Twelve | Shade

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She had burst from the bushes in more of a rush than he'd ever seen her in. She stopped at the edge of the river as though she'd forgotten it was there, and in the moment before she turned away, he saw the fear in her eyes.

And then the human appeared behind her. With a Charmelion on its tail.

The human pointed at the eevee, its mouth moving in a command, and its Pokémon opened its mouth. At that moment, Shade understood what was happening.

Shade didn't know much about battling other pokemon. He'd done it, rarely, in the time before he found the forest. So he knew a few moves. Nothing near enough to have an actual battle, and nothing too powerful. But watching her, sitting on that bank, trembling before a ruthless attacker, it was as if something awoke inside of him.

With a cry, Shade leapt up, a power wrenching inside of him. Stars took form, swirling around his tail, and with another cry, he launched them across the river, straight at the Charmelion.

His attack hit its mark, and the Pokémon stumbled back, crashing into its trainer. In front of them, the eevee opened its eyes and turned to look at him. The expression on her face when she saw him... it was worth fighting for.

Shade gave another cry as the Charmelion recovered, screeching in rage. At a word from its trainer, it sent a burst of fire spiraling across the river, straight at him.

Shade dodged, retaliating with another attack. The Charmelion met it with another burst of flame, and a minor explosion clouded the air between them.

When it cleared, Shade saw the human standing, staring down at the eevee. A red and white ball Shade recognised all too well appeared in its hands. No.

Shade screamed a warning to the eevee as he leapt, paws leaving the bank as he launched himself into the middle of the river. He had never swam before, but he had to try. He had to get to her before she was taken forever.

At first, he managed to swim alright. The eevee turned to him, her eyes meeting his. But his paws felt like led and the water kept coming, tumbling and raging in a way that demolished his weak efforts.

Shade went under, water closing over his head as he struggled to the surface. When he breached, he couldn't see her. He was being swept away from her, downstream. He shouted, searching wildly, but before he could get his bearings he was swept under again.

He struggled, water clogging in his eyes and mouth and nose, his paws feeling like wood. He couldn't see the surface. He couldn't see at all. He couldn't breathe. He could only see her, shining in his mind's eye, crouched on that bank as he failed to save her.

Shade closed his eyes and let the water sweep him away.  

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