Project Date Levi

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Title: Project Date Levi



Levi Hughes decides in his senior year that he will take every student in his grade out on a date for a social experiment after his English teacher gives his class a project to "change one life". Levi sees it as his best interest to instead change all sixty-two lives, rather than just one.


title: love it. no criticisms of the title. it captures the story and it's fun and unique. as soon as i saw it, i wanted to read.

score: 5/5


the background picture is very suitable for the book, but the font style and color could be tweaked to make it seem more polished and professional.

score: 3/5

total score: 8/10

summary: i have no criticisms of the summary. it's short and simple, and many times it'd difficult to capture a whole book in just a few sentences, but the author does it well.

score: 5/5


"I'm going to date my whole school.

Okay, relax, it's not what you think."

the author kicks the book off with a journal entry. this can be risky, but it works so well in this story. we get a solid insight of what the story will be about, as well as Levi's intentions.

score: 5/5

total score: 10/10


i'm going to group these two together because i truly did not notice any errors in the story. the author obviously edits well before publishing and is good at polishing their work. they maintain a strong and consistent voice throughout the story and have control over sentence structure and rhythm. 

score: 10/10


this is truly one of the best plots I've seen on this website. the author devises such a unique idea and carries it out just as well. the 90's theme is adorable and it'll make you a little nostalgic.

you'd probably think that the dates might be predictable, but in this case, they're anything but. each one is full of emotions and surprises and twists. i don't want to spoil too much, but just the first date itself will have you in love with the book. 

it's not what you expect, which makes it great. the plot progresses at a nice pace, and the whole idea of the book is so pure. Levi dates his grade simply to impact each person's life in a positive way, and he finds himself changing as well. character development is also noticeable in many spots.

score: 10/10


Levi is so so lovable. he's selfless and pure and wants to impact people's lives. there is no ulterior motive to his actions. he also gives me Heath Ledger vibes from 10 Things I Hate About You, and who doesn't love him? his character is so well thought out and bleeds off the page. he also doesn't give a crap about judgmental classmates and rumors. he does his own thing.

that being said, he also seems too perfect.

the supporting characters are also very dynamic, with strong personalities. the interactions between friends are raw and genuine and very relate-able. the high school setting is also easy to visualize. it'll be hard for you not to fall in love with the characters, especially Levi himself.

score: 9.5/10

new high score:

all in all, Project Date Levi is a fantastic book that deals with a lot of subjects that writers often avoid. the author creates very lovable characters with strong personalities. this is honestly one of my favorite books on this website, and i HIGHLY recommend it to all. you'll have a difficult time not falling in love with the characters and the nostalgic theme.

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