The Infiltration

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Hey guys! I've finally got this chapter for you. It's not as long as the last one, and there's not as much plot progression either. But there's tons of weapons! (So many weapons. This chapter would be that scene in the movie where the main character finds a ton of cool stuff and suits up, or something.) Also, some ridiculous!Percy, because... idk. He just started being kind of silly, so yeah.

- Spathi

I stumble out of the fireplace, recovering my balance only to trip over a rug and fall on my face. Severus sweeps smoothly out of the fireplace behind me, snickering.

"You know, there's a skill we wizards all learn as young children that you might want to learn yourself. It's called walking." he snarks.

"I hope you step on the edge of your robe and fall over." I groan from the floor. My uncle smirks.

"Not likely. I'm the master of the intimidating stalk. My robes billow like smoke around me." he brags. I sit up, interested. Images of me walking around with cloth flaring out behind me fill my head.

"Can you teach me how to do that?" I ask. He considers it for a second.

"Eventually. But not right now. We've got to move you into the Chamber first." I sigh, but nod my head, knowing that he's right.

"Follow me." he says, and walks out of the room. I dig Annabeth's hat out of my backpack, place it on my head, and run after him. He turns, looking confused.

"Where are you?" I realize that I forgot to mention that I could turn invisible.

"I've got an invisibilty cap." I explain. He frowns, but decides not to dwell on it. Instead, he continues down the hallways of the school. I trail behind him, looking around and absorbing everything as we go. The school is pretty awesome, with moving pictures on the walls and a medieval castle vibe.

We eventually arrive at the girls' bathroom, and Severus ushers me inside. He points at a sink, where there's a small inscription of a snake.

"Open." I say, and a huge hole appears in the floor.

"Cool." I comment, and jump straight in.

"Percy!" My uncle exclaims, following me down. I slide wildly down the pipe, yelling excitedly. Behind me, Severus glides through the air, his descent controlled by his wings. I tuck into a smooth roll once I get to the bottom. Severus lands lightly next to me.

"Perseus Jackson, you need to control your impulses!" he complains. I pout.

"But where would the fun be in that?" Severus rubs his temples, and sighs.

"Let's go." he finally says, and starts making his way through the passageway. We squeeze past a gigantic snake carcass, and stop in front of a massive door.

"Open" I tell the door, and it slides out of the way, revealing a long chamber with columns that had snakes coiling around them. There was another dead snake in the middle of the chamber.

"Do you know how expensive Basilisk parts are?" my uncle asks gleefully.

"Not really, no. But you can take your pick of these." I respond. He immediately sets to work collecting various things from the basilisk, and I make my way to the back of the chamber, where a gigantic statue of Salazar Slytherin stood. It seemed that the chamber had been flooded, because only the head of Salazar was visible. There is a gaping hole in the mouth, where the basilisk had probably lived. I step inside, and look down.

"Oh, these must be the pipes of the school." I realize. I know that I can use these to move around the school. But staring down the pipe, it occurs to me that unless I want to constantly plummet through the air and climb up vertical slopes, I'm going to need a better way to traverse the plumbing system. I glance behind me, suddenly understanding that the flooding had come from the pipes.

"Well, I'd better return the water to where it's supposed to be." I muse. I reach out, feeling the familiar tug in my gut as I take control of the water and lift it into the air. I flick my wrist downwards, and all of the water shoots towards the mouth of Salazar. For a couple seconds, I am enveloped in a swirling tunnel of waves. Then, it passes, disappearing down the pipe. I shrug, and step away from the mouth. I almost fall to my death as I realize that there is now a hundred foot drop beneath me.

"Styx!" I yelp, stumbling back. I glance over at my uncle, who is completely absorbed in his work.

"Sorry, Uncle Sev, but I'm going to be a little reckless right now." I apologize, not that he hears me. I reach out with my powers, and bring some water back up the pipe. Then, I create a platform, which I use to lower myself through the air until I find the bottom of the Chamber.

There's another set of doors there, as well as a couple passageways marked with different parts of the castle. I assume that these are shortcuts, and ignore them, turning to the set of doors.

"Open." I say for the third time that day, and they obey, revealing...

"Are these Salazar's personal chambers?" I ask. My words ring through the empty room. Obviously, I get no answer.

I cautiously step forward, taking in the well furnished living room that seems to be in great condition. There's an enormous bookshelf that I know Severus would love to get his hands on, a bedroom to the right, as well as a door that's marked armory. Being the battle loving demigod that I am, I enter that room first.

"Oh, that's awesome." I say, taking in everything inside of the room. Most of it is wizarding gear, and I have no idea what some of these things are, but it still seems pretty cool.

I notice this wicked looking manica, which is the armguard that a retiarius uses. The metal is black, and it's connected to a spiked glove. A metal serpent head with emerald green eyes snarls out from the shoulder. I put it on, and hiss (no pun intended) in pain as it suddenly tightens around my left arm. I reflexively clench my fist, causing a medieval shield with a snake on the front to suddenly spring from the glove.

"Okay, so I'm Captain Amerisnake now. But I'm also the Winter Slythersoldier. So, I guess that makes me Captain Winterserpent of New York?" I comment randomly. At this point, a gauntlet catches my eye. It's also made of black metal. The weird thing about it is that there's only one, which is for the right hand.

"Where's the left one?" Again, I don't get a response. I shrug, and inspect the gauntlet. It has a vambrace, and two slots. One is flat, kind of like a sheathe for a blade. The other is long and cylindrical, like it's meant for a wand. I place my dagger and wand into the slots, and wait. The gauntlet suddenly flashes brightly, and I drop it in surprise. It lands with a loud clang.

I immediately noticed that the design has altered slightly. The gauntlet seems to made of interlocking plates, and it's got clawed fingers.

I warily crouch down to pick the glove up, pulling it onto my right hand. It hums with power slightly, and I'm struck with a brilliant idea.

"Expecto Patronum!" I cast, thrusting my right hand forward. My manta ray shoots out of my hand and dances through the air.

"But what happened to my dagger?" I wonder. I'm still not getting any answers from the air, so I visualize it in an attempt to summon it.

Instead, the gauntlet shifts until I basically look like I've got a blade below the shoulder, that is, my hand is tucked inside a compartment with my dagger. It's kind of like Wasabi's weapon from Big Hero 6, except my hand is completely surrounded.

"Forget Captain Winterserpent. I'm basically Sharon Rogers from that game that Leo plays on his ΩPhone. Except she's also Captain America. So... I guess I'm still Captain Winterserpent of New York." Then, I frown.

"Why do I keep talking aloud like this? There's literally no one down here to hear me." I wait, just in case someone actually does respond. No one does.

"Yup, I'm alone. Now, how do I get these things off?" As soon as I say that, the gauntlet transforms into my ring, and the manica shrinks down into a serpent bracelet which is now wrapped around my left wrist.

"Huh. That's useful." I move deeper into the armory, and pick up whatever items I like. When I'm done, I've got a simple leather breastplate that's warded against most spells (although it probably wouldn't do much against an Unforgivable), a navy blue cloak which is warded the same way that the breastplate is, a pair of comfortable padded pants, a sturdy set of boots, and a metal half-face mask that somehow doesn't muffle my speech. All in all, the outfit looks seriously intimidating and badass, and the color scheme is dark blue and black, which will be easy to sneak around in. Except, I don't look much like a wizard. I glance down at my outfit.

"Not sure if I'm a knight, or a demi-wizard ex machina. Because if I charge into battle like this, everybody's going to think that I'm bringing the freaking cavalry with me." I will the outfit to disappear, even though I'm not sure that they're enchanted that way. Luckily, the armor shrinks away, becoming a tattoo of a snake on my right shoulder.

"Dammit, Mom's going to kill me for getting another tattoo. That's going to be fun. Well, while I'm down here, I should totally get Uncle Sev some stuff too." I say to myself. Then, it occurs to me that my wand is still in the battleglove. I glance at the ring on my right pinky, which gleams brightly in the dim room.

"Maybe I can cast spells with this hand, so long as I'm wearing the ring." I think. I decide to test it.

"Lumos." A ball of light appears in my hand. I grin widely.

"Nox." I mutter, and it vanishes. Then, I raise my hand towards an enormous scythe that I think that my Uncle could use. I'm not sure if he actually knows how to use scythes, but he can always learn. Plus, he'd look like the mortal representation of death.

"Accio." The scythe lifts off the wall, and soars across the room, landing neatly in my hand. I put it down, and attempt to cast Lumos with my other hand, but it doesn't work. I suddenly remember my dagger.

"If I can use my wand while it's in ring form, then maybe the ring can somehow be my dagger?" I imagine my dagger, trying to summon it like I usually would. Nothing happens.

"Huh. That sucks." I say, frowning. Now I don't have a weapon I can use with finesse. The gigantic- I don't even know what to call my new weapon - thing that I have is kind of large and bulky. Although it kind of reminds me of a jousting lance.

"Gods, I'm literally a magic knight. I've got a medieval set of armor, a jousting dagger thing, and a shield. And my uncle can turn into a dragon. All I need is a horse. Or a pegasus." I realize. I need to get Blackjack to London. Pegasi are quite common around here, anyways, and I've got a more comfortable saddle for him now.

"But seriously, I can't just go into full knight mode whenever I fight. And just because I've got fangs and can run on all fours doesn't mean I'm gonna go all beast mode either. That's kind of disturbing. Although, that might be interesting against the werewolves. Anyways, I need a new weapon. But not a sword, because Riptide's kind of irreplacable." I glance around the room, looking for something I can use. My eyes fall on a silver pronged trident with a black-leather wrapped handle.

"Where's Finnick? Odair he is." I joke to myself as I move closer. I pick it up, finding it to be pretty light.

"Yeah, this could definitely work. Plus, I can throw it, Accio it back, and throw it again. That's definitely helpful."

"Going on a weapons spree?" My uncle says suddenly, and I almost hurl the trident at him. Luckily, I don't, and so Severus gets to live another day, which is relieving.

"Please don't do that." I gasp. Then, I frown.

"How'd you get down here?" I wonder.

"I flew. Then, I walked through the doors that you left wide open." Uncle Sev responds. I remember the scythe that I summoned earlier.

"Oh, this is for you, by the way." I say, picking it up, and handing it to him. He examines it, nodding to himself.

"I have no idea how to use this, but I'm sure I can learn." he responds. I grin.

"That's the spirit! Now, come on, we need to find a secondary weapon for you, because that might be a little hard to use in tight spaces." I reply.

"Don't you think that might be a little excessive?" he wonders.

"Well, if we're going into a war, and we have the opportunity to get a leg up on the other side, then why not?" I point out. Severus shrugs.

"True." he says. We look through the armory for a little bit, finally deciding on a cross belt full of throwing knives that automatically refill themselves. My uncle is rather precise, anyways, and he doesn't really like the idea of getting too close to people when fighting them. Probably the self-presevation thing. He'd rather take them down from afar, and his wings will help with that. And the scythe is pretty long, built for wide, sweeping strikes that will give him some breathing room if he is ever in the thick of a battle. The knife belt disappears and reappears with a single thought, and the scythe turns into a ring he can wear on his pinky.

Severus is already covered on the armor part (Tyson's delivery should arrive soon), and a cloak would just get in the way of his wings, so we leave the armory, deciding to explore Slytherin's private quarters instead.

"You'll be quite comfortable down here." Severus says, and I wholeheartedly agree. I point out the bookshelf from earlier, and a glint appears in his eyes. He selects around 10 books, and shrinks them down. He'll probably spend a ton of time holed up in his office, reading them. At least they'll give him an excuse to avoid everybody. I don't blame him. The students and teachers kind of hate him, and the Death Eaters are just creepy.

"Right, so I'm going to explore the castle from behind the walls. You need to be up there, running the school." I announce, and Severus nods. The fireplace seems to be connected to the Floo Network, so my uncle throws some powder in, and disappears in a swirl of flames.

I exit Slytherin's chambers, and make my way over to one of the tunnels, marked Forbidden Forest. I head inside. Before long, I find myself standing underneath a trapdoor. I open it, and crawl through.

"Blackjack!" I mentally yell. About 30 minutes later, he appears in the sky, spiraling downwards to land gently on the ground.

"Hey, boss!" he greets.

"Stop calling me boss." I complain.

"Sure thing, boss." he retorts, and I roll my eyes.

"I recently became a knight. So, I'm going to need to train my cavalry skills." I say.

"Cool. Where to?" I glance at the trapdoor, realizing that there is no way that I can fit Blackjack through the opening. That would be cruel. But maybe, I can make the opening larger.

"Engorgio." I cast, flicking my wrist in the direction of the trapdoor. The opening swells until it's the size of a small pool.

"Awesome. Can you get down there, Blackjack?" I ask.

"You bet I can." he whinnies, and jumps in. I drop down after him, turning and returning the trapdoor to it's original state. Then, I pull it shut. We head back down the passageway, finally emerging in the enormous chamber. I unzip my backpack, and pull out Blackjack's new saddle, strapping it onto his back.

"I need to get you some armor." I realize.

"That'd be cool." Blackjack replies. I smile fondly at the pegasus. Then, I summon my new armor.

"You weren't kidding when you said you'd become a knight." Blackjack comments. I swing myself onto his back.

"You good?" I ask.

"I'm great!" he nickers.

"Awesome. Okay, so first, I need to get used to riding on your back with all of this stuff on me. Then, I'll set up some targets, and we'll start practicing." I suggest.

"Sounds good." Blackjack neighs. I grin.

"Then let's get to it." The pegasus rears onto his hind legs, and gallops forward.

Those Death Eaters are going to regret messing with my Uncle.

I'll make sure of it.

Got kind of serious at the end there, didn't it? Meh, he'll be back to light-hearted in no time. Hope you liked the update!

- Spathi

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