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     After a long and excruciating walk back to the Seaside Mansion, Blossom was busy getting reprimanded by Ben as both Sarah (who is staring up at the ceiling) and Buttercup watched with their faces grinning ear to ear. It's not her fault she hates demons with a burning passion, quite frankly she was right when she said all demons should go off themselves.

     "You're going to write a formal apology to Pilseung, Jinepei, and Taeyang for your behavior and actions tonight!" Ben said as he stared at her coldly in the eyes.

     Blossom sighed, "I really couldn't give two shits about those three whatsoever."

     Ben scrunched up his face angrily, "Is that so? Consider your training privil-"

     "Oh, Benny Boo, I got a better punishment for Little Miss Perfectionist here than taking away her training privileges; since she has to beat me and Master V in a duel in a couple of weeks, why not send her off to train with us in the artic tundra?" Sarah recommended with a grin on her face, "I keep telling Point Dexter back at headquarters to send a couple of meat sacks my way so I can assert my dominance over them, but noooo, he says I'm 'too rough'. What a fucking hypocrite!"

     Ben pondered about her suggestion for a second before responding with a simple, "Fair enough."

     Sarah cheered while Blossom groaned in misery. Why her? Why did it have to be her?

     "Go pack your bags, meat sack, for we're about to go on a very long trip to the artic tundra. I'll send a message to Master V tomorrow, since Lil'Shits out of commission thanks to him eating fucking tuna out of a can! Get some sleep, kid, because you sure as hell are going to need it," Sarah said as she walked over and gave Blossom a slap on the back, "Now if you shall excuse me, I have two hot ladies meeting me in town that demand an explanation as to why I'm going to be gone for the next 2-4 weeks."

     Ben nodded, "You do exactly that. I got three other kids to reprimand for not following directions."

     Buttercups face went pale as Blossom smirked.

     "Welp, good night!" Sarah yelled out as she walked out the door, "Watch over my cat for me!"

     "Will do!" Ben responded before closing the door and looking Buttercup in the eyes, "You, me, Bubbles, and Ken are going to have a very long discussion tonight."

     Buttercup gulped, "Oh fuck..."
     It was real early in the morning when Blossom woke up from her slumber. She was being forced to train with a Hashira and some guy up in the artic tundra as punishment for what happened back at the food court. Blossom thinks this whole punishment is stupid, but unfortunately for her she had no choice on rather or not she wants to even go. That choice wasn't up to her..

     Blossom tied her hair up into a high ponytail and put on her standard training uniform. Her bags were packed filled with clothes and a couple of snacks she had stolen from Buttercup's secret stash. She was ready for whatever hellish training that short shit and her senior had in store for her.

     Before walking out of the room, she felt someone tapping on her shoulders. Blossom looked back and noticed it was her sister, Bubbles, holding out something wrapped up in an old cloth.

     "I wanted to give you this earlier before you had to leave, but I ended up getting reprimanded by Sensei along with the others for not following orders. Me and Buttercup have the same pin, but in different colors and designs; it's a butterfly hairpin you put in your hair made out of some sort of metal," Bubbles said as Blossom accepted the gift, "I heard a bunch of demons escaped from the mountains when the Hashira and higher ranking members of the court were preparing for the upcoming final selection. Perhaps you might have a chance at attending it with us this year once you finish up your training."

     Blossom nodded as she put the gift in her bag before walking out the door, "Thank you, Bubbles."

     Bubbles smiled warmly, "My pleasure."
     The journey to the artic tundra was long and treacherous. Blossom and Sarah got hunted down by a variety of different demons, the road conditions were horrible, and they ran into a group of rouge criminals who tried to kill them off. Sarah handled most of the killing, but Blossom managed to kill a demon or two by herself with the Nichirin sword she was given by her Sensei.

     After about a week of traveling, they had made it to the artic tundra unscathed. Unfortunately for Blossom, it was another whole day of walking until they get to the cabin on top of the steep hill. The forests look bare, the trees look dead and rotten, snow was falling everywheres, and most of all, she was freezing her ass off.

     "No wonder there's no demons around here, this place is fucking cold!" Sarah loudly exclaimed as snow fell on top of her, "Can't wait to get inside and warm myself up by that nice fire. Your ass can freeze for all I care!"

     Blossom scoffed, "And I wonder why your girlfriends plan on leaving your ass soon."

     Sarah sighed heavily, "Works been pretty rough lately. I'm constantly busy with work, family drama, and the fact that I just recently lost someone that I had worked with for a while to the fucking demon queen herself."

     "Who's the demon queen?" Blossom asked her.

     "Only the most powerful demon ever created. You think Ben Cipher was bad, oh he made a mistake in creating my mom. My mom overthrew Ben centuries ago in a duel and then slowly began building up her army of demons," Sarah responded, "I actually went up against her once and I almost died as a result, but not from her though...Upper-moon one...Ramona-Elizabeth Jones."

     Blossoms mouth gaped wide open, "You're-"

     "Part demon? Please! They had me when my mother was still a human. The only demonic trait I inherited from her was cell regeneration, which must I say comes in real handy when battling demons," Sarah said in a giddy tone, "But yeah, the demon who killed your family is my mother. Seriously, it's been eleven years and she managed to rise through the ranks quickly? That's some serious fucking skills right here!"

     "But she killed my family!" Blossom yelled out in anger.

     Sarah smirked, "She's also the reason why I'm blind, thank you very much. Personally I would love it if someone could chop that bitches' head off, because I sure as hell almost died a second time trying."

     "Wait, the second time?!?" Blossom asked.

     "I was a baby the first time; all I really could remember was struggling to move and then the next thing you know, I end up getting adopted by my dad," Sarah recalled before staring at a tree, "Not all demons are inherently bad though, some are just victims of their environment."

     Blossom scoffed, "Still doesn't change my opinion on those vile creatures."

     Sarah shrugged as she continued walking, "You still owe my comrades an apology, rather if I have to beat it out of you or force you to do so."

     "You're just as bad as your parents," Blossom coldly responded.

     Sarah smirked, "Oh, I know, and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon. Come on now, a warm cabin awaits us!"

     Blossom groaned as she forced herself to continue walking, "Coming!"

     Eventually the duo arrived at the cabin before the darkness fell upon them. Blossom sat her and Sarah's stuff down on the ground while Sarah went to go greet this Master V.

     Overall her experience with the Mist Hashira has been long and exhausting. Sarah was three years younger than her, Blossom herself about to turn fifteen. For such a petite kid, Sarah sure did know how to pack a punch; socking a demon in the nose before slicing his head off on their way towards the cabin.

     One thing Blossom picked up on was that the girl gets easily seasick; the boat ride here making the Hashira hurl for most of the trip. The other would be that she gets easily irritated and has a massive sailor mouth. How on earth did this kid become a Hashira is beyond her own understanding.

     Sarah stuck her head outside the door and looked Blossom dead in the eyes, "Master V would like to see you now."

    "Great," muttered Blossom, "Just....great."

     Little did she know, those two would do more than just talk about ideals...

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