Chapter 19:Suspicion

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No one knows that they are dreaming unless they are lucid dreamers?~

I woke up to the sweet sound of the cicadas outside the window. I finally can get out of bed. My strength has returned and I am no longer dizzy. It was Friday and I woke Jewl up so we could get ready for school.

"Good morning Yuno. You seem to be better." Jewl said as she hugged me. I returned her hug. But I must still be careful around every one. More weird things happened over the past few days. Hopefully after the cotton drifting festival these things will go away. Rika and Satoko were downstairs and had breakfast on the table. We ate together and they were happy that I was better. We walked to school and helped Satoko set her traps for Keiichi. Every time he falls for a trap, I don't have the feeling that my life is in danger. It feels like the good times. Class goes on normally and like always I would help those that need help. When school ended, Mion and everyone else pick a game and began to play.

"Sorry guys. I can't play today, I have to go strait to work. See you guys later." I said as I left. Everyone said bye and continued to play.

I arrived at Irie Clinic and was greeted with a welcome back from everyone. I ran into Takano in a patient room and she had a slight shocked expression. Then she welcomed me back with a nervous smile. Like always I did many small task throughout the day. A little before I was aloud to leave, I felt a small dizzy spell for about a minute. I sat on a patient bed in an empty room. Doctor Irie walked in.

"Is something wrong?" He asked me.

"Just a little dizzy, but it should pass." I replied.

"Just as a precaution, in case you are sick, let me take a small blood sample." he said. I gave a nod and let him take an ounce of blood. "I'll go test your blood and we should have results tomorrow. So go home and rest well." Doctor Irie said.

"Sure. I'll get plenty of rest. See you tomorrow." I said as I left. The walk home was different. I ran into Keiichi and Rena.

"Hey Yuno, are you going home from work, are you?" Rena asked.

"Yea. It was a tough day. Want to get back and rest." I replied.

"Alright. Rest well. We don't want anything bad to happen to you." Keiichi said a little creepily.

"Yes, we don't want anything bad to happen to you, to you." Rena also said. I looked carefully at them. Their eyes were different somehow. They looked demonic.

"Yea, well, see you guys later." I said as I walked toward home.

Rika POV.

I sat on the window ledge and stared at the moon.

"Rika, how is Yuno still in control of her thoughts?" Hanyu asked.

"I don't know, but she may lose her mind soon. We have to be on our guard." I replied. I looked at Satoko who was sound asleep.

"You aren't just worried about Yuno are you?" Hanyu asked.

"You know that I also worry about Satoko. Those shots can only do so much for her, but I fear soon those shots won't work and the Hinamizawa Syndrome will take her like it will Yuno." I said.

"Then we will start over and try to save her, right?" Hanyu asked. I nodded. I returned to looking out the window. I thought that there was someone outside but I didn't see anything after that. I went to the fridge to get something to drink. After I finished I put the glass in the sink and went back to bed. Hopefully Yuno can resist the disease and not lose her mind. Tomorrow I should warn everyone on what's going on. Yea, while Yuno is at work I will tell everyone including Jewl. She should know more than any of us.

"Lets hope we can over come this fate of death and despair." Hanyu said as she disappeared. For one last time I looked at Satoko as I fell asleep.

Lucy POV.

I woke up to Sebastian's face in mine. "Good morning Sebastian." I said. He replied with a sweet meow. I patted his head and got up. I have no job since I went into that coma so today I am going out to find a job. This also reminds me of the day Yuno almost got killed. I know that if my phone starts to ring, I leave it alone and focus on the road. I got dressed into my nicest clothes and went to my car. I drove all over the city. I applied for many jobs and got some job reviews today too. One job that looked promising was a banker. I may just stop for the day and go home or maybe visit Yuno. And possible try to see if there is anyone in the hospital named Jewl. Yea, I will go to the hospital and look for Jewl. I arrived at the hospital and made my way to the receptionist.

"Hello ma'am. I am looking for someone who is named Jewl. Is anyone here named Jewl?" I asked the receptionist.

"Let me check the files." she replied. It took her about 5 minutes to search through the records. "I'm sorry miss, but there is no Jewl in this hospital." She finally answered.

"Ok, thanks anyway." I said as I walked toward Yuno's room. I sat beside her bed and just sat there. I had to think. How could Jewl be coming here if she isn't in the hospital? She can't just appear out of thin air. But I am not sure what is real anymore. The anime world really exist and many things can happen there. So maybe she could appear out of thin air here or she may come from somewhere else. I watched Yuno's brain monitor and saw it flat line for a minute then come back. I knew that she is in a world where you can die and come back if Rika dies.

I looked at the clock and went home. Sebastian was at the door and he had a strange DVD with him. I picked it up and read it, "Higurashi Yuno's Time" is what it read. I put into the DVD player and watched it. It appears to be what is happening with Yuno and Jewl. I watched as all these good and bad things happened. It continued to play through 4 worlds altogether. When the DVD ended I looked at the clock and it was past midnight.

I looked at Sebastian and said, "I want to always live and be with Yuno, even if I die many times I want to come back. That is my only wish, for her to be safe and for us to be together forever." I went to my room and laid my head on my pillow. Sebastian followed and fell asleep by my feet. I soon fell asleep.

Yuno POV.

I woke up early the next morning. It was Saturday and the day of my fifth shot and the results of my blood test. I was a little nervous about the results. I made some toast and ate on my way to the clinic. I had to work real early today so everyone else was still asleep. As I was walking a white van passed by me slowly. It then sped away. I continued to walk and soon arrived at the clinic. I went through the doors and went back to the room I always meet Takano in. I sat on the bed as she walked in holding a slightly bigger syringe.

"Good morning Yuno. How are you feeling today?" she asked me.

"Fine." I replied.

"That's good to hear. Now lets get this over with so we both can get back to work." she said with a creepy grin spread across her face. She put the end of the needle on my shoulder. "The last shot always goes into the shoulder." she said as she pushed the liquid into my shoulder. She put a bandage on it and left the room. We still had about 30 minutes before the doors open to the public so I went to find Doctor Irie. I found him in his office. I entered the room and closed the door.

"Hey, you got my results?" I asked him. "Yes and they came back negative. You don't have to worry. You may have caught a stomach bug when you were sick, but its gone now." he replied with a smile. I let out a silent sigh of relief. The day went by normally and I got off at 3, so maybe I could participate with the club today.

Jewl POV.

Rika gather everyone in the club except Yuno for a mysterious reason that she won't explain. We were all at the school, the club's usual meeting spot. We were waiting for Rena and Keiichi. I knew that Yuno gets off early so they need to hurry. They finally arrived and took a seat. Rika began to speak in her creepy adult voice.

"Now that everyone is here, I shall get right into the reason why I called this club meeting. Yuno is sick. She has a local disease known as the Hinamizawa Syndrome. This disease affects the mind and makes the person insane." She said.

"If Yuno has it, does that mean we have it, do we?" Rena asked. This time Satoko spoke.

"Yes everyone does have it, but if they stay in the village nothing should happen to you. I should know. It only gets worse when you are under stress. I have this disease and I am at stage 3 out of 5. I take shots to suppress the disease." she said as she looked toward the ground. Rika then resumed speaking.

"Yes and Yuno is in stage 4. She is probably almost to stage 5 where she will attack anyone and eventually start to claw at her own throat." She said as Hanyu appeared beside her. Only I could see and hear Hanyu along with Rika.

"Yuno will be dangerous. How will we stop her?" Mion asked.

"That will be difficult. She will try to protect herself and find something she could use as a weapon. We need to inject her with a drug to make her fall asleep so we can then take her to Doctor Irie." Rika finished.

"I fear that this will still lead to death Rika." Hanyu said as she looked at the club members then stopped at me.

"I know we may fail, but we can always start over." Rika whispered to Hanyu.

"So when should we try to go after her?" Keiichi asked.

Rika looked at him and said, "We strike when she starts to go crazy, so be ready at anytime. Mion, you have access to the sleeping drug right?" Mion grinned.

"Of course. Being part of the Sonozaki family has its advantages." Mion said as her grin faded.

"I'll get my cleaver from the construction site dump. I will also try to find everyone else weapons too, I will." Rena said as she stood.

"I'll go with Rena." Keiichi said as he got up.

"I'll set traps around the house tonight." Satoko said with a grin.

"Make sure they won't hurt her." I said. She gave a nod and ran out of the class. Mion, Rena and Keiichi also left. It was just Rika, Hanyu and me.

"The reason why I told everybody was so we could save Yuno and try to escape the fate of death." Rika said as she walked over to me.

"I understand. Remember, I know bit and pieces of the last world. This may give us an advantage." I said with a grin. Rika switched back to her childish voice.

"Ok, since you understand, lets go help Satoko with her traps." Rika said as I stood up. Hanyu had a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry Hanyu, I'll keep Rika safe." I told her. She looked at me and gave a small smile.

"I hope you will." she said as she disappeared. I looked at the clock. It was 12pm now. We only have three hours until Yuno gets off work. I looked at the lockers and notice one was open. I went over to it and opened it up. Inside was a baseball bat with Satoshi written on the handle. I grabbed the bat and Rika and I went back home to help Satoko with the traps.

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