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"Where the heck are we?!"

     "Tenma, calm down!" Keita's twin looked worried for his best friend.

     "I wish I could!" Matsukaze Tenma, Wind Breath user, the one called a resident sunshine, snapped angrily at Nishizono Amano Shinsuke. "I swear, this world just hates us!"

     For his credit, Shinsuke didn't seem too bothered about the shouting. His brother, Enma Kouen, was also prone to snapping at others, so he calmly replied, "We know that, but we need to stay calm. The moment we lose our minds is the moment they win."

     Tenma bit his lip, but he forced himself to calm down.

     "You feeling better now?"

     "Y-Yeah," he nodded.

     Shinsuke smiled, "Great."

     "Ahhh, and I was hoping to catch you off guard," a familiar voice whined, causing the two to turn around in shock.

     "K-Kenyu Karan!" Tenma got his blade ready.

     Shinsuke's eyes widened. Hadn't Keita already slain her? Why was she still around?

     "Ahhhh, he thought he sliced off my head, but my Blood Demon Art, Dark Mist, allows me to copy myself," her eyes glowed as she landed on the ground. "Illusions work out against the great Potions Master, after all~"

      "You little...!" Shinsuke growled slightly. His anger was starting to rise, but he was fine. Years of repressed anger had taught him the art of not being riled up by others.

     "Let's do this, Shinsuke," Tenma slid into position.

     "You got it," Shinsuke nodded as he did the same.

     The two then faced Karan, ready to take her down.

     Former Uppermoon Eight, Kenyu Karan


     "And now we are lost. Of f*cking course."

     "And you, Kyouya-kun, have a sailor's mouth," Sorano Fuuko deadpanned to Kyouya as the two and Nana walked around, keeping their guards vigilant.

     "Nana has it worse than I do."

     "Excuse you. Don't call me out like that oh great immortal being."

     "Ahhhh~ You three seem to be having fun~" A voice suddenly called out.

     A voice that the three recognised.

     Nana felt the pit of her stomach twist so hard, and she could barely make herself look up to the source of the voice...

     To find two very familiar people looking back down on them. Both had grown their hair out and were now wearing contrasting outfits, but they recognised them. Who wouldn't...?

     Michiru giggled as she and Nanao landed on the ground in front of them, "Hi hi hi! It's been a long time, hasn't it, Nana-shan~"

     "Hiiragi," Nanao gave her a cold smile. "How have you been? Onodera and Sorano too."

     Nana could only take some involuntary steps back. Her face was so pale. This was her fault... She had created these monsters.

     She had been the mother to these Uppermoons.

     "Let's not waste any time! Time for our revenge~" Michiru sang as their eyes glowed ominously.

     Hiiragi Nana couldn't have thought up of a time she had hated herself more than now.

     Former Uppermoon Three and Four, Nakajima Nanao and Inukai

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