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     Somewheres off in the distance, a biwa can be heard playing in the distance. The place...somewhat castle like...started to shift and demons started appearing. Soon the biwa stopped playing as all of the twelve demons arrived and bowed down to a woman wearing a black kimono with purple flowers on it.

     Adeline smirked as she watched her subjects bow down to her. She takes immense satisfaction in watching incompetent demons obeying her every command. As if they had a choice to begin with..

     "My precious upper moons, it has been quite a long time since we've gathered here, hasn't it?" Adeline asked them before continuing on with her speech, "It appears the Demon Slayer Corps have gotten stronger...and I sense that an attack is coming within the near future. I will be sending three of you to dispose of the Corps fast, and keep in mind some of those members are wretched blood traitors."

     One boy wearing a red Kimono with a black sash tied around his waist raised his hand, "Master, can me and my brothers take up the job of disposing the Corps?"

     Adeline glared at him intimidatingly, "No, I already have three demons in mind for this job; Uppermoon 5, 8, and 12, head to these coordinates and start attacking. If all of you manage to get your heads cut off before completing the mission, then you're utterly useless in my book."

     "Well maybe if you would give them some more of your blood, perhaps we might actually stand a chance against the Corps."

     Adeline walked over towards Uppermoon One and slapped her across the face, "Don't you dare speak unless I give you permission to do so, Ramona-Elizabeth."

     Ramona scoffed, "Oh please, we used to be married ten years ago, what changed? The fact that you're so insufferable you caused all of the former Uppermoons to kill themselves? You've drove a bunch of demons into insanity? Almost killed our daughter when she was-"

     Adeline pulled Ramona's head off of her shoulders and threw it across the room, "Do not speak out of line to me, Ramona-Elizabeth, or else I won't hesitate to kill you right here in this very room. Got it?"

     Ramona-Elizabeth scoffed as her body walked over to put her head back on her body, "Still the same as always, Adeline."

     Adeline glared at her before focusing her attention back onto the other Uppermoons, "This meeting is now officially over. Go now before I end up slaughtering you all!"

The Uppermoons immediately ran as soon as their Master gave them permission to do so. Uppermoon Six immediately started to cackle at what had just occurred in the meeting, while Seven nearly shitted her pants in fear. Uppermoon Two patted Ramona-Elizabeth on the back and congratulated her on standing up to their Master.

Ramona-Elizabeth stopped at a door and opened it, ending up at a nearby village where she smelled the scent of a Demon Slayer. Ramona smirked, "This is going to be one hell of a delicious meal."

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