Morie #1

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It was quite exhausting traveling each day to training. She hated that she had to depend on Mor or Rhys, although, she didn't mind depending on Mor that much.

She loved being in her presence, it calmed all the storms of her past that plagued her mind. It made her at ease, not needing to pull up her shield all the time.

She wanted to be always near her, touching her, but she didn't know if Mor was even interested in females like that.

She shakes her head, clearing her mind, as she keeps doing core exercises Cass added to their lesson this morning.

"Em?" Nesta's voice called her back from her thoughts.

She looks in the direction of her friend, as she was approaching her.

"We're having a family dinner at the River House tonight, Rhys and Feyre told me to ask you if you would like to join us." Her friend looked at her expectantly.

"I would love to, but I can't just leave my shop." She bites her lip, sadness washing over her.

She loved spending time with her friends and Nesta's family.

"I can ask Cass to send someone to take care of it. I would love to have you with us." Nesta was practically glowing and Emerie realized her sister had something planned for tonight.

"You're up to no good, are you?" Emerie asked and Nesta only smirked at her knowingly.

Emerie rolled her eyes at her. She was for sure up to no good. She just needed to figure out what was she up to.

"Okay, if he can send someone to look after it, I might join." Although all of her wanted to be there with her sisters, with Mor, she couldn't just leave her shop.

Her awful uncle would see that as an opportunity to call her out as careless and unfit to run a business on her own. She couldn't give him that satisfaction.

Nesta jumped to her feet and basically run to Cassian. She hangs her arms around his neck as his hands find their way around her waist. Emerie was happy for her sister. She could only hope she'll find something like that one day.

Her mind immediately went to Mor. Her smile. The way her golden hair shines brighter in the sun. The way her nose scrunches when she's frowning. The way each of her curves moved so sensually each time she was dancing. The way her brown eyes would turn into shades of honey whenever the sun illuminated them and the way those same eyes would turn chocolate brown when she was angry.

She slapped herself mentally, forcing her thoughts away from Mor. She couldn't think of her in that way. She couldn't fall for Mor. She just couldn't risk her heart that way.


True to her word, Nesta asked Cassian to find someone to replace her at the shop. And he did. Rhys came to retrieve her, and as she now stands nervously in front of the River House's entrance, she was knocking her knuckles.

She had to control herself. Her urges and desires. It would be inappropriate. It would ruin everything, and she just couldn't be the reason everybody's night was ruined. She didn't have a family and these people just might be the closest thing she'll ever have to a real family. 

As soon as Emerie entered the dining room she was greeted by Feyre. Feyre was young, but she carried herself in a way that you would question if she was much older. Emerie was quite often impressed by her wisdom, and she realized she was not the only one. The rest of the Inner Circle always looked at Feyre with love, admiration, and joy. Emerie knew of some things the High Lady went through, but she couldn't even begin to imagine how it actually felt to go through it. She knew Feyre deserved every bit of admiration and respect she gets. 

"It's good to have you with us tonight, Emerie." Feyre softly smiled at her. 

"Thank you for inviting me," Emerie responds as Feyre leads her to the table.

Everyone is already here and different conversations are flowing through the room. Emerie's eyes dart to where Mor is sitting. She is laughing at something Cassian said. Her whole face lights up as she throws her head back at Cassian's last statement. A small smile escapes Emeries lips as she watches her.

"You should make a move, Em." Nesta appeared next to her, hooking her arm through Emerie's. 

"Shut up, Nes," Emerie sneered causing Nesta to snort. 

"Let's have fun tonight, shall we?" Nesta winked at her and yanked her towards the tables.

Towards the spot where Mor and Cassian were sitting. Well, she's in deep trouble. 


Feyre and Rhys disappeared after midnight. Cassian and Nesta followed shortly after. Azriel took Gwyn immediately after to the library. Elain retreated to her room before Nesta and Cassian were gone. It was just her and Mor. 

"Let me show you something," Mor says softly as she reaches out her hand. 

Emerie takes it hesitantly, and the second her hand touches Mor's they winnow. She keeps forgetting how confusing winnowing is every time and she loses balance. Mor catches her before she could fall. A moment of silence crosses between them, but then Mor lets her go as if the spell has been broken. 

They are on the roof of the River House. Mor sits at the edge of the roof and leans back on her arms. Emerie considers for a moment before she joins her. They sit in silence for some time, both of them scared to make a sound. 

Emerie is nervously biting her lips and playing with her finger when she finally blurts it out, "Have you ever taken a woman to the bed?" 

She immediately slaps her forehead and hides her face in her palms. There is a moment of silence before she can hear Mor's infectious laugh. She's laughing. 

"Look at me, Emerie." A silent request. 

Emerie refuses to look at her, so Mor gently lifts her chin and forces her to meet her gaze. 

"It's a complicated story, but to cut it short - yes, I've taken a woman to my bed. I loved a woman centuries ago, and never again." Mor's gaze grows heavy as memories flash before her. 

Emerie lifts her head and gently touches Mor's cheek. Mor leans into the touch and looks up to Emerie's eyes. 

"Many Faes aren't exactly the most accepting of other Fae preferring the company of the same-sex Fae. I had to hide from the world. Especially from my family. I got so good at hiding myself that I forgot how to open up to my real family, my friends. Feyre is the only one who knows, I've never gathered the courage to say it to anyone else." A deep exhale leaves Mor's mouth. 

"I realized there's not going to be anyone like Andromache, so why even bother telling others? That was at least how I viewed things until I met you." Emerie's skin felt like it was on fire.

She was burning inside out. Her cheeks were red as a rose. She gulped hard, swallowing everything Mor just said.

"Tell me I'm not the only one who feels this thing between us," Mor says her voice cracking. 

The air around them got thicker. It was hard to breathe. Emerie just closed her eyes in an attempt to calm herself, but it was impossible. The total euphoria consumed her as she stands up and starts dancing around the roof, giggling like a child. 

Mor smiles as she watches her.

"I really thought I was going mad. I was scared of even considering you might feel the same. I didn't want to... to get my hopes up and hurt." She collapses to the ground and Mor silently approaches her. 

"Good thing that we feel the same then." Mor winks and causes Emerie to laugh.

That laugh is filled with relief and Mor smiles realizing the tension was slowly going away. 

"Yes, good," Emerie says breathily as Mor leans in.

"Can I kiss you, Em?" Emerie bites her lower lip.

The bolts of electricity are going through her body and skin. She never felt this alive. Her heart is literally galloping with every piece of space Mor takes.

"Took you long enough," she manages to say, and Mor snickers. 

"I'll make it up to you." Mor winks and then closes the gap between them.

It feels like the whole universe just exploded in her core, in her mind, and in her soul. She could feel every millimeter of her skin where Mor and she were touching. Every part of her was on fire. Mor gently bites on her lower lip asking for permission. Emerie slightly parts her lips and her tongue is immediately faced with Mor's. Everything about this feels incredible. 

After a couple of moments, they part their lips, gasping for air. 

"I want so much more than just a kiss," Mor murmurs as she brushes her nose over Emerie's shoulder.

"Then take it, Mor," Emerie's voice is less than a whisper as she struggles to keep her mind clear. 

But it was too late. Her mind was completely clouded, clouded by Mor. Her every thought was Mor. Her every breath was for Mor. Her every cell was screaming Mor's name. She wanted Mor.  And Mor wanted her. 

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