11. Stargazing

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    Zane gazed out at the dark waters around him as he steered the wheel.

  The stars sparkled in the cloudless sky, and all he could hear was the gentle lapping of the waves. 

    He noticed Pixal and Skylor come out onto the main deck, probably for some fresh air. He watched them for awhile, as they chatted, their laughter ringing out in the night air. 

   "I'll take over." 

  Zane turned to see Kai leaning against the door leading to the Navigation Cabin. 

    "Have the others already called it a night?" Zane asked, as he handed the wheel over. 

   "Yeah, there wasn't much to do. We're pretty much having a day off tomorrow." Kai shrugged. 

   "What do you think about the girls?" Kai suddenly asked. 

      "What do you mean?" Zane said slowly. 

   "I mean, what do you think about them being here and what they're like." Kai explained as he caught sight of the two girls. 

   "Well," Zane pondered over the matter, "Lloyd may have been overreacting at first, but so far, they seem to be of no bother at all. Although, I do have to agree with Lloyd on this one, what they did launching themselves into battle was not the best idea." 

    "Hmmm..." Kai agreed. 

   Zane left him to his thoughts and descended to the main deck. "Good evening girls." He greeted them politely.

   "Oh! Good evening! I am sorry, we were only here for fresh air." Pixal started to apologies but Zane raised his hand. 

   "That is fine. There is nothing wrong with getting some fresh air, especially on a night like this." Zane said, walking closer to the two girls. 

   "I agree, it is very pleasant." Pixal nodded.

   "I'll leave you two to chat, excuse me." Skylor smirked as she slipped by. 

  Zane walked closer till he was standing next to Pixal, both leaning against the railing and looking out across the sea. 

   "If I remember correctly, you have been on the seas all your life?" Pixal asked, as she tried to start  a conversation. 

   "Affirmative. We were taught how to work around a ship, then later on, around the age of 4 or 5, we were taught how to handle weapons." Zane explained.

   "At such a young age?!" Pixal gasped, "Is that not dangerous?" 

  "Not when you have brilliant teachers. We hardly ever got injured during training. Just bruises and very minor cuts." Zane shrugged. 

     "I see." Pixal said slowly. 

    "What was your childhood like?" Zane asked. 

  "Well it certainly was not as exciting as yours," Pixal laughed, "but it was good. I was happy and I had fun at times. My father is a duke, but he was also in the Navy. When he was knighted, he preferred going by the title 'Sir' rather than 'Duke'. My mother died when I was only a baby, so I don't remember her at all. I have only seen paintings of her." 

   "Nadakhan was our father figure, along with Flintlock. Clancee would play and take care of us when we were little and Dogshank too. That's why when Nadakhan left with his crew, Flintlock, Clancee and Dogshank stayed behind." Zane said. 

   "About an entirely different matter," Pixal started, "Lloyd." 

  Zane turned to look at her. "What about Lloyd?" 

   "What happened to him exactly?" Pixal asked slowly. 

  There was silence for a long time and Pixal thought she had crossed the line. 

   "Lloyd... was not always like this," Zane started softly, "When he was a child, he was happy, had and still has a huge candy obsession. He was carefree and the sunshine in any of our darkest days. He was one of the only ones who could cheer Nadakhan up if he was angry or in a mood. As we all grew up, we could see that Lloyd could hardly find any fault in anything. Then one day... all that changed." Zane paused.

   "Do not worry, if you would rather not tell the story, it would not matter." Pixal said.

  "No, it is fine. Lloyd probably will not tell it anytime soon," Zane pinched the bridge of his nose, "Lloyd made friends with two children around his age in a village. It was the year before Nadakhan left and we took over the ship, mainly Lloyd. One was a boy called Aaron and the other was a girl called Eloise, they were not siblings. All three of them became fast friends. As time went on, Lloyd and Eloise started liking each other and well... they started going out together whenever Lloyd could spare the time. Then... it was a couple of months after Lloyd became the captain. He went to give Eloise a surprise visit since we were docked for a couple of days at the village where she lived. But when Lloyd got to her house, he saw Eloise and Aaron kissing in the garden. He was so upset and furious. He marched up to them and punched Aaron a few times. When he came back to the ship, we were shocked to see him in tears. We tried everything to comfort him and to make him feel better. When Lloyd told us what happened the next day, Kai was absolutely livid. He left the ship and was gone for a couple of hours. When he came back, he did not say a word. But we later found out that he went and found Aaron and Eloise, giving them both a piece of his mind, more specifically, screamed at Eloise and gave Aaron a couple more punches. Since then, Lloyd has been cold and stern to anyone outside of his circle and Kai has been an over-protective brother, not that he wasn't before." 

    "I am so sorry! I should not have asked! It was wrong of me to ask something so personal." Pixal bit her lip. 

   "It's fine." Zane cut in shortly. 

   Silence once again fell on them, although this time, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. 

 "The stars are beautiful." Pixal commented, changing the subject. 

  "Yeah, they are." Zane agreed. 


       "I trusted you! You were my friend, how could you do this?!" 

     "Leave me alone! I don't want to talk." 

       "I can't believe you!" 

    "Let just get out of here."

   "Don't say their names in front of me ever again!" 

    "Touch one hair on her head and I'll make sure you don't live to see the sun rise." 

   "Garmadon? Are you still with us?"

     Garmadon shook his head to try and clear his mind from the voice yelling in his head. 

  "Yeah, sorry. I was... I was just thinking." Garmadon said, looking at the others.

    Misako looked at her husband, knowing something was going on, but decided not to question it.  

   "Stay with me, I won't make another day." 

  "Please don't say that, you will live, Lloyd, you will live." 

   "Don't become distant or cold when I'm gone, move on. Move on. I don't want you to waste you charm and happiness by not loving." 

   "N-no. Lloyd, p-please. This isn't goodbye, it's too soon. I only just got you back, I just got you back. You can't leave me again." 

   "I'll never leave you again, I'll always be with you, remember that. I love you, I always have." 


     Skylor smiled softly as she leaned against the railing of the Quarter Deck, leaning over it slightly to see the waves lapping against the ship. 

   "Don't lean over to much. Lloyd won't be thanking either of us if I have to wake the whole ship up." 

   Skylor turned around and looked up. 

  Kai was looking at her with an amused glance. Skylor looked at him, taking him in. 

 He had his jacket off and his sleeves were pushed up to the shoulder. He had one hand on the wheel while the other was in his pocket. He had a carefree posture. 

    "And since when did you care about my safety?" Skylor asked, as she climbed up the steps towards him. She leaned against the railing in front of him. 

   "I'm not worried about your safety, I'm worried about the yelling we'll get from Lloyd." Kai smirked. 

   "Oh, of course you are." Skylor laughed. 

  "Thanks for letting us stay." Skylor said, smiling softly. 

  "No problem in my case, Lloyd on the other..." Kai laughed. 

   They fell silent, the wind rustling their clothes. 

  "We're still in the Ultra Seas, right? Why aren't there any of the green lights?" Skylor asked, looking around in a confused manner. 

   "They don't happen every night. Where we're going to next is in the Ultra Seas." Kai explained. 

  "Where are we going?" Skylor looked at him. 

  "You'll see. We should get there around tomorrow morning. Before lunch time anyway." Kai said mysteriously, looking at the compass in front of him.

   "You should get some sleep, what we're doing tomorrow should take a lot of energy." Kai told her. 

   "You've got me curious now." Skylor faked frowned. 

  "Just go to sleep Sky, I'll see you in the morning." Kai laughed. 

     As Skylor headed to her cabin, she blushed as she remembered Kai calling her 'Sky'. 

   'Maybe I do like him,' Skylor smiled.  


     There you have chapter 11. I am so sorry I didn't update yesterday, it's been a busy and tiring week for me. Sorry it isn't as long as it has been. (Word count: 1615 )

    Anyway, yeah... this was more of a filler chapter but there's Pixane and Kailor for you. Next chapter should be cute... *smirking* 

   Thanks for reading, hope you all enjoyed it and I'll see you all in the next chapter!!! 

 Claire xxx ⚓

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