ryan actually wanted to be in the front. Niall held Ryan tight, grinning wide, his blue eyes ing into the camera while Diana and Taylor  held each other's shoulders, smiling at the camera, their heads together. Niall held Diana's waist on one hand, and Harry held Taylor's. But, Harry didn't look at the camera, in fact he was drooling over Swift.

On the back run, Zayn and Gigi cuddled each other, little Khai in her hand, and although Zayn shut his eyes, you could guess he was having his happiest life on the front. Eleanor and Louis stood next, Olivia's little hand curling Louis, while he was seen pointing the camera to Olivia.

Liam and Lisa were the only couple who actually looked at the camera for a proper photograph, giving a toothy mushed up grin, Lisa's maternity fashion on its way.
And then, little lily on his shoulder, and lisa's gummy teeth appearing.

All of them had worn the same t-shirt....and it said:


'Oh my god Gigi!' Lisa gleamed, speaking everyone's mind. 'I love it.'

And then for the next 2 hours, there were shoutings and gasps and how the picture wasn't model perfect but family perfect and blah blah.

But that my friends, is a happy ending. :)

Lots of love, urabook

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