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Nana could only stare, pale and terrified.

All her allies were down on the ground, dead. Their Nichirin blades were on the ground, broken, inactive. Kyouya's head was on her feet, and he too was unmoving. The Half-Demon with the power of Immortality had finally been beaten. Fuuko's dead body had been stomped on by Nanao and Michiru during their fight.

"Why so scared~?" Michiru sang as she used her whips to pull Nana her way. "Nana-shan, don't be scared~ It's us, your best friends!"

"Who you killed!" Nanao joined in, laughing.

"Who you betrayed!"

"And who have come back to haunt you!"

Someone moved slightly, coughing, but Michiru kicked him down violently and Nanao used his foot to nullify his life mechanisms.

He slumped onto the ground immediately, sounds of air exiting his mouth no longer heard.

Her screams of despair were muffled by the hand Nanao had put over her mouth, and his smirk was cruel as he said, "You used to kill us dream demons without a care, Hiiragi. What changed?"

"Why try so hard? You know that nothing will be enough to erase the blood you stained upon yourself," Michiru whispered into her ear. Glee, utter sadistic glee was clear in her tone.

Nana's face was filled with fear. Sweat fell down her forehead.

They were right. She had killed so many people. She had destroyed so many lives, tainted her own heart with her dirty deeds.


It didn't mean she was going to give up so easily.

She knew she had to get up and fight back.

It was because she had tainted her hands that she couldn't let her friends do the same.

So she forced herself to move, and her curled up fist met Michiru's cheek, sending her flying back while her sakura-patterned kimono swayed backwards.

"Michiru!" Nanao yelled, but she used her elbow to kneed him in the chest, making him stumble back, his dark blue yukata shifting with the wind.

She gripped the hilt of her Nichirin daggers as she pulled them out, holding them to her chest before looking the two in the eye as they regrouped and stood side by side, "Maybe I have, but it only means I don't want the same to happen to you! You're my friends! And you may not think of me as one, but I still do! That's why... I..."

She then gave them a sad smile as her daggers glowed scarlet red, "I'm going to finish this, once and for all."

"Wait hold on―" Nanao's eyes widened.

"NO!" Michiru screamed.

But Nana was not about to go down without a fight, and she charged up her weapons as the Alchemist Breath Style user used her Final Form, "Alchemist Breath Style, Final Form: Poisonous End!"

She rushed forward, and the two couldn't even move due to the wisteria mist her daggers were emitting.

"What... Is this...?" Michiru coughed. It was so hard to see... she couldn't breathe...

But before another word could be uttered, their heads were sliced off, rolling to a stop near Nana's collapsed body as her skin turned as scarlet red as one's blood.

This... was it...

She had avenged Kyouya and Fuuko...

She had saved her friends.

If she rots in the Underworld, so be it.

She deserved it anyway.

A shaky breath escaped her lips, but she smiled and closed her eyes, "Thank you, SES... for believing in me... and... I'm sorry... I hope someday... you can forgive me..."

Her final words uttered, she took her final breath... and left the realm of the living at long last.

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