Chapter 8:Tragic Night

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Dreams aren't what we think they are, some think that they are entirely different worlds?~

When night came I would always get out of bed, brush my silver hair and go out at night to hunt. Its been about a year since I became a shiki. Most of the village has either been killed and risen or just stayed dead. Over 2/3 of the village is gone. Out of the 900 people killed, only 200 roes including me. Only about 200 people are left in the village. I knew that I would have to do this sooner or later, but it has came to soon. The day when I must go after my own family.

Shido POV.

Every night for over a year I saw sis out her window. I always wanted to chase after her but mommy wouldn't allow it if I tried. When my seventh birthday passed, it felt a little different. It felt like something was missing. It was a feeling I never felt when I had only heard stories about sis. Since I met her, my heart just broke all over again. She never got to spend a birthday with me. After a while, it just seemed like she was still in her coma. The only thing that reminds me she is alive, is how she appears every night out her bedroom window.

The day went by slowly, like it always does at school. My friend Sachi, who was about 2 years older than me, came over to my desk after class ended.

"Hey Shido, you want to walk home together today?" She asked me. I just shook my head. I haven't really said much anywhere. She just left me there after I gave her my answer. I gathered my things and walked out the door. I slowly walked home, but today I took the longer route. Before I knew it, it began to get dark. I had the feeling that someone was watching me. I was beside the woods, so I went into the woods. Behind a tree, I saw silver hair for a second. I ran over to the tree, but no one was there. I went back to the road and continued to walk home.

When I got to my house, Sachi was waiting at the front door. Her light green hair was blowing in the breeze. Her bangs covered her eyes. She looked at me, tears were running down her face. For the first time in a year, I spoke to her.

"What's wrong Sachi?" I asked as I walked over to her. Her father had became ill with the same thing sis had.

"My m-mother. S-she died. When I got home she was already gone. I now have no one. My whole family is gone!" she said as she began to cry harder. I hugged her and led her inside.

Mommy greeted us then I explained Sachi's situation. The only bedroom that's not being used is sis's, so Sachi got that room to stay in. The next day, I went with Sachi to her mother's funeral. She cried so hard. I even let her cry on my shoulder. I felt so bad for her. She was now alone. I will never leave Sachi when she is in need. Just like now, I will never leave. I am also keeping my promise to sis and being strong.

After the burial, we headed back home. When we walked into the house it was about 9pm. I went to mommy's room and saw that she was already asleep. This surprised me. I closed her door and me and Sachi went to her room. I told her about how I see sis every night out the window. I looked out the window and saw those familiar eyes. I smiled and told Sachi to come by the window.

"Look at the bush. Do you see the red eyes?" I asked her. She nodded. I took my hand and made an upward motion. Then sis stood. Sachi's eyes grew wide.

"How is she there? I thought she died? Did she fake her death?" She asked me.

"No, she was dead. I don't know how she is out there. But one day I want to find out." I told her. She stepped closer to me and hugged me. She closed her eyes. I just continued to stare at sis. She had a creepy grin spread across her face. She then disappeared into the forest.

"Shido, I might know what she is and how she is alive." She told me, her voice very shaky. I just looked at her as she shakes in my arms. She looked up at me. "Your sister is not human anymore. She is a Shiki." She said. I just stared at her. I couldn't believe that my sister is a beast of old legends. She hugged me tighter and was now trying to calm me down.

After I calmed down a little she let me go. I remembered sis's grin, so I ran to mommy's room. I opened mommy's door and ran over to her side. I nudged her, but she wouldn't wake up. I began to shake her. She then opened her eyes. They seemed so empty. Sachi came in.

"Look for two bite marks, they'll look like bug bites." She said as she watched from the doorway. I looked at her neck. On her left side there was two bite marks.

"Oh no, not mommy." I began to cry.

"Don't worry Shido. I'll b-be fine. Don't worry about me. L-live your life as long as you can." Mommy said before she went back to sleep. I closed the door to mommy's room.

"I'm so sorry Shido. I didn't think of this when many people were dying the same way. I should have guessed this was do to shiki when over half the village died." She came over to me. She kissed my forehead. I began to blush. "If your mother has been bit, them we are no longer safe in this house, we should stay somewhere safe." she told me.

"I need to protect mommy though." I told her.

"Fine, we'll stay, but I think its to late for your mother." She told me. I looked at mother's door then went to my room. Sachi retired to her room, after she made crosses for protection. She came into my room and gave me a cross. I thanked her and she left. I tried to go to sleep, and finally sleep came.

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