2. The Destiny's Bounty

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      "Captain, what would you like us to do with the girls?" Faith and Griffin asked, approaching Lloyd. 

    Lloyd glanced at the five girls who were still sitting, leaning against the mast in a mess of frills and layers and layers of skirts. 

   "Prepare rooms for them." Lloyd said, before turning back to the loot before him. 

  "The only rooms we have left are the ones near yours and the other leaders. All the rooms above the hold are the crew's rooms." Griffin said hesitantly as he exchanged glances with Faith. 

    Lloyd looked up. "I don't care where the rooms are, just get them ready and get them off the deck, they're in the way. And get the bags from Jay and Morro. They grabbed a few things for them." Lloyd brushed the matter aside after taking on more glance at the girls who looked frustrated, annoyed and scared. 

    "As you order, Captain." Griffin and Faith descended from the Quarter deck. 

  Griffin signalled over Chamille, Tox and Ultra Violet to help as he headed towards the girls. 

   "Get up." Griffin ordered, looking down at them with a slight scowl on his face. 

   Nya struggled to get up as did the others since they were tied up.  

     "Take them to the rooms near the Commanders'. They're to stay there. Faith, get the bags from Commander Jay and Morro. They should be down in the hold." Griffin instructed before leading the way below deck. 

     Skylor and Nya looked at each other as they pushed along. 

   Nya sighed through her gag. 'Someone pinch me. This has to be a nightmare.' She thought. 

     They walked past five rooms each with names in different colours on them. 

   Griffin stopped in front of five doors, turning to look at the girls. He signalled to Tox to remove their gags and the ropes that bound their hands.

     "What's your favourite colours?" He asked, ignoring the confused looks that crossed their faces at the question.

   "Umm... Blue?" Nya answered first. 'Why in Ninjago does he need to know our favourite colours?' She wondered. 

    Griffin nodded and toughed the wall next to the first door. He typed in a few words before opening the door and gesturing inside.  "The room should be in your favourite colour, now. And also, your name will be on your door as well in the same colour." He explained, before moving on to the next ones. 

     With each room he typed in words and gestured to each of the girls to enter. 

   Harumi entered her room to find it looked really fancy, not at all like what she expected on a pirate ship. 

     "Wow, I was not expecting this." She mumbled, running a finger along the vanity that stood opposite the bed.  Most of the things in her room were green, her favourite colour.

    "Get changed, dinner will be in an hour and you don't want to be late." Faith said, handing Harumi a pile of clothes before taking her leave. 

    Harumi looked at the clothes she was given. There were four pairs of leather leggings, a few green blouses and shirts, a couple of nightgowns and a few other things. 

     After getting dressed, Harumi stood in front of the mirror and inspected herself. 

   She wore black leather leggings, tall black boots, a green button-up, long-sleeved loosed shirt and a black leather corset type thing that Faith had handed to her along with a few other things. 

   She had to admit, she liked her new look. She almost looked like a real pirate. 

  She quickly did her hair in a half up, half down look before exiting her room. 

     Harumi passed the other rooms before stopping in front of the rooms of the Commanders. She paused in front of the door with the words 'Captain Lloyd' in green on it.  Hearing voices coming from inside, she drew a little closer. 

   "What are we supposed to do with them?! Not only are we kidnapped and brought on board royalty, they'll be ordering us about and whining at the top of their lungs!"  

   "Well, maybe they won't be that bad. I mean, we can't just set them into a rowing boat and leave them out in open waters. That would be unthinkable." 

   "Jay's right, we may be pirates, but we're not that bad. We can just get rid of them."

    "Well we can't exactly waltz back to Ninjago City and say 'Here are your royals back! We kidnapped them and want to return them because they were getting in the way' now can we!" 

    "Well, we'll have to make do and deal with it. We're not turning back and we're not leaving them in a rowboat." 

    "They'll get in the way!"   There was a noise as someone banged his fist on a table. 

   "We have no choice, Lloyd! We can't leave them to die and we can't turn back and hand them over, or we'll arrested!" 

      "What if we have some of the crew teach them how to be like us? You know, learn how to defend themselves and handle weapons." 

    "Jay has a point, and if the crew keep them busy, they won't get in the way that much." 

    There was a moments pause before someone sighed. 

   "Fine. But if things go wrong..."  

  Harumi backed away slightly only to find someone was standing behind her.

    Spinning round she came face to face with Nya.

   "Oh thank the First Spinfitzu Master it's only you!" Harumi sighed, relieved. 

   "Come on!" Nya whispered, "The others are up on deck. We still have a few minutes till dinner." 

    Nya grabbed Harumi's hand and dragged her up on deck. 

   "I take it you heard everything too." Harumi stated. "Yeah." Nya nodded.

   "Not bad." Harumi commented, gesturing to what Nya was wearing. 

         Nya wore black leather leggings, same as Harumi, a blue, long-sleeved, loose shirt and a black corset type thing as well. 

   "You don't look to bad yourself. The others are wearing the same thing too. Except for the shirt colour. We look like pirates!" Nya giggled as they reached the others.

   They all joined in the laughter. 


    "What do you mean they're gone?!" King Ray roared angrily as he jumped to his feet, towering over the soldiers. 

    "They're not in their rooms." One of the soldiers stammered. 

   "Well... FIND THEM! Especially my daughter! I've lost one child, I don't want to lose another..." King Ray glared at his soldiers before turning his back to look at a portrait. 

    It was a picture of him and his wife and daughter.  

   "I can't lose her too..." Ray whispered. 


          "Ladies, if you follow me, dinner is ready." Morro announced, coming up on deck. 

    "May I inquire what we are having for our meal?" Pixal asked. 

       "You'll see." Morro lead the way to the dining room.  "By the way, you're all eating with the Commanders."


      There you have Chapter 2!!! Hope you all enjoyed it!!! (Word count: 1208) 

   This is probably the fastest I've updated a story since publishing it!! XD XD

     Thanks for reading once again and I'll see you all in the next chapter!! 

   Claire xxx ⚓ 

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