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     Starting this morning, she began training under the very watchful 'eyes' of the Mist Hashira, Sarah Bellum. First it began with a five mile jock around the property, now she's currently pushing a wheelbarrow filled with wood logs and rocks up the steep hill. She's pretty exhausted, to say the least.

     Back when she used to live at the Seaside Mansion, all she ever had to do was train in the art of sword fighting and build up enough speed to efficiently dodge oncoming attacks; perfect for anyone trying to master Breath of Water, but apparently not enough for her special type of breath style. Now she has to work on her swordsman skills, hunt for her own food, cook for both her, V, and Sarah, do a 5k, and push the fucking fire wood up the hill. Repeat that every single day for the next couple of weeks.

     Blossom used the last bit of strength to push the wheelbarrow at the top of the hill, face planting into the snow as she got up there. Suddenly, she felt something heavy hit her back. Blossom looked up and noticed that Sarah was standing on top of her back! Her aching back!

     Sarah grinned as she looked down (well more like up in the sky) upon her student, "Go search for us some dinner, oh and there's a sack over there you can put the shit in. If it's alive strangle it to death! We need dinner for tonight, especially after we finish our combat training."

    Blossom groaned in exhaustion.

    Sarah jumped off her back and landed perfectly in the snow, "Get up, or else I'll make you run an extra 8k after we train."

     Blossom immediately gotten up from the ground, "Yes ma'am," grabbed the sack, and rushed off into the woods in search for tonight's meal.
     It has been a little over two weeks since Blossom arrived in the artic tundra. Her muscles have slightly builded up overtime, she cut her hair off to her shoulders, and her swordsmanship skills have improved a lot.

     Training with Sarah hasn't been easy; having to chase after her, drag more shit up the hill, evade and outmaneuver her attacks, and she finally found a sword that worked perfectly for her; a Shamshir. Now she can use her breathing style much more efficiently when she goes up against demons...or right now her mentor.

     Right now they were having a duel; whoever looses has to cook dinner tonight, which so far has always been Blossom doing the dirty work and Sarah claiming victory. Blossom ducked as Sarah attempted to swipe her head off.

     "Hey!" Blossom yelled out before Sarah let out a series of ongoing attacks.

     "Surrender now, foul demon, or face the wraft of my blade!" Sarah said as she almost stabbed Blossom in the side with her blade.

     Blossom deflected the attack with her own sword and sent Sarah's flying into a nearby tree. Sarah pulled out her dagger and jumped towards Blossom in an attempt to pin her down. Blossom kicked Sarah away from her with great force, sending her teacher flying into the sky and on a tree branch.

     "You've done good, young grasshopper. Your reflexes have improved as well as your speed and strength. Man I'd hate to see what kind of training Master V is going to put you through," Sarah said as she hopped down and pulled her sword out of the tree, "You can have the day off tomorrow since it's your fifteenth birthday. I have to get back to headquarters and have a chat with our leader. Good luck being stuck with Master V, he surely hasn't taken too kindly to you."

     Blossom shivered, "I know...About dinner-"

     "You're making it your damn self, Utonium!" Sarah responded as she threw the sack at her, "I ain't your damn mama."

     Blossom sighed, "I've been bamboozled."

     Sarah smirked, "Bamboozled indeed. Now if you shall excuse me, I need to grab my things and take off; final selection is starting in three weeks, make me proud."

     Blossom nodded determinedly, "Yes ma'am!"
     "Your daughter has some real untapped potential, Ben," Sarah commented as she 'looked' at a picture of her student, "If she can actually grow the fuck up and get over her bias of demons, I think she would be one mad powerhouse."

     This year, like any other year, is time time for Hashira's like Sarah to pick out a Tsukugo that will take on the roll of a Hashira once their master passes away. Normally Sarah would avoid picking a Tsukugo (since she feels as if she doesn't need a successor), but ever since she ran into Blossom, her plans on not having a successor has changed drastically.

     Blossom was smart, witty, and can come up with a good comeback if someone insults her; basically an older version of Sarah, but more whiny and biased. Sarah has noticed a drastic increase in Blossoms character as a whole over the last few weeks, also turns out she's a great cook too! Basically everything Sarah wants in a successor.

     There's only one more test Blossom has to pass in order to win the spot of being her successor; she has to impress Master V himself and come close to beating him in a match. If she manages to come close to beating him, then after final selection she will be working alongside herself and working towards their common goal of slaying Uppermoon One.

     Ben pondered at the thought of her daughter potentially being someone's Tsukugo, "I see you've taken an interest in my daughter."

     "I feel it is about time that I take on a Tsukugo of my own. After all, I could use all the help I could get when it comes to tracking Uppermoon One and my mom down for us to continue on our plan," Sarah said as she moved the picture of Blossom back over to the pile, "So I heard you were looking for available Pillars that are able to take in your two other kids?"

     Ben nodded, "Ken is my Tsukugo, despite the fact that he clearly lacks the willpower and skills needed to pass final selection. The other two are skilled in different areas; Bubbles can create different types of poison and Buttercup is a skilled fighter."

     "Hm...perhaps you should ask the boss about what you should do before coming to me for advice. After all, I'm not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed," Sarah said jokingly, "Remember the Hoshu incident of '23?"

     Ben shuttered, "Good point."

     "Good luck training your Tsukugo for final selection, you're sure going to need it," Sarah said as she walked out the door.

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