Sick Day

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"God damnit. Pick up already, Wright!" The call log continued to get longer and longer as Miles repeatedly dialed Phoenix's number, only to never get an answer. "Why won't he pick up…" he muttered to himself, rapidly retyping the number he had memorized by heart, "Please, please…."
Ring. Ring. Ring. Voicemail again. Edgeworth had already left 2, any more would seem too desperate. How many times had he even called? 23, or was it 32? Maybe 45, he honestly couldn't remember. After one last failed attempt Miles stormed out of his office, going down to the main lobby in a rush. Once he arrived he wasted no time going to the receptionist, nearly out of breath."Good morning, Sir! How may I-" "Wright. Where is he?" "He called in today, sir. He had to cancel his meeting, I'm afraid." Miles harshly swallowed, at least a dead man couldn't cancel a meeting, so he had to be okay. What was he thinking? "Called in what?" "Sick. He said he'd be back in 48 hours, sir." Miles nodded, quickly walking off after saying a brief "Thank you." To the receptionist.

"The nerve…." Miles speed walked out to his car, fumbling his keys before quickly getting in and tossing his briefcase into the passenger seat. "Calling out sick…" he turned the keys and the engine purred, "He didn't even tell me!" Miles drove as quickly as he could (while still obeying traffic laws) to the store. Medicine, cough drops, soup, instant noodles, energy drinks, herbal tea, along with a small teddy bear that held a heart reading 'Get Well Soon'.  An embarrassing amount of unnecessary money later, Miles had arrived at Phoenix's house with his briefcase and bags in hand. He quickly rang the doorbell, only to ring it again 3 seconds later.

A wave of relief graced Miles's presence as Phoenix opened the door, he definitely didn't look too hot. "Miles…?" Phoenix coughed, covering his mouth with his sweater sleeve. He looked terrible, and he was still wearing his pajamas, "What are you doing here…?" "Wright oh my GOD. I can't believe you, calling out sick and not even bothering to inform me of your absence. I was worried! Step aside, I'm coming in." Phoenix frowned some, sniffling, "Miles, you can't! You'll get sick too-" "I don't care." Miles quickly replied, walking in anyway before going to Phoenix's living room to set his stuff down, the couch was covered in blankets. Phoenix sighed, staying a good couple of feet away from Miles. "I don't get why you're so worried…" Miles huffed, taking the items out of the bags, "I thought you were dead or something, you didn't answer any of my calls! If it wasn't for that receptionist I'd be planning your funeral by now…here, I brought some stuff." Miles grabbed the teddy bear, tossing it to Phoenix. He looked at it, coughing slightly "Miles….why did you bring all this stuff? Snacks? Medicine? I really didn't need anything, I would've asked-""Nonsense." Miles interrupted, looking at the sickly attorney before him, "It's the least I could do to ensure you make a swift recovery." Phoenix was speechless, giving the teddy bear a small hug as looked at everything else Miles had bought him, "Man, I haven't been treated like this since I was a kid …" Phoenix smiled tiredly, sneezing. "I knew I forgot something! You need tissues, right? Nasal spray? I'll go get some more things, stay here-""Miles, no." "Hand sanitizer, you'll need that when you finally get over this. Cleaning wipes! Those too-""MILES." "What?" Phoenix coughed, rubbing his nose "Please, I'm okay … I appreciate the sentiment but you don't need to buy anything for me." Miles sighed, looking down "I'm sorry, I just want you to be okay." Phoenix set the bear down, hesitantly walking closer "I am okay, it's just a cold." He was silent, feeling embarrassed "The receptionist said ... 48 hours…I just wanted to make sure you didn't need to go get anything, that's all." Miles sat on the couch, defeated. "I just did what I thought you'd like, that's all." Phoenix sat on the opposite end of the couch and smiled softly at Miles, "Thank you, really. I appreciate it."

Phoenix reached over, grabbing an energy drink before twisting off the cap, "You can go back to work now-" he took a small sip "-I don't need to be coddled and watched over." He laughed softly, screwing the cap back on. "No." "What?" "I'm staying here, I'll make you food and bring you whatever you need. I'll just work remotely, they wouldn't care." "That's how you get sick, Miles." "Then you can return the favor while I sit at home and work, we'd be even." Phoenix frowned, "You don't have to get sick, you could go home now and I bet if you wash your hands well you'd be perfectly fine." "Phoenix, I really don't care. As long as you're okay." Phoenix closed his eyes for a moment, yawning. This seemed to remind Miles of something, "Oh, yes. Go to bed, Phoenix. You need your rest." "Fine…."

Phoenix got up, taking the teddy bear with him as he trudged to his bedroom. Miles got up, quickly gathering everything he bought for Phoenix and putting it into the kitchen for him. After everything was tidied up Miles went to Phoenix's bedroom, hovering in the doorway. Phoenix had turned over on his side, slowly opening his eyes and looking at Miles, "What…? Are you going to read me a bedtime story?" He asked with a chuckle and a dry cough. "Do you want me to?" Miles asked, walking into the bedroom and standing at Phoenix's bedside. "No, but were you just gonna watch me sleep?" "Of course not, you forgot your drink." He replied, placing the previously opened energy drink on Phoenix's bedside table, "Thank you, again…." Phoenix sighed softly, looking at the teddy bear, "I never knew you were capable of being this nice." Miles rolled his eyes, trying to force his mouth not to smile "Of course I am." Phoenix yawned, tugging on Miles's sleeve "I'm cold…." "Oh, one moment, I'll go get some of those blankets from the living room-""No." Phoenix pulled Miles down, forcing him to sit on the bed "Come here." Miles blushed, quickly looking away "No, I couldn't possibly-""Why? You said you didn't care if you got sick or not…" he let out a soft sigh "Phoenix, this is completely different. You poor thing, your cold is driving you mad to the point where you're being irrational." Phoenix frowned, dramatically covering his face "Oh, woe is me. I feel so fragile, like paper. My body aches and my bones weep ... please…this is the one thing I'm genuinely asking for" he smirked slightly, seeing the guilty look on Miles's face before he huffed and took off his jacket. "Fine, I can't believe you." He shook his head, taking off his shoes and his cravat, "Move over, Sickness Wright." Phoenix smiled tiredly, enjoying his victory before scooting over and letting Miles sit next to him. Phoenix made himself comfortable, draping himself over Miles dramatically "Much better, I'm suddenly not cold at all." "I hope you know I'll only be staying here until you fall asleep." "What am I supposed to do if I wake up and you're not here?" Miles shrugged, "Call for me?" "It will hurt my throat…" "Excuses, excuses." "The simple solution is to take a nap with me." "God, you really are acting irrational." Phoenix nodded, faking a quivering lip "I'm in a complete state of physical anguish, too." Miles only replied with a groan, "Okay, fine. But only this once. I still have today's work to do…." "Do it later." Miles suddenly found himself yawning, slowly scooting down into a lying position, Phoenix still partially laying on him, "I hope you're happy." "Of course I am, I'm so happy I'm no longer sick actually." "Go to bed, Phoenix." "Gladly." 

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