Nine | Waterlily

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She awoke in the afternoon, which she knew because of the height of the sun. Her eyes drifted along the opposite side of the bank, not looking for something so much as taking it all in.

So Waterlily was surprised when she actually found something.

It was the eevee. Undoubtedly him. He was sleeping, mostly hidden by leaves, but the sun had shifted and now shone onto his fur. She watched him sleep, feeling slightly intrusive but somewhat justified, seeing that this was her place and she had been here first.

She wanted to wake him, so she searched around her rock for pebbles and gathered up a small pile of them. She threw the first one across. It didn't go very far, but she hadn't had much practice with throwing things. She tried again, this time getting a bit closer.

After half a dozen pebbles, one finally landed just in front of his nose, causing droplets of water to splash against his muzzle. She froze, watching him as his nose twitched and his eyes fluttered open to stare at her.

Waterlily threw another rock, this one landing just close enough for a couple drops of water to splash on his paws. He blinked, then smiled.

He rooted around in the river bank for a moment before pulling back with a small stone, which he tossed at her. It landed just past the center of the river, and she giggled. She had never giggled before.

She tossed another rock at him, this one landing too far to splash him but still further than his. He tried again. She tried to skip a stone, as she'd seen some of the other Pokémon do on occasion. It bounced once, twice, before sinking down.

They sat like that, throwing rocks back and forth without a word exchanged, until the sun set and she gave him a little wave before turning and making her way back to her home by the pond. She felt the weight of his eyes on her long after the reeds had hidden her from view. 

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