13. Storms

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      "Steer to port side! Lower the main sails!" Lloyd yelled over the wind. 

    Seliel shielded her eyes as the wind and rain crashed and roared around her. It was two days now since their time on Serpentine Island and today a storm had hit them. 

   "Pull!" Kai yelled.

   "What are you doing here?" Cole came up behind her, a rope coiled around one shoulder and a small barrel under the other.

   "Is there anything I can do to help?" Seliel asked.

   Cole shook his head. "No, I don't think so. Besides, you're not used to these things, your not trained to either." 

    "I'm sure I can learn quickly." Seliel retorted defiantly. 

   "I'm sure you can, but we're in the middle of trying to work this ship so it doesn't sink and take us down with it. We'll teach you in calmer weather." Cole gave her a light pat before he rushed off to help Jay with the rigging.

    "Zane! Steer to Starboard!" Lloyd yelled as he ran to get the ropes at the Forecaste.

  Seliel, realising she was of no help or use standing around, made her way to Pixal's cabin where the other girls were. 

    "There you are Seliel! We were wondering where you'd gotten too." Skylor said as she entered. 

   "I was up on deck -" Seliel started to say.

   "In this weather? Are you mad? Anyway, if you went up there, at least one of the boys would tell you that you are either not need, would just get in the way, no training or that it is not safe." Pixal listed. 

    "Yeah, Cole told me that." Seliel sighed as she flopped on the bed but a sudden jerk of the ship had her landing on the floor.

   "I hate feeling useless!" Harumi groaned.

   "For nearly the end of summer, this a very drastic change to the weather." Nya flicked through a book. 

   "The Wisp Sea is known for it's stormy weather, no matter what season it is." Pixal explained. 

  Jay then barged in, scaring the life out of them.

   "I'm sorry for the intrusion, but you haven't seen Kai or Morro by any chance?" Jay panted, water dripping from his hair, clothes soaked through. 

   "No we haven't." Skylor said, but Seliel spoke up.

  "I haven't seen Morro, but Kai's up on deck, isn't he? At least, he was when I was up there." 

   "Well he isn't now! I'm getting Morro." Jay rushed back out, slamming the door after him. 

  "Why do they get all the excitement?" Harumi grumbled.

  "I would prefer to stay safe, then go help and get swept overboard." Pixal reasoned out, making herself comfortable under a pile of blankets. 

   "Why must you always be right?" Seliel groaned. 


   Lord Julien stood looking up at a painting in the palace gallery. It was a painting of Ray and Maya holding Nya when she was a baby. 

    It brought back memories he had locked up for so long. 

  "Lord Julien." 

    Julien turned to see Duchess Mistake making her way towards him. 

  "Duchess Mistake," He bowed, "may I help you?" 

     "Oh no! Not at all. I thought maybe we could have a little chat. I'm trying to catch up with everyone." Mistake waved her hand, dismissing his question. 

   Julien nodded, but before he could open his mouth again, Mistake spoke up once more. 

  "I know that look, it's the same look the others have." Mistake looked at him quizzically. 

  "19 years ago...." Julien sighed, "During the Christening, Zoe said she was going to put Zane to sleep because it was already so late. She came back, but then a while later... soldiers came barging into the ballroom. And he was gone. Zoe and I were both heartbroken. It broke Zoe so much, she died a couple of months later. The same thing happened with Lou, a month or two after Cole got taken, Lily passed away." 

    "We must keep faith, we have to keep believing that they are still alive." Mistake insisted. 

  "But... it's been 19 years!" Julien sighed. 

   "Lord Julien, no ifs or buts. We have to keep believing." Mistake insisted, "Honestly! Men always lose faith over time as well as blaming themselves for things they didn't do!" She threw her hand in the air before walking off. 

    Julien shook his head, amused. He pulled out a locket with a miniature of his wife, Zoe. 

  "I wish you were here with me, and I wish Zane was here too." 


    Pixal pulled the covers around her as the wind, rain, lightning and thunder crashed outside her porthole window.

  A knock sounded on her door. 

  "Come in!" She called out.

  The door opened and Zane poked his head in. 

  "I everything all right? Do you need anything?" He asked politely. 

  "Oh no! Everything is fine, well... except for the storm, but other than that, I'm fine. Thank you." Pixal smiled. 

   "Well, if you need anything, just ask. Hopefully we'll pass through the storm soon. We're due in at Ignacia in a couple of days." Zane informed her.

   "Ignacia?" Pixal asked.

  "It's in the Northern part of the Eastern Kingdom." Zane replied.

  "Oh... I'm from the Centre, Western Kingdom." Pixal said.

   "You know, I always wondered why it's 'Centre and Western' rather than just Western." Zane mused.

   "Yeah... well... Thanks for checking up on me." Pixal smiled softly.

 "Anytime." Zane smiled back, before closing the door behind him. 


      There's chapter 13! I might be updating every two weeks or something now, since I'm a little busy. 

  Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you in the next one! :) (Little sneak peak: there will be JAYA!!😉)

    Claire xxx

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