Chapter 9

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 Perhaps I was wrong... to save him. 'Save him,' hm? Speaking literally, I did nothing to help him. I only told him to get us out, and then ran to him. Even after that, I am here... alone. What could I have done better? Why did I not do better? What else was I supposed to be thinking about now... My blank eyes stared out of the cave silently and watched the rain grow heavier. Where was he... My body was tired and exhausted for some reason. I needed to sleep, but I did not want to. My eyes shut even so and I fell into my slumber. Now it was dark... So dark, it was.


"Sabo, why do you like me so," I asked the blond that sat in front of me on the horse. He didn't seem to get furiously embarrassed or anything. His eyes were as calm as ever and his expression only just changed slightly. He wasn't smiling, but somehow, it felt like he was happy just thinking of the answer.

He looked back at me and answered, "I just do. Prince... When I saw you for the first time, I liked you. Then... I loved you. Stupidity, one may call it. This love at first sight wording... They never work out, they say..." Sabo paused after that last line. Oh... he didn't like that thought. "Perhaps that is so, but... I will not think of that when I have you here. However long you wish to keep me by your side, I will only think of this present continuing into the future."

I sighed and rested my chin onto his shoulder. "You're so pure in a way, it makes me feel bad," I mumbled to him. Sabo jolted and looked at me in worry. He was going to apologize... He was probably going to say something like, 'I apologize... I never knew I made you feel that way. Tell me something I can change. I will do so.' My hand reached to the other side of his face and pushed his cheek to turn his face to me. Kissing him on the lips, I was able to prevent those words from coming out.

When I pulled away and opened my eyes to look at him, I saw his eyes shut tight. His face was red as his eyes looked to the sides before up at me. Then, he got flustered again and looked away. Yeah... he's quite the pure one in this subject.


I could hear footsteps, slowly trudging up to where I was. My eyes slowly opened. How long have I slept? I was still so tired. A huff came from the horse, so I looked to her first. "... What," I asked her. He shook out her head and huffed again.

So annoying... Animals sometimes are just so- My eyes widened and stared out into the pouring rain. I quickly got up and ran out. My mind didn't even process the name he called out to me when I looked up at him, "Sabo! Sabo," I called out to him as I hurried over. Once I got there, my arms wrapped around him and pulled him close as I continued to say out his name. "Sabo- Sabo-- I thought I lost you, Sabo- Oh, Sabo."

Sabo let out soft and tired breaths before laughing slightly and replying, "... Prince." He was back... Finally, he came back to me. Remembering the rain, I took his wrist and pulled him under the cave. We sat down and I finally looked at him properly.

"You're bleeding- Hold on- Let me, uh---" I took off one layer of my clothing and ripped off the sleeve before blotting his forehead. "T-there. That helps... Right?! It better," I muttured. I should have paid attention to my medical teacher!

Sabo just watched me with his hazy eyes and smiled. "Yeah... It will help a lot, Prince," he said softly with a weak voice. Once the rain stopped, we had to get back... He looked so beat up and in pain.

I lowered the cloth a bit and looked at him. Setting it down, I reached my hand to the right side of his head and touched the short hairs. "You're hair got cut up badly," I stated. "We'll get this fixed up when we get back... It's have to stay short, but... Oh- Here. Take off those clothes. Change into this," I said as I took off the second layer of my clothes. The more layers was like the more higher class you were.

Sabo hesitated, but did as he was told. He got up carefully and started stripping off his clothes. I saw many bruises and other cuts as well. He took my hanfu from me and put it on. It was large on him. He was a bit taller than me, but his shoulders weren't as broad. The collar would gradually slip off of his shoulder and he would have to pull it back up.

"Come here," I mumbled before pulling him down gently. He fell into my arms and I just held him there. The warmth from him told me this was reality. "Sabo... Don't do that again... What if you didn't return to me," I asked. "I didn't even know how to get back."

Sabo looked up at me, "that- Prince--" His eyes widened as droplets of salty water fell onto his face. I held him closer and firmly. He frowned at my crying. "Prince... I apologize. If you got hurt, I wouldn't-"

"I'm stronger than you think! I can- I can... I can't... I can't fight," I replied. That's right. What good would I have done? If he gave me a fire arm, I wouldn't know much of it. I have never even touched one.

"Prince... It is alright... I am here, am I not? I came back. I am here," Sabo whispered. He pushed himself up and carefully took my head to hold it against his chest. "My heart still beats... I am here... my dearest prince," he murmured. He kissed the top of my head and petted my hair down gently. "I am here..." Sabo really didn't help my crying at all. It got worse. My arms wrapped around his back as I cried out. I knew that he was here. I knew that, but... I also knew the future.

A war was going to start. It was going to happen no matter what. What will I do then... I knew... he would have to leave again. I would have to watch him disappear. That scarred back will be face to me again as he walks out of the palace to fight for our province. I know... that people don't survive. I know... that even the best can die. I knew... that there was a chance that someone else that wasn't him would come back to me. My palms could face the sky and have a broken staff placed upon them. I knew that... I know that... so for now, I will hold onto him for however long I could. My personal guard, Sabo... My dearest, Sabo.

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