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"Master V, they're too strong, we're gonna need some backup," Blossom cried out as she activated Ice Breathing, First Form: Snowy Tundra.

"I've already sent an SOS to headquarters, we're just going to have to last a little bit longer," Master V responded as he activated his blood demon art.

"But how?" Blossom asked as she tried to restrain Uju back with her sword hilt.

"I don't know, Blossom, I honestly don't know," Master V responded.

The time has finally come for Ramona-Elizabeth to escape from this wretched prison. It's been almost a year since she got put in here by that Utonium girl, and ever since then Ramona-Elizabeth has been carefully planning her escape.

First she had to gain the trust of her daughter, which proved to be quite an easy task considering how desperate she and the other Hashira's are when it comes to finding the location of Dello and Lila Cipher, both of whom are currently residing on Kansano Mountain. Once she managed to gain Sarah's trust, slowly and steadily her daughter started to ease up on her restraints, which was quite a dumb move on her part. Now that most of the demon slayers have been called to Masuta V's cabin in the Artic Tundra, Ramona-Elizabeth can finally escape this wretched hell-hole and get the fuck away from this country.

Using her blood demon art to melt the remaining ice, Ramona-Elizabeth kicked the bars off of the cell and waltzed out of her prison gracefully, completely unaware that she had just activated an alarm that was set up just in case she escaped. Making her way down the hallway, Ramona-Elizabeth smirked at the thought of how idiotic the Ciphers were giving her the perfect opportunity to escape.

Before she could make it to the exit, she felt  something cut her on the back. There in all her glory was the Mist Hashira Sarah Bellum in her standard uniform, gripping on tightly to her Nichirin blade.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, did you really think it would be that easy to escape," Sarah said as she coldly glared up at her mother, "You would be a damned fool to think so."

"B-But how?" Ramona-Elizabeth asked as she slowly stepped back.

"I rigged an alarm in case you tried to escape," Sarah responded as she held up her Nichirin blade, "At least now I have an excuse to kill you."

"Not if I kill you first!" Ramona-Elizabeth retorted, "Blood demon art: Satans chopping block!"

"Mist Breathing, Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash!"

The two's attacks collided with each other, with Ramona-Elizabeth summoning a large knife to deflect Sarah's blade away. Sarah then used Mist Breathing, Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash to sneak up on Ramona and cut the former demon queen in half. Ramona-Elizabeth activated her blood demon art to send a barrage of knives at Sarah, the latter who manage to deflect the attacks with relative ease.

Ramona-Elizabeth knew that unless Sarah manage to activate her blood demon art, the two would be equally matched in power. Her daughter is a skilled swordsman who would kill any demon in her path (excluding those so called 'traitors' who betrayed their kind to serve the corps). Despite everything, she's still a child and can be manipulated if given the chance.

The only way she could possibly win this battle now would be if she manage to get outside or in an open space so that it will be easier to evade the latters attacks. Deciding that would be the best case scenario, Ramona-Elizabeth used her upper half of her unhealed torso to slam into the wall behind her, landing inside a courtyard of sorts.

"Shit," Sarah muttered under her breath. This was bad, this was real bad.

"Now what was that about you preventing me from escaping? Oh yeah, you failed by the way," Ramona-Elizabeth taunted as she swiftly headed the rest of her body, her lower half growing back immediately.

Sarah gritted her teeth as she held onto her Nichirin blade tightly. She could not allow this, no she would not allow this. After everything they've went through....

"Well, the suns going to rise in thirty minutes, so I have really got to get going. It was nice seeing you again, Sarah," Ramona-Elizabeth said as she snapped her fingers, "But I have really got to go. Blood demon art: Knife-ception."

As the barrage of knives were about to impale Sarah, a faint mist started to surround the area. Ramona-Elizabeth frantically looked around, wondering if this was another oncoming attack. Suddenly Ramona-Elizabeth felt a sword go through her neck, her daughter appearing right in front of her with a few knives sticking out of her body.

Before Sarah could successfully behead her, Ramona-Elizabeth grabbed onto Sarah's blade and broke it with her bare hands, half of it still stuck in her neck. Stumbling backwards and looking at her daughter with confusion in her eyes, Sarah just simply smiled at her.

"You know, I never really got any proper time to grieve over my friends deaths," Sarah said as she slowly walked over her, still gripping on her broken Nichirn blade, "After all, I really couldn't because of my status as the Mist Pillar."

Ramona-Elizabeth pulled the other half of the Nichirn blade out of her neck, summoning another attack to throw at the Hashira as Sarah started heading directly at her.

"Just when I thought things could finally be peaceful, my friends and family were once again targeted by your people and are now currently being held against their will somewheres."

And? That isn't her problem. She didn't give a damn if the corps are being knocked down a few pegs.

"I knew Black Dog was going to be a false lead, but I wanted to give my comrades a bit of hope that we might find the others. Might've said a few white lies along the way, but it's the least I could do to lessen the stress."

Suddenly Sarah's hair started to turn into a lighter shade of pink, her skin lightening up a bit onto a pale blue. Ramona-Elizabeth knew she would be dead as soon as she enters her demon state, remembering what she did to Ben Cipher over a year ago...Gripping on tightly to the broken piece of Sarah's Nichirn blade, Ramona-Elizabeth lunged at her neck in an attempt to behead her.

Sarah used her own sword to slice Ramona-Elizabeth's head off, both of their heads dangling off their necks. Ramona-Elizabeth instantly reattached hers with relative ease, using her blood demon art to make knives come up out of the ground to hold her daughter in place. It was now or never....

Using the blade to cut her skin open, Sarah unleashed a cloud of mist that quickly surrounded the area. Ramona-Elizabeth thought this was the same trick she tried to pull earlier, but was proven wrong as she began to choke on her own blood. This wasn't mist, this was fucking poison.

"My blood demon art isn't as well documented as everyone else's, but that's because I managed to keep mine under wraps," Sarah said as she freed herself from the knives, her left sleeve ripping off in the process, "They only know that I can turn my Nichirn blade white, but they're not aware that my own blood is about as poisonous as wisteria."

Ramona-Elizabeth looked at her daughter as if she was insane, using her sleeve to block more of the mist from getting in her lungs. Sarah started to laugh hysterically, horns slowly growing out off her head as mist-like marks started to appear on her body. Her hair started to grow longer as she walked closer to an opponent, her vision slowly coming back.

"Oh the price I have to pay just to seek my revenge on those who've wronged me," Sarah sadistically smiled as her Nichirn blade started to turn white, "I could perhaps ease your suffering if you would give me the location of Dello and Lila's hideout."

Ramona-Elizabeth jumped up onto the nearby roof, heavily breathing as she looked down at Sarah from above. She wasn't going to just simply give away the whereabouts of the demons the Corps are after, not unless they let her go free.

"I guess that's a no then? Oh well, at least I tried to play nice," Sarah responded as she got into a stance, "Blood demon art: Selene's Revenge."

Making her way up onto the rooftop, Sarah rushed over at the former demon queen and sent a barrage of attacks at her, the blade colliding with her neck when Ramona-Elizabeth got distracted. Sarah then used her Blood demon art: Sweet Serenity to put Ramona-Elizabeth into a trance-like state, completely unaware that her body is slowly turning into dust.

Sarah began to laugh hysterically at the irony of the situation. She has now became the monster her parents knew she would eventually become, descending into the madness that is being a newborn demon.

Nothing was going to stop her from completing her goal, nothing at all! She will save her friends and put an end to the Ciphers reign of terror, even if it means she will loose more of herself in the process. After all, her friends and family's lives are more valuable than her own.

"Now, where are you both hiding at?" Sarah asked herself as she used her blood demon art to pinpoint the Ciphers location, "Kansano Mountain? Hm...well I guess I better be making my way over there then..."

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