One | Waterlily

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The eevee hatched alone.

It was a lovely day, the kind of whether that would become her favorite once she learned the ways of the sky. It was strange, the hatching. One moment, everything was warm and small and dark. The next, she was blinking open her eyes for the very first time, struggling to take in the huge, wonderful world around her.

In the days to come, she ventured outside of her hatching place, which was little more than a mossy nook between tree roots. She was in a forest, a place filled with strange plants and Pokémon, some of which were friendly, others of which ran or growled before she could get close. She kept her distance, afraid of the strange new world.

A couple Pokémon who identified themselves as Pidgeys took notice of her and taught her a few things. They showed her the best foods to eat, how to take shelter when the sky was full of rain, and where to find water. They taught her new words. Words, which began to slowly make sense. She would look at something, think about it, and later, its name would come to her. It was in this way that she slowly became familiar with the forest.

The Pidgeys warned her of dangers, too. They said that strange things called people sometimes came into the forest in search of Pokémon, and that if she saw them, to either hide or run. They taught her which Pokémon should be avoided, and which could be spoken to. They introduced her to some of the other Pokémon, and in meeting them, she realized she was quite shy.

She took to wandering alone, learning more secret places, discovering new things. It wasn't long before she found the river. 

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