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"Ice Breathing, First Form: Snowy Tundra!" Blossom quickly rushed into battle as soon as Sarah arrived, determined to take the girl down before she could unleash an attack.

"I was honestly expecting a warm welcome, but I suppose being a murderer and blood traitor doesn't exactly garner me one," Sarah lightly shrugged as she pulled out her Nichirn sword, "Mist Breathing, Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash!"

Blossom was nearly blown away by the sheer ferocity of the attack, but was quickly saved by a panicking Bill Cipher. Of course she would never be able to defeat a former Hashira, especially the one that had trained her personally two years ago in one of the coldest places in Japan.... This was much different than fighting former demon queen Ramona-Elizabeth, she was fighting against her former mentor and higher up (despite her incredibly young age she was a skilled member of the corps). How could she possibly ever defeat her?

The final form of Ice Breathing would be an effective way of stopping her, but it's too much of a risky gamble to take. One wrong move and everything could go to hell real fast.

But it was a risk Blossom was willing to take. She's not about to let more innocent lives get taken at the hands of rouge demons, not after what happened today....

"Ice Breathing, Final-"

"Blood Demon Art: Sweet Melatonic Dreams."

A sudden barrage of light purple mist came at her as Blossom was about to unleash her final attack. So this was Sarah's blood demon art? If it was anything like the former demon queens, it must have something to do with poison.

Quickly ripping her shirt sleeve off and tying it around her mouth and nose, Blossom watched as Will and Jill enter the fog with weapons and conjured up blood demon arts. Bill tried to tell them that it was a bad idea, but his pleas went unheard the further his siblings descended into the mist.

"Bill, go get the others! I'll try my best to hold her off!" Blossom said as she adjusted her grip onto her sword.

Bill nodded as he rushed off to gather the remaining slayers, "On it!"

This was it, the endgame. Blossom knew she had to defeat Sarah now before she started devouring humans. Even with the drug hidden safely inside her hair clip that wouldn't be enough to bring Sarah back.

"She deserves better..." Fubuki had told them. "Please... help her..."

Sarah was as much of a victim in this as she was. She was just another pawn in this endless game called life. The girl didn't ask to be born the way she was nor did she even want to become a demon in the first place; all she wanted was to live a peaceful life with her loved ones and be free of the burdens that comes with being a demon slayer...

Blossom heavily sighed as she steadily descended into the fog. It was now or never, her former mentor and friend was now her biggest treat. She had to bring Sarah's reign of terror to an end before it began..right here, right now...

     The number of demon slayers was very few... A lot had been taken out either by the h*llhole called the Labyrinth or Sarah. Very few remained, and even then there were those severely injured.

     Naegi was holding his arm, hissing in pain as Tianheng sealed it in with some healing he knew and Mu Lan's help. He had gotten stabbed by a brainwashed Hana during the entire thing and it hurt so badly but he knew that they couldn't back down now. They had a fight to win.

     Even if Sarah was their friend... They had to take her down.

     "We ready to go?" Bubbles asked.

     "Yeah," Akame nodded, his eyes burning. He had lost his twin to this madness. He couldn't let anyone else die!

     "Let's go," Mu Lan growled. "We're taking that b*tch down!"

     "Yeah!" The rest nodded before they charged into the battle as well, ready to finally end this battle, once and for all.

     This was it. Their final stand for the world. They couldn't afford to lose now. Not after all those losses.

     They would avenge their friends, even if it took their lives.

     They would put an end to all this sh*t and protect their loved ones and others to come. This was not an option. It was a must.

     They would WIN. And that was a promise they intended to fulfill.
"Well well well, I honestly expected a pretty big fight against the infamous Cipher family, but instead I was met with a pretty huge letdown," Sarah taunted as she held up Jill's severed head in front of Will, "How disappointing."

"Y-You monster!" Will shouted out as he attempted to use his blood demon art against the teenager, only to be struck down by the blade of Sarah's sword.

"Perhaps I may be a monster, but even then sometimes you have to become one in order to take the rest down. Humans and demons cannot coexist in a world together without bloodshed and violence, it's just a known fact. Whoever believes otherwise is just naive and flat out stupid," Sarah responded as she watched the two Ciphers disintegrate into thin air.

"Then I must be flat out stupid then!" Blossom retorted as she came out of the cloud of mist, sword in hand as she is ready to strike the demon down in front of her, "Ice Breathing, Third Form: Ice Dragon!"

Sarah's eyes widened as she narrowly avoided the wrath of Blossom's attack. How did she get so strong? Previously she was easy to take down, but it was like the red-head went through some sort of power boost.

Regardless, Blossom is going to have to be taken down once and for all before she activated her final breath form. Sarah was not about to be trapped in a damn block of ice! That shit is fucking cold!

"Mist Breathing, Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze!"

"Ice Breathing, Fourth Form: Severe Frostbite!"

The twos swords clashed repeatedly as both Sarah and Blossom try to get an advantage on the other. Sounds of metal hitting and breaths being used as the other demon slayers and Bill made their way up to the final room. Blossom used Ice Breathing, Fifth Form: Avalanche, in an attempt to knock Sarah off of her feet. Sarah jumped away as soon as Blossom's sword made an impact on the ground, sending a few circular slashes of her sword at the other demon.

Sarah knew the others were coming, that Blossom was being used as the distraction for the rest of them to sneak up and kill her. She could not allow that to happen!

Cutting her arm slightly with her sword, Sarah activated her blood demon art to surround the following area in a sea of ecstasy. Blossom knew the other would activate her blood demon art soon, which is why she covered up her nose and mouth just in case it was effective against demons. Using Ice Breathing, Sixth Form: Snowflurry, Blossom cleared up the surrounding air as she charged directly at the other demon.

Unknowingly for Blossom, Sarah was using that as a distraction in order to snatch the cloth covering up her former comrades nose and mouth. Blossom stumbled back a bit as Sarah smiled tauntingly at her. Shit, she was fooled!

"Unfortunately this is where we part ways, Blossom Utonium. I had a lot of fun these past two years hanging out with you and your siblings, but I'm not in the mood to die right this second..."

Blossom's eyes widened as mist started to surround the area around them.

"Blood demon art: Summers Eve, Sweet Dreams."

With the slice of her sword, Blossom's head was cut off before the other could react. Sarah stared down at the slowly disintegrating corpse with sadness in her eyes. Perhaps in another life they will be reunited once again....hopefully next time in a world without demons...

The mist surrounding them cleared up as Sarah deactivated her blood demon art, looking directly at her shocked former comrades. Bubbles let out an anguished scream as she looked at her sisters disintegrating corpse. Perhaps she went a bit too far...

Regardless, the true final battle had only just begun, and it seems Sarah had just made a new enemy in the form of Bubbles Utonium...

"You will pay for this!" Bubbles shouted out as she charged directly at Sarah, "Flower Breathing, Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility!"

And she would be proven to be right in the end....

"Blood demon art: Sirens Requiem!"

Bubbles backflipped as Sarah unleashed a wave of mist blocking her view. Pulling out a piece of cloth and tying it around her face, Bubbles tightly gripped onto her sword as she frantically looked around for the demon. The mist around her started to play some sort of lullaby as Sarah snuck up on the blonde, landing a hit on her back.

Quickly turning around and unleashing a circular slash at the demon, Bubbles got out of her trance like state as soon as she felt the force of Sarah's blade hit her back. So Sarah was willing to play dirty in order to win? Well, that could be arranged.

A few months ago, Bubbles had commissioned the blacksmiths for a special sword sheath that would allow her to switch out her blade for another that could inject poison into any demons that cross her path. This was not a known fact amongst the corps, as the Ciphers deemed that sort of method 'very unethical' and 'inhumane'. Regardless, Bubbles still had it made and she only used it as a last resort method in case something bad happened.

"Flower Breathing, Sixth Form: Whirling Peach!"

Sending a few circular slashes to distract Sarah, Bubbles quickly put her sword back into its sheath and changed her blade before she could even notice. It was a mixture of wisteria and a bunch of other lethal poisons that were effective against humans, Bubbles' own personal concoction.

Swiftly sneaking up behind Sarah, Bubbles repeatedly stabbed the other multiple times with her sword before changing blades in her sheath and sending another wave of attacks at her. Sarah activated her blood demon art to turn her blade white, deflecting the others attacks and sending a few of her own.

The two would continue this pattern for a few minutes, both sides gaining injuries as the other demon slayers arrived into the room. Bubbles quickly glanced over before sending a roundhouse kick into Sarah's face, throwing a syringe full of medicine at Bill before distracting Sarah once again.

Bill quickly caught the syringe and rushed over towards the direction of his adopted niece, ready to end this battle once and for all. Sarah looked over her shoulder and noticed Ben coming at her with a syringe full of mysterious liquid. No, they were gonna turn her into a human again! She could not have that!

Coughing up blood after getting injected with more poison, Sarah activated her blood demon art and surrounded the area with more mist. She had to escape...now! But before the demon could escape, she got tackled to the ground by an determined Mu Lan.

"Bubbles, Bill, now!"

Shit shit shit....

Bill quickly threw the syringe containing the cure over at Bubbles, the latter catching it in mid air as she quickly rushed over at a struggling Sarah. It was really now or never!

"Flower Breathing—"

"NO!" Sarah thrashed as her former comrades held her in place, "I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED THIS EARLY! I STILL HAVE SO MUCH TO DO!"

"Final Form—"

"NO NO NO!" Sarah cried out as she attempted to break free.

"Equinoctial Vermillion Eye!"

Suddenly Sarah felt something prick her neck. Looking over her shoulder, she noticed Bubbles injecting her with some sort of cure before passing out due to her injuries. Sarah slowly started to turn back to normal, her skin tone turning normal and her urge to kill humans vanished.

Sarah's comrades looked at her with a relieved expression on their faces. Why are they relieved to see her? What exactly happened? Why is she covered in blood and dust?

"Oh god..." Sarah started to tear up, "I-I..."

Bill gently placed a hand on Sarah's shoulder as he looked at the mess surrounding them. It really was a long and exhausting battle, but now it was finally over. His parents were defeated, his adopted niece has finally been turned back into a human, and everything was now back to normal...but at what cost?

"It's been a long day, Sarah. Let's head back to headquarters now and take some time off to grieve," Bill said as he looked down at his adopted nice.

"B-But I..." Sarah stuttered.

"Come on, let's go home," Bill held out his hand as he looked Sarah in the eyes.

Sarah hesitantly nodded as she grabbed his hand. She didn't exactly know what had happened these last few days, but what she did know was that she had gotten taken over by her demon half and killed a lot of innocent people. But why exactly did she kill them? Sarah didn't know, her memory of everything has been quite fuzzy...actually she didn't even remember anything past getting thrown into the wall by her mother.

Why exactly had her life been spared? After everything she's did, after all the pain she's caused...Why?

Walking out of the Labyrinth hand in hand with her uncle, Sarah looked out into the distance as the moon reached its highest point in the sky. A lot of things have happened over the last two years, but in the end the demon slayers have finally won...but at what cost?

Well, Sarah couldn't exactly answer that herself....
A combination effort between myself and MysticalStoryWeaver

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