Chapter 1: Akira Ryuuki, Ace Attorney in training!!

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Inside the Room we see many people and in the center of the Room we see our Protagonist Akira Ryuuki and Athena Cykes who is helping him in his first Trial with out Phoenix

Judge: I don't see any reason to continue the trial I find the Defence……………

Akira: (Damn it, what would Phoenix do!? Wait I know) *Points his Finger at the Witness* OBJECTION!!!! 

Everyone: …………………

Athena: Akira what are you doing? 

Witness: Hmph, You damn Moron you know Nothing ………I'll be leaving now………

????: HOLD IT !?

Everyone Is shocked as Phoenix Bursts in to Courtroom and Joins Akira & Athena

Judge: Mister Wright what is wrong !?

Phoenix: There is still Evidence that proves the Defence's Innocence!! 

Akira: There is !?  *His pendent Glows and the Witness begins Glowing in Akira's Vision and shows the True Events* (This Aura he is Admitting !!)  THIS PROVES IT!!

Akira shows a piece of Evidence that was Being rumored by the Witness that it has nothing to do with the Case

Witness: What?  Judge don't listen to Him!!  I-

Akira: Have been found out !! 

Judge: Mister Ryuuki, If you will Clarify? 

Akira: Of Course your Honor, It seems that the Witness lied about this Item not being Relevant !!

Witness: Wh-What!?  (How could he know !?)

Akira: Your Aura Reeks of Evil !! 

The Witness's Aura is then Revealed as the Radius of Akira's Pendent's ability fills the Courtroom

Witness: *starting to Panic*

{Pursuit~ Cornered Starts playing}

Everyone Is shocked to see the Pitch Black Aura around the Witness even Phoenix Is shocked by Akira's Power

Judge: Order, Order I say !!

Payne: *Sweating* I don't see how that Proves a thing the Defendent was caught at the scene !!

Before Payne can Finish The Witness laughs then the Aura and the Psychlocks are taken down as The Witness confesses the truth

Witness: You Idiots !!! *Bashes his hands on the Witness Stand* You don't understand anything about my Circumstances !! 

Akira: Where can I start !? You lead your group into a State where a Person The Victim spotted you then you told your Partners to run for it then ………You killed the Victim !! 


The Witness rather The True Culprit of the case is Arrested and Then

Judge: I am ready to Declare my Verdict  I find the desendent ………NOT GULITY !! 

Prosecutor Payne is Humiliated that another Rookie beat him

[After the Trial]

Athena: I don't really get how you did it but You did it Akira you won your first trial !! 

Akira nods and looks up remembering what lead him to this day

[Flashback To 3 years Before]

17 year old Akira is shown Entering the Apartment of his latest Target to apprehend but instead Akira found them dead

Akira: (Wh-what the hell !?)

Akira is then Arrested then there by Poilice leading to his trial his Attorney Was none other then The man Who'd train him just as Apollo before him was taught by Him Phoenix Wright and with His Help Akira was Saved not Once but a few times before Akira got his Attorney Badge


Phoenix: Good job, I knew you could do it but that Pendent What is it ? 

Akira: I don't even really know ……But it Reveals Ones True Character by Allowing me to see their Aura

The scene cuts away just as another Murder is shown with a pale Man shown Splattered with Blood on his Clothes

????: I need to cover my tracks ………But wh- Ah yes……him *Grins like a Maniac*

~Chapter end~

Coming up: Turnabout Broken Trust!!

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