Chalter 27:Back to Reality?

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Beware, this chapter contains spoilers if you haven't seen the third Madoka Magica movie "Rebellion". You have been warned.


Reality may seem like the real world to you, but to others it means something else?~

I heard the rhythm of the beeping. I heard light purring. I opened my eyes and saw Sebastian's crimson eyes staring into mine. He looked so happy to see me. It has been five years since I have seen him. I placed my hand on his head and scratched his ears. He let out a loud meow.

"Its great to see you again." I told him. He purred louder. I sat up. I looked around. This is my home, no more animated things. I sighed in relief. I wonder if Lucy is alive here still. I looked out the window. The sky was filled with dark clouds. Rain fell to the ground. A nurse came in while I was staring out the window.

"Are you finally up. We thought you would never wake, but your friend said not to pull the plug. She is a good friend." the nurse said. I looked at her.

"Could you bring me something to eat, please?" I asked. She nodded and left the room. I petted Sebastian while I waited for her to come back. I heard a knock on the door. I looked over and was filled with joy. Lucy stood there with a big smile on her face and behind her was Jewl. She looked so cute. They came over to my bed.

"Yuno, I'm glad I finally found you!" Jewl said happily.

"I'm glad that we made it back." I told her. The nurse brought in a sandwich and water. I ate very quickly. After five years I am starved. They released me from the hospital five days later.

My old room never really changed. I looked around and then at my anime collection. Three animes were set out on my dresser. They were Shiki, Higurashi and Black Butler. Those were the worlds I went through, but I can't remember much of what happened. I sat on my bed. Jewl walked in and looked at the animes on my dresser.

"These are where we were right?" Jewl asked. I nodded slowly. "Glad we are here. Nothing seems to go wrong." Jewl said.

"Yea, its great to be home." I said. Just then a voice went through my head.

"You aren't home. This world is not your home." the voice said. I looked at my right hand. The ring was still on my finger. Did the voice just come from the ring? It spoke again. "We need you to come home. You have been living a false life for a long time. Just wake up and come home!" the voice said. I heard the term wake up many times in my dreams. I thought about the anime this ring comes from. I went over to my collection and looked through it. I finally stopped on Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I owned the whole season and the movie "Rebellion". I pulled them out. I never really watched the movie. I watch the series many times.

"You want to watch a movie Jewl?" I asked as I showed Rebellion to her. She nodded.

I popped the DVD into my DVD player. The movie started out really weird. Everyone was alive and working together to stop nightmares? That not right at all. It should be witches or demons. As the movie went on, it got to where we found out Homura is a witch. The reason why Madoka and Sayaka were there was to help Homura. They defeated her witch in Homura's own reality and they all found themselves in a ruined world. Then the real Madoka( who is a goddess) came to help Homura. But Homura did something selfish and unexpected. Her soul gem turned a darker shade of black. Homura basically turned into a demon. The same black demon from my dreams. She trapped everyone in her own demented reality. She changed everyone's memories. Mami and Kyoko were no longer Magical girls. Madoka became the shy new girl. Basically switched places with Homura from the series, but Madoka is no Magical girl. Then there is Sayaka, she is still a Magical girl, but she doesn't know it. The movie ended with Homura, wearing the same pink ribbon, happily dancing around and killing Kyubey.

"What the heck, my dreams were about this movie. I never even seen this." I said confused. Jewl just stared at me.

"You know something is wrong, but you don't know what." the voice said.

"Are you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost." Jewl asked.

"I'm fine." I replied.

The next day Lucy had to work. She got a job as a bank clerk. I took Jewl to the bank with me while I checked my saving account. I was lucky and got Lucy as the clerk I needed to talk to.

"Well what are you here for Yuno?" Lucy asked.

"I'm here to check my savings." I replied. She looked at her computer. Her eyes got wide.

"You have 10,000 dollars in your saving account!" Lucy said shocked.

"Really?!" I said. She nodded. Just then shots went off. Everyone in the bank turned toward the door. There were five gunmen forcing everyone to get down on the ground. They were threatening to kill us if they didn't get 1 million dollars. To show that they meant what they said, they killed a man that was near us. Jewl hugged me and she was shaking. They walked up to Lucy's window. They had their guns pointed at her and at Jewl. I know Lucy better than anyone and she won't give in to any threat. They then pointed a gun at my head. I was terrified. Lucy still wouldn't cooperate with them. The last thing I saw was Lucy and Jewl falling to the ground. The bang was so loud as the guns went off. I felt pain in my head. Warm blood ran down my face. I fell to the ground, wishing this didn't have to end like this. I closed my eyes for the last time

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