15. Welcome to Stiix

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       "Girls! We're here! We're just getting the ship tied at the docks." Jay poked his head through the door. 

   The girls were all in the dining saloon chatting, when Jay arrived. 

  "Oh, good! So, what's happening?" Nya asked.

   "Well, we've just arrived, Dogshank and Clancee are tying up the ship as we speak and we'll be on our way. We'll be doing whatever, while the rest off the crew do whatever they want. I think some are staying to help with the repairs while others visit friends or family here." Jay shrugged. 

   "Are we having lunch in the ship or...?" Pixal looked quizzically at him. 

  "Oh! We'll be having lunch in the city, don't worry. It will give Dogshank and Tox a break from cooking." Jay explained. 

  "So, when are we leaving?" Skylor asked.

   "Soon, you should all get ready and come up on deck. Kai's just getting his hair gelled so... goodness knows." Jay laughed, "But seriously, do you have your sunhats, sunglasses, purses and any other things you need?" 

  "Yup! We're ready to... how did Nelson put it? Rant? Rock?" Seliel turned to look at the others.

  "Do you mean, ready to roll?" Jay raised an eyebrow, amused. 

  "That's it!" Seliel clicked her fingers, spinning round to face him again, "I knew it began with an 'r'." 

   "Anyway, come up as soon as you can." Jay said before leaving, but not before the other girls noticed that he gave Nya a smile.

   "So, what's going on with you and the Commander?" Harumi smirked. 

  "What? Uh, nothing." Nya looked away. 

 "Really?" Skylor looked unconvinced. 

    "Okay, fine, you got me," Nya sighed, but she was grinning from ear to ear, "Jay kissed me!"

  The other girls squealed. 


   "He did?!"

   "Oh my days it has finally happened!"

   "I am happy for you, Nya!" 

  "And," Nya paused for effect, "He asked me to be his girlfriend!" 

    "YES! FINALLY!" Skylor screamed.

  "Did you say yes?" Seliel asked.

    "Of course she said yes, Seliel. I have noticed that those two have become quite close." Pixal smiled. 

  "FINALLY YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER!" Harumi squealed, jumping up and down. 

     "What in all of Ninjago is going on in here?"

     They all turned to see Lloyd leaning against the doorposts looking at them as if they had completely lost it. 

   "Whatever is happening surely doesn't require you all to be screaming as if you're being mauled by a bear." Lloyd smirked. 

   "Uh, of course it does! Jay and Nya are finally together and they kissed!" Harumi burst out, clapping her hands together. 

   Lloyd's eyebrows shot up. 

  "Did they now?" He asked, a teasing smile playing at the corners of his lips.

   "Yes!" Skylor squealed, giving Nya a side hug. 

  "Okay..." He looked at them for a moment before grinning, spinning round on his feet and marching off, "JAY! YOU GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" He yelled.

  The girls laughed.

  "Poor Jay," Skylor chuckled, "I don't know whether to feel sorry for him that Lloyd and the other boys are going to interrogate him, or to laugh."

   "Come on, let's go rescue him." Nya lead the way.

  Coming up on deck, they could see Lloyd, Kai and Cole firing questions at Jay without allowing him to answer them. Zane was standing nearby, amused.

   "So did you kiss her?" Kai pressed.

  "Of course they did!" Cole interjected. 

 "You got a girlfriend before Kai! That's quite an achievement!" Lloyd grinned.

 "Hey!" Kai rounded on him.

  "But seriously, for how long have you been crushing on her?" Lloyd asked.

  "Ummm... don't know. I mean, probably since I saw the portrait of her in her room back at the palace." Jay sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

   "Kai, you should be taking tips from Jay!" Cole laughed.  

 "Hey! Actually, Jay came barging into my cabin asking about what to do. I pushed him back out and told him to kiss her. So really, it's thank to me that they're together." Kai bragged. 

   "Oh really? Then how come you and Skylor aren't - mmmgghhh!" Lloyd began but Kai slapped a hand over his mouth.

  "Shut up!" Kai hissed while the other boys laughed.

"Captain Lloyd, you should be getting on you're way." Faith suggested.

  "Yeah, yeah we should." Lloyd nodded.

 "Are you girls ready?" Zane asked.

Startled that he noticed them there, they nodded.

  "Then let's go!" Kai said, before leaping over the side of the ship.

 The girls stifled a scream. The boys' antics were going to be hard to get used to.

   They made their way through the docks and arrived at a building.

  "Not a word." Lloyd whispered to the girls before they entered.

  "Ah! If it isn't my favourite boys in the realm! How are ya?" A man with a interesting looking eyepatch and a rice hat greeted them as he walked towards them.

   "Not, bad. The Bounty on the other hand..." Lloyd trailed off, raising an eyebrow. 

  The man sighed. "I'll head over there right now." He said, eyes twinkling teasingly.

    "Thanks." Lloyd nodded.

  "Who are the beauties you have with you?" The man asked, nodding towards the five girls as he got what he needed.

   The boys tensed up.

 "Friends of ours. This is, Rumi, Skye, Pix, Sal and Nyla." Lloyd introduced them, giving the girls slightly different names, "Nyla is Jay's girlfriend."

   "Jay? Got a girlfriend before Kai? That's a record." The man chuckled. 

  "Hey!" Kai looked offended.

   "Girls this is Ronin, he's the one that repairs our ships and does other stuff sometimes too." Lloyd said.

   "I'm an honorary member of Captain Lloyd's crew!" Ronin chuckled again, "Well, I'd better see to this ship of yours. See ya!" And with that, he was gone.

   "So, who wants lunch?" Cole turned to the girls.

   Lunch! Music to anyone's ears! 


   Ray stood looking out over the sea from the balcony of his room.

Nearly 19 years ago, that was when his son was born.

  Crown Prince Kai of the Eastern Kingdom, disappeared without a trace.

 "News from the palace! Prince Kai is no longer. The whole kingdom will go into mourning. After that, no one must speak about him." 

  Ray remembered when this was announced throughout the city. A false death so that his subjects wouldn't speak about it. Now, he wondered if that was a good choice.

   "Why must we make them believe that he is dead?!" Maya screamed.

   "Maya, listen, this will be the talk of the Kingdoms for decades. If this gets out, the other heirs would be in danger too. Zane, Lord Julien's boy disappeared a month or two after he was born, same goes for Cole. They announced and pretended they had died. If we do find them, we will confess everything to the public, but for now..." 

  Ray closed his eyes, taking deep breaths.

  "Your majesty, we just got word from the palace in the Northern Kingdom." The Royal advisor said, "Prince Jay has disappeared."

   Maya gasped, putting a hand over her mouth in shock. 

"First Zane, then Cole, then Kai, now Jay. Who next?!" He rubbed his forehead in exasperation. 

  "King Cliff and Queen Libber are coming to visit." The Royal advisor added.

  "Send invitations to the others to come as well. I want to know what in all of Ninjago is going on!" He commanded.

   "It will be done, your majesty." The Royal advisor bowed before leaving the room.

   Ray entered his room again and opened a drawer with priceless items inside. A gold lion medallion, a gold ring with a dragon engraved on the surface with a ruby for the eye and the letter 'K' engraved on the inside. 

   "I refuse to believe that our sons are dead!" Libber declared, well, more liked screamed during the conference with the other royals. 

  "And I refuse to as well! We will plan and send out search parties, leave no part of Ninjago unsearched." He stood up and banged the table. 

  Maya placed a hand on her husbands arm to calm him down.

Ray picked up the ring and twisted it around in his fingers, inspecting it.

  "Your majesty, news from the palace in the Western Kingdom." The Royal Advisor announced, entering the conference room where the king and queen where at the moment.

 "Good or bad news?" Maya asked.

 "Bad news, I'm afraid. Prince Lloyd has been kidnapped." The Royal advisor said.

 "Oh, goodness, no! Not another one!" Maya gasped.

 "The kidnapper was seen?" He asked, putting down the sheets of paper he was looking through.

 "Not quite, your majesty." The Royal advisor started, "it was done at night. All King Garmadon and the guards saw was the black silhouette of the kidnapper. They gave chase, but it was all in vain. They couldn't catch him and he disappeared with the prince." 

   "Oh... Misako must be devastated right now, both of them." Maya whispered.

  "Send out invitations, I want to continue planning the search parties and double the guards." 

 "As you wish, your majesty."

    Ray sighed as he placed the ring back in the drawer and picked up the medallion. On the back was carved the words:

 Prince Kai  

We love you!

~ Father and Mother 

    Ray clutched the medallion tightly. 

   Kai had to be alive, he had to be. And he was going to stop at nothing to get him back, and Nya. 


    "Those macaroons were so delicious!" Harumi's thoughts were in dessert land right now.

   "Did you try the chocolate brownies? They were melting in my mouth!" Skylor bubbled.

  "Don't you come from a palace? Don't you things like that there?" Kai asked, raising an eyebrow.

  "Yes but, for some reason, these ones were just so good!" Nya sighed happily.

 The boys rolled their eyes.

  "Where can we go next?" Seliel asked, practically skipping.

 "We can go to the park if you want?" Lloyd shrugged.


  At the moment, the girls were readily agreeing to anything since they finished lunch. If the boys told them to jump in a lake full of killer sharks, they probably would without even thinking about it.

  Entering the park, the boys had to keep the girls under control since they wanted to see everything.

  "How is there a garden in this city?" Skylor asked, "It's built over water!"

 "I have no idea." Kai rubbed his forehead.

"Ooh! Can we feed the ducks? I've always wanted to do that!" Nya asked excitedly.

 "Yeah, sure, why not?" Lloyd looked as if he were babysitting five-year-olds.

   After spending a little while at the park, enjoying the flowers and feeding the ducks, they began to make their way back to the docks.

  "Thank you, for today. It was lovely." Pixal thanked the boys.

  "No problem." Cole said.

 "You are very welcome." Zane smiled at her.

   Lloyd opened his mouth to say something when a new voice got their attention.

 "Lloyd? Is that you?"  


    I am so sorry for the long delay on updating!!! I've been getting chapters out for another book... 

   So, CLIFFHANGER!!!! 😂😂😂😂 

  But, anyway, hope you all enjoyed it and I'll see you all in the next chapter!! :) 

  Claire xxx

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