Chapter 21:Slaughter

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Nightmare can make you insane, but what could they do to crazy people?~

I walked through the warm night, avoiding as many people as I could. I wandered around, not knowing what to do. Should I leave the village or should I just end this? My neck began to itch a little. I scratched it then continued to walk. I looked up and saw Rena. She had a cleaver in her right hand. She looked at me with worried eyes. Then she lifted her cleaver up.

"Why did you do it?" she asked.

"What?" I asked, trying to act innocent.

"Why did you kill Rika and Satoko?!" She yelled at me. Still acting innocent.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb! I know you killed them!" She kept yelling. Her eyes looked demonic.

"I have no idea what you are talking about?" I keep playing dumb. Rena lifted the cleaver into a position that made me raise my bat.

"You do know. Just come with me quietly and I'll help you." She said than began laughing insanely.

"What do you mean by help?" I asked. She continued to laugh louder. She was about 10 feet from me. She stopped laughing and looked strait at me.

"I give you one last warning, let me help you or you will transfer." she said.

"What does transfer mean?" I asked.

"It means you transfer away." she said than laughed again. I heard before that in this village when someone disappears during this time of year is called being Spirited Away by a Demon. Rena had stopped laughing again and stared at me. She then took off strait toward me. The cleaver was swung at my head. I blocked with the bat and pushed her back. I then swung at her and she blocked my swing. Our weapons were locked together.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked as I pushed as hard as I could to keep the cleaver where it is.

"I am only trying to help." She said. I pushed harder and threw her off balance. She fell to the ground. This was my chance to kill her. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and a sad look on her face as I brought down the bat as hard as I could. Her skull collapse inward. I looked at the cleaver in her unmoving right hand. I looked at my blood covered bat, then at the cleaver. I grabbed the cleaver and threw the bat away. I gave one last look at Rena's dead body then walked away. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as a scratched at my neck.

Jewl POV.

Rena got a call from Rika and went to grab her cleaver. She then called Mion and Keiichi. They came over and Rena went out. I was worried. If Yuno finally snapped, I fear Rika and Satoko are already dead. Rena is next, I know Yuno better than anyone and she is fast. I looked out the window. This moonless night was a dreadful one. Hanyu appeared beside me.

"Rika and Satoko tried to seduce her but they failed and are dead now." She said with sadness in her voice and expression.

"Keep an eye on Yuno for me, and tell me when she makes a move." I say in a whisper. She gave a nod and disappeared. I looked back out the window. A tear fell down my cheek.

"Don't worry Jewl, Rena is very good with that cleaver." Mion said as she put her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and stared out the window. She may not be enough though. Going alone was a stupid idea. About 10 minutes later, Hanyu appeared again. Her sad expression made me realize that Yuno had killed Rena.

"Rena is dead. Yuno is on her way here now." Hanyu said.

"Ok thank you Hanyu. You may go now." I whispered and she disappeared. I looked toward Mion and Keiichi. "Rena is dead, and Yuno is coming here now." I told them.

"Alright, we'll attack together. And we will win!" Mion said as she pulled three syringes out of her pocket. We all took one and went outside. This is the final fight. If we fail, we will have to start over in a new world.

Yuno came out from behind a tree. Her neck was slightly bloodied. She was in stage five of the Hinamizawa Syndrome. She had Rena's cleaver in her right hand. She was grinning at us.

"Yuno, please let us help you. You are sick with the local disease. Please let us help you." I told her. She just shook her head and lifted up the cleaver. I looked over at Mion and Keiichi. They gave slight nods and began to run toward Yuno. I just stood there, frozen with fear. Mion and Keiichi were dodging her swings. They tried to jab at her but she would always swing at them as they tried and dodged.

"Jewl come on, we need you to help!" Keiichi yelled as he dodged a swing. I was no longer frozen. I ran at them and dodged a swing and got behind her. I tried to put the shot in but she turned and hit my forehead with the butt of the cleaver's handle. I fell to the ground, dizzy and stunned. My vision was slightly blurred. I looked up and saw Yuno slash open Keiichi's chest. He fell to the ground. Unmoving. I heard Mion yell no and then she lashed out. Moving faster. She was amazingly fast. She was matching, maybe faster than Yuno. She got the syringe in Yuno's side. Yuno then swung the cleaver and cut open Mion's neck. Mion fell to the ground, dead. Yuno turned toward me. I regained my senses and got up as fast as I could and ran. The sleeping drug had already kicked in. I kept looking back as I ran. She was slowing down and eventually fell to the ground. I was smart enough to lead her toward the clinic. I went over to her unmoving body and dragged her into the clinic. I went through the doors right before Doctor Irie came through the doors.

I pulled her into the clinic.

"What's wrong with Yuno?" Doctor Irie asked.

"She has the Hinamizawa Syndrome and its at stage 5." I told him. He picked her up and took her to a room with a steel door. He placed her on the table and strapped her arms and legs down. "Are the straps really necessary?" I asked.

"Yes, so she doesn't claw at her throat." he replied. She began to wake up, I was surprised the drug wore off so quickly. She looked around frightened. She looked at the straps, then at us and began to scream. I couldn't stay in there while she screamed. I left the room. He was in there for a hour. The door slowly opened. I stood up quickly when I saw a bloodied hand. Out came Yuno. I was shocked. How did she get free. She had a bloody syringe in her left hand. I stood there frozen with fear. She turned toward me with a creepy grin. She walked toward me slowly. She stabbed my right eye with the syringe. I fell to the ground holding my eye. I looked up at her with tears running down my cheeks. She then stabbed my neck multiple times until I bleed to death.

Yuno POV.

I woke in restraints. I was freaking out, I had no idea what was going on. I saw Doctor Irie and Jewl. Jewl had left the room and I was still freaking out. Doctor Irie tried to inject something into me but I tried my best to stop him. I somehow broke the restraints, grabbed the syringe from him and stabbed him repeatedly until he was dead. My neck was itching badly. I scratched at it for a minute then opened the door. Jewl was out there and I went over to her and killed her. I then left the clinic. I returned to the spot where Keiichi and Mion still lay dead in there own blood. Tears ran down my cheeks. I sat under a tree near their bodies. I am so sorry, I didn't want to do this. I heard a foot step to my left. I looked left and no one was there. My neck still itched. I scratched it rapidly, skin peeling away from my neck. Warm blood came through the gashes I made. I felt myself getting weaker. I again looked to my left and saw a girl that looked somewhat like Rika.

"Don't worry, you will see them all again." She said then disappeared. I knew who that was but I couldn't think of her name. She was the god of the village. To the village she is Oyashiro. To Rika she is...Hanyu. As I remember I bleed out. Dead to all.


I honestly hate killing beloved characters...but it had to be done. Next chapter may confuse unless you know the story of Higurashi. Please keep reading. Thank you to all who read :)

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