Chapter 16:First Blood

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You may think that dreams are just apart of your mind, but in some cases they can kill you?~

Mion opened the door. "Hey Mion, we came by for some soy sauce."Rika said.

"Alright, come on in. we just received some not to long ago." She said as we walked in. I wasn't so sure on the plan. It seemed really dangerous, but the thing with the shiki was probably more dangerous. As we followed Mion, we kept out footsteps quiet. We got to the room where she kept the sauce. She had her back to us, and Rika handed me the empty bottle. She removed a syringe and prepared to leap at Mion. She turned as Rika ran towards her. Mion dodged Rika's attack. She then turned and kicked her in the stomach. I didn't know what to do. I froze when I saw the stun gun. Mion took the syringe from Rika and injected it into Rika's arm. Mion then looked at me, she held her stun gun out towards me. I couldn't react in time and I was stunned. I was still conscious. Mion began to laugh wickedly. It sent chills up my spine.

"What should I do with you two. Maybe I should just kill you now, but that would be no fun. How about I take you to the dungeon and torture you there!" She said as her laughing got intense. I saw Rika stand up. She grabbed a knife off the table beside her.

"I would rather die now than let you torture me." She said in her adult voice. She placed the knife on the wall and started to ram the side of her head into the knife. Blood splattered everywhere. I closed my eyes as she just kept going. I heard her body fall to the floor then Mion laugh hysterically then it turned into a scream. She then looked at me. She walked over to me and hit me with the stun gun again. This time I fainted from the pain.

I woke up to the sounds of someone screaming my name.

"YUNO!" I opened my eyes and saw Shion in front of me.

"Shion? Where am I?" I asked her.

"I'm not Shion, I'm Mion. And we are in the dungeon located on our property." She told me. I was in awe. Shion was pretending to be Mion. No wonder she was acting a little different in class. "She Brought Satoko down a few minute ago." She told me. Shion yelled something to us.

"Now Mion, you can now listen as I torture poor Satoko!" then we heard Satoko.

"I won't cry like you want me to." She said. We could see the room where Shion was Torturing Satoko. Shion was stabbing Satoko's arms. She was letting her bleed to death while she stabbed away. I looked away and Mion was screaming for her to stop. After a while Satoko was dead. She took the lifeless body into another cell. I heard a light thud after a few minutes. Shion then walked over to the cell we were in. Mion backed away as she opened the door. She used her stun gun and I fainted.

Jewl POV.

I had a bad feeling while I was at Rena's. I went to sleep that night and had a dream. The dream was of a girl. She looked like the girl Yuno described from her dreams. I called her by the name she used.

"Are you Hanyu?" I asked.

"Yes. And I have horrible news. Rika and Satoko are dead. They are at Mion's place. You need to help Yuno. Mion is keeping her alive for some reason." She said as the dream faded. Rena was shaking me when I woke.

"Are you ok? You looked like you were having a nightmare." Rena told me.

"I'm fine, but Yuno, Rika and Satoko aren't. I have to go. If any of us don't show up at school, get Keiichi and go to Mion's house." I told her as I put my day clothes on. I walked down the stairs and she followed me to the front door.

"Be careful." She told me as she handed me a cleaver. "This is incase she attacks you." She said with a smile. I gave a quick nod and went on my way. I got to Mion's house. I hid the cleaver behind my back and knocked on the door. She answered with a sweet smile across her face.

"Hi Jewl. What brings you here so late?" she asked.

"I had a feeling that Yuno was here and in trouble." I told her. She let me in and led me though the house. I didn't see anyone. She then took me to the bottom of a cliff. I had my back to her which wasn't a great idea. I felt something cold and hard strike my head with enough force to knock me out.

Yuno POV.

I was chained to the wall. I was in a sitting position. I looked at the door. Shion came in dragging Jewl over to a huge wooden cross with straps. She strapped her in.

"Now what should I do with you." Shion said as she looked at Jewl. She went over to the wall of torture tools. "I got it. How about this." she said as she grabbed something that looked like clamps and another tool that looked like the tool Rika held during the festival. Jewl just opened her eyes and was terrified as she saw the tools. She looked at me, tears were running down her eyes.

"Yuno, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come." She said. I looked around for Hanyu. She appeared in front of me.

"Did you tell her where we were." I whispered to Hanyu.

"Yes, but now I regret telling her. I'm sorry." She said as she disappeared. Then I saw Shion bring the cutting tool down onto Jewl's stomach. She cut it deep enough to just cut the skin. She then took the clamps and began to pull her intestines out. Jewl screamed in pain. Tears ran down here cheeks and blood poured out of her mouth. I began to cry. I promised a normal life to her and now she is slowly dying. I couldn't hold back my anger.

"NO, STOP HURTING HER!" I screamed at Shion. She stopped pulling out Jewl's intestine and walked over to me. She picked up a cleaver that was on the ground. She raised it over her head. I saw my reflection in the blade. She had a creepy grin spread across her face. She brought the blade down as hard as she could. She cut my neck to where it no longer held my head on. As I died on the ground I looked at Jewl who was crying harder now. Blood dripped from the cleaver onto my face, then that was the last thing I could see and feel.

Jewl POV.

No! why did she have to just go and kill Yuno?! Mion set the cleaver back on the floor. She picked the clamps up an resumed pulling out my intestines. The pain was unbearable. I just tried to hold back the tears and the screams which Mion loved to hear. But I couldn't stop screaming as she kept pulling. I looked over at Yuno's head. She had died staring at me. The tears kept coming. I felt love because she came into my life. Because of the incident when I was young, I never got to do anything with anyone. I was alone until I made Himoto. He was the first friend I had, but he was more like a body guard. Yuno was my true first friend and now she is gone. The pain increased as she pulled harder. The pain was worse than being set on fire and placed in acid.

"So you aren't dead yet? Well you must be so strong to last this long." Mion said as she kept pulling. She began to laugh like a psycho. With all my strength, I asked her one question.

"W-why are y-you doing this M-mion?" I asked. "She stopped pulling. "You don't get it. I'm not Mion, I'm a Demon." she said with a grin.

"SHION, JUST STOP TORTURING HER!" Mion yelled from her cell. I was shocked. The person who was torturing me was Shion. But she called herself a demon, why? I just stared at her with pain filled eyes. She looked at the cells then back at me. She picked up the last bit of my intestines that were in my body and yanked them out. They ripped when she did that. I felt more pain than ever before. As my heart slowed I said one last thing to her.

"You w-will not w-win this t-time." I told her. I didn't even know what I meant when I said that. She looked confused by what I said. Through all the pain I managed to smile before my heart stopped.


This chapter even brought tears to my eyes, i felt like the characters when i wrote this so it hurt. Anyway, thank you to all the people who are still reading! :)

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