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"Welp, here we are people! Takiyaku Prefecture, my hometown!" Sarah announced as she giddily jumped around in excitement as she pointed over to a tree.

Bubbles looked over at the city in awe as Buttercup scoffed in annoyance. Blossom dusted off her newly sewn up haori as she looked over and checked to see if her sword was still in its sheath.

The group had arrived at Takiyaku Prefecture in search for Uppermoon Six. Rumors has it that instead of there being only one demon, it's a set of triplets terrorizing the town; quite unheard of for more than one person to share an Uppermoon title, much less terrorize the same location. This sure was going to be quite an interesting fight.

"Where the hell are we staying at? I'm tired!" Buttercup yawned as she stretched her slightly muscular arms out in the air, her bear skin flowing behind her.

Blossom scrunched up her nose as she caught a whiff of her sisters scent, "Well first off you need a damn bath. You smell like a fucking boar!"

Buttercup grinned, "I'll have you know that back where I lived, we didn't have fancy smanszy showers; we showered with mud, rainwater, basically any liquid we can find."

Blossom gagged, "No wonder you reeked like filth when Sensei took you in."

"It's all in how you see things, sister dearest. Personally I don't give two shits about hygiene," Buttercup shrugged as the group continued walking, "Now where the hell are the damn hotels?"

Sarah sighed, "This is prime demon hunting time right now and you want to spend it all sleeping in a cozy bed? My god you're not going to last long here."

Buttercup scoffed as she walked ahead of the group, "Relax, we aren't going to find any demons here the first night."

Bubbles nodded, "I could go for some food."

Blossom looked at her sisters in disbelief, "What did you two even learn while you were away?!?"

"Probably the art of not taking this shit seriously," Sarah 'looked' at her Tsukugo and sighed, "Once this whole war is over with, I'm taking a damn vacation."

"It's probably going to get even worser now since Ben and Adeline are going head and head on whose besting who," Blossom said as she adjusted her hair clip, "Besides, once Bubbles manages to get the ingredients for her poison, we could potentially have a chance at taking them both down."

Sarah nodded, "I just so happen to know somebody in Osaka that could help your sister out in creating poison. Oddly enough shes also a deranged psychopath who is being hunted down by the government for embezzling money into her illegal medicine business."

"And how is she going to help us out?" Blossom asked her.

Sarah smirked, "She knows how to obtain some Blue Spider Lillies."

Bubbles mouth gaped, "Blue Spider Lillies?!?"

Sarah nodded, "I'm sure with you both working together, you guys can create a poison lethal enough to take down any demon, no matter how powerful they are...or create something that could turn them nazi. Anything will work as long as it's effective on more powerful demons."

"I take it as you're pissed off at your dad for betraying the Corps?" Buttercup asked her.

Sarah grinned, "Here's a quick lesson in life, kids; don't cross my ass, or else I'll won't hesitate to fucking murder you. Got it?"

Buttercup nodded, "Yes ma'am!"

"Good. Now we'll head over to where my friends currently hiding at after we handle Uppermoon Six," Sarah said as she skipped like a little kid, "Back in my day anyone bellow an Uppermoon Five would've been a Lower Moon, but I guess things change within time...especially how powerful demons get."

"They've changed in that short amount of time?" Blossom asked her.

Sarah nodded, "Mhm. Welp, we better go find a place to ste-"

Suddenly the group heard a lot of ruckus coming from nearby. They quickly rushed over there and discovered three boys around the age of 15 tormenting an elderly man before the red head devoured him.

Bubbles looked at the three in complete and utter horror as Buttercup withdrew her newly forged twin blades. Blossom had a bad feeling in her stomach that something bad was about to go down. Sarah on the other hand just stood there in a calm manner, not even bothering to react.

The blonde boy turned around and looked at the group with glee in his eyes as he tapped his brothers shoulder, "Look Brick, the Slayers are here!"

The red headed boy, Brick, turned around and smirked, "Its about time you guys shown up..and it seems you have a pillar alongside you."

"Dude, that's just no ordinary pillar, that's the legendary Mist Pillar Sarah Bellum! Master Adeline's kid!" Butch pointed over nervously.

Brick and Boomer looked at Sarah in fear. Sarah cocked her head, "What's the matter, scared of a little blind girl kicking your ass?"

"Why you little bitch!" Butch yelled out as he rushed over and kicked Sarah into some nearby crates.

"Sarah!" Blossom and Bubbles called out as Buttercup rushed over and swung her swords at Butch.

"Fourth Fang: Slice 'n' Dice!"

Suddenly Butch got sliced up into multiple pieces right in front of his siblings eyes. That right there was enough to set Brick's rising anger ablaze.

"Blood Demon Art: Blazing Inferno!"

Fire started getting blasted at the group as Brick charged at the group with his fists ablaze. Sarah finally managed to get out of the fruit cart, but narrowly avoided a fireball being sent her way. Blossom grabbed her sword out of her sheath and charged at Brick.

"Ice Breathing, Third Form: Ice Dragon!"

As Blossom sliced Brick's head off with ease, a dragon appeared and chomped half of his body off. Bricks body laid there on the ground as he slowly regenerated his limbs and head. Sarah took immediate notice to this and kept this in mind as she rushed over to where the battle was taking place at.

Boomer and Bubbles looked at each other in a confused manner. Bubbles didn't personally want to fight any demons today, especially after her last fight with Roland Enchantia. Boomer never wanted to fight or kill anyone, he just wanted to like a normal life like everyone else...but unfortunately his brothers always managed to drag him into trouble..and this just so happens to be the result of their shenanigans.

"I really don't want to hurt you, but I have to if I want to get a sample of you and your brothers blood," Bubbles said as she pulled out her sword.

Boomer nodded as he withdrew a blade from the inside of his blue haori, "Then you're going to have to slice my head off first."

Bubbles pointed her blade at him, "Glady. Flower Breathing, Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility!"

"Blood Demon Art: Carnage of Doom!"

Suddenly Boomers blade turned crimson red as he charged at Bubbles. Bubbles deflected his attacks with her sword before cutting off Boomers head. Blossom used her second form to stab Brick a bunch of times, but all that was damaged was his red haori.

After the battle continued on for what seemed like forever, Sarah noticed that something was off about this fight as she used her Mist Breathing to slice off Butchs head. No matter how many times her students and herself cut off those demons' heads, they always seem to regenerate as if nothing had happened. As if something was connecting the three together.

That gave Sarah an idea, "Mist Breathing, Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash."

In the flash of an eye, all three of the boys' heads flew off of their bodies as Sarah stood on the other side of the street like nothing had ever happened. Suddenly a tiny ring dropped out of Brick's red haori and landed onto the floor.

"Blossom, use your sword to crush the blade!" Sarah yelled out as Blossom quickly rushed over towards where the ring was laying.

"Ice Breathing-"

Suddenly Bricks headless body rushed over in an attempt to grab the ring.

"First Form-"

Buttercup quickly rushed over and sliced the body in half with her dual blades before getting pushed back by Boomers body.

"Snowy Tundra!"

With the strike of her blade on the ground, the ring snapped in half. Bubbles and Buttercup used their respective breathing styles to slice the heads off of two out of the three demons, their bodies falling onto the ground lifeless. Bubbles quickly rushed up to Brick and stuck a syringe in his arm as she sliced his head off.

Sarah walked over and patted Bubbles on the back as she looked up into the sky (through she meant to look downwards), "One down, several more to go."

Bubbles nodded as she pocketed the blood sample, "Soon the poison will be ready to take down both Ben and Adeline."

Sarah nodded as her Tsukugo and student walked over towards them, "I'm just glad I got stuck with people who take this demon slaying shit seriously, instead of with Taetae who would probably drop dead the minute he uses his Moon Breathing style."

"Speaking of Taeyang, I haven't seen him in a while. Is he still resting up in the hospital ward?" Blossom asked the lavender-haired female.

Sarah sadly nodded, "I told that idiot he would get seriously ill one day, but Taetae didn't listen to me and now look at him...he's dying..."

Bubbles placed a hand over her shoulder and smiled a little bit, "Maybe there could be a cure out there that would cure him?"

Sarah chuckled bitterly, "One could only hope. We should probably head over towards Izzys place now and get working on the poison."

"Well we still have some ingredients to gather," Blossom said as she put her sword back into its sheath.

"Well then, let's get to it...right after we get some fucking rest!" Buttercup yawned as she stretched her arms out.

Sarah nodded, "Come on, let's go find a place to rest at for the night."

Everyone immediately nodded in agreement. But little did they know, things were just about to get a whole lot more complicated for them..
     In the morning after the battle up against Uppermoon Six, Blossom woke up with her hair down and her butterfly hairpin on the bedside table. Her locks of red hair flowing down a little bit past her shoulders and her standard Demon Slayer uniform was laying there neatly folded on a nearby chair.

     Looking out the window, the city seemed to be a whole lot more peaceful without the presence of an Uppermoon. People in buggies, some walking the streets, bright lights; Blossom has never seen such a beautiful sight before. The only places she has been was the small town nearby the Seaside Mansion and the Artic Tundra, but being in a city itself was quite fascinating to the red-headed female.

     Today they would be heading out of Takiyaku and towards Osaka in search of a woman named Izzy. Sarah said that she could potentially help Bubbles in her quest to create a poison strong enough to either kill the Demon rulers or revert them back to humans. Blossom and Buttercup were just merely going to accompany them on their journey as extra muscle, or at least that's how Blossom sees it.

     Putting on her uniform and making sure her hair and sword are both secured in place, Blossom walked out the door and quietly closed it behind her. Sarah was in the hallway staring at a wall, her cat purring at her legs.

     Blossom noticed that Sarah's demeanor has changed since Ben Cipher was revealed to be a traitor; more reserved, less egotistical, and more tolerable. It's gotten even worser since Taeyang got sick, and he could possibly die soon if he continues on using his Breath of Moon technique. There really was nothing Blossom could do but to cheer up her mentor as the hard times keep coming.

     Eventually her sisters have awoken from their slumber; Buttercup not even bothering with basic hygiene yet again and Bubbles keeping notes on all the supplies and materials she would need for upcoming remedies. To say that the trio makes a good duo is an understatement. Quite frankly they wouldn't have been able to slay Uppermoon Six had Sarah not discovered the ring.

     A demon being created out of an object? That sort of thing has been quite unheard of until....Uppermoon Two came into power...

     "So," Blossom thought, "That was his Blood Demon Art...I hate to see what Uppermoon Ones powers are like."

     The group headed out onto the streets after Sarah tipped the hotel manager with a few extra coins. Osaka was just a few miles away from here, so hopefully they will be able to reach the city by nightfall....or so they hoped...

     Right as soon as they were about to board a bus, a messenger crow came flying towards their direction..telling us that one of Sarah's comrades have been critically injured going up against Uppermoon Five. This caused Sarah to have a mental breakdown...

     And thus, the journey to Osaka has took a very grim turn...

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