21. Don't Go

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      "Sir, I'm afraid I've got... bad news," Flintlock said, shifting on his feet. He knew the captain was already in a bad mood and being the bearer of news that he didn't want to hear was a dangerous thing. 

      Lloyd scowled at man before telling him to go on. 

 "There are thunderstorms on the way, and Clancee has just confirmed that the royal navy are swarming the seas. We can't leave, not just yet," Flintlock said timidly. 


 Flintlock looked up after a couple of minutes to see what was going on. 

      Lloyd's face was the definition of black thunder. 

  With a yelp, Flintlock ducked to the ground. Peeking through his fingers, he realised that the the knife was aimed at the glass water jug on the table, not at him. 

    Flintlock continued to watch Lloyd's every move as he looked like he was about to shout at any moment. 

      After a few minutes he sighed and grabbed his ammunition belt. 

  "I'm going for a walk, he mumbled before jumping of the balcony.

      Flintlock ran and locked over to see the captain disappearing into the forest. He massaged his forehead. How on earth was he to break this to the other Commanders. 

     "WHAT?!" Kai roared, "His ankle is done in, and he did what?!"

  "Calm down," Zane closed his eyes. Lloyd was sometimes stubborn beyond belief and after much instruction he still goes off and does his own thing.

     "Should I get our coats? It's starting to rain a little bit," Skylor said, looking out the window. 

 Cole sighed. "Meet back here in five minutes, tops. And although I hate to have her involved, bring Harumi as well," He said. 

     Skylor nodded before she and the other girls ran to their rooms. 

   "Harumi? Harumi open the door now!" Seliel banged on the girl's door. 

  There was a pause before the door opened and Harumi appeared in the doorway, confused. 

      "Seliel, the doors have no locks. It's a tree house," Harumi deadpanned. 

   "Yeah they do, see," Seliel showed the girl how to work the hidden mechanisms. 

  "Oh! So that's how it works," Harumi looked amazed. 

      "Anyway, I'm not here to discuss door locks. Lloyd's missing!" Seliel burst out, throwing the wardrobe open and grabbing Harumi's coat for her. 

    "He's, what?" Harumi hadn't quite got her head round the new information yet. 

  "Well, he ran off. Apparently there's a really bad storm coming so we can't leave the island just yet, and the royal navy are patrolling the seas. But anyway, he got mad and apparently jumped out of his window and ran off. Now come on! Hurry up and put your coat on!" Seliel threw the coat at Harumi before disappearing to grab her own.

    'Lloyd's missing?' The truth began to dawn on her as she hurriedly slipped her coat on.

  She joined the others in the lobby, immediately noticing that the boys refused to look at her. 

      "Find Lloyd at all costs, that's all I ask," Kai sighed before pushing past everyone and walking out the door. 

    "Seems like the storm is coming much faster than expected," Zane said, looking up at the sky as it began to rain slightly heavier and the wind was beginning to pick up. 

    "Which is why we have to find Lloyd!" Kai roared, already disappearing into the jungle. 


     "Just got word from the navy ships, sir," Akita bowed, "their searching is delayed because of freak storms across the seas."

    Garmadon sighed. "It can't be helped. Just make sure that everyone is safe. Continue the search after the storm passes."

     "Yes, sir!" Akita saluted before turning and rushing off. 

   "What are we going to do? They say this storm will last for days," Misako asked. 

       "We'll just have to wait it out. Send out supplies for anyone in need," Ray said.

    The guards saluted and ran out, carrying out his orders.


       "Lloyd! Lloyd!" Harumi fought against the winds as she climbed up the mountain through the forest. 

     Lloyd can't have gone very far, not with his ankle like that. 

  "Lloyd!" She screamed.

      It was hard to see with all the wind and the rain. It seemed like hours since they had set off in search for him, and so far, no luck. 

     She reached the place where Lloyd had taken her and stopped.

  There he was, sitting on the edge of the cliff. He didn't seem to take any notice of the storm, in fact, he seemed to be enjoying it. 

   In his rush to leave the tree house, he had forgotten to take a coat with him, allowing the rain to soak right through his white shirt down to his skin. His hair, despite the rain, was windswept rather than plastered to his head. 

     "I know you're there," Lloyd's voice was soft yet clear over the howls of the wind. 

   Harumi slowly approached him and joined him on the ledge. Looking at him, she could see he looked exhausted. His eyes were half closed as he watched the stormy waters swirling in the sea. He was clutching his injured ankle. 

     "You're brothers are looking for you, they're worried," Harumi said. 

   No response. 

       "I'm sorry, like really, really sorry for what I said. I wasn't thinking, and I should have just trusted my instincts and taken your word for it," She tried again, "I don't know what came over me, I just, I'm really sorry." 

    Lloyd still said nothing, he barely moved an inch. 

 "You can be mad at me for the rest of your life, but please, come back to the tree house. You make yourself ill like this," Harumi pleaded. 

    Minutes passed and Harumi's hope and confidence deflated. 

  "I'll leave you alone then, give you some space," Harumi mumbled, staggering to her feet. 

      She took two steps when a hand grabbed her arm. 

   "Don't go," Lloyd whispered, "Please don't go."

       Harumi looked back to find that he was still looking at the ground away from her, but the pain in his voice was crystal clear. She slowly sank to her knees and pulled him into a hug.

     Lloyd stiffened at the sudden body contact but eventually sank into her embrace, leaning his head onto her shoulder. 

     "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere," Harumi murmured.

   Lloyd just let her hug him and stroke his hair, something he has never let anyone else except his brothers do. 

     "I'm so sorry I got mad," Lloyd suddenly whispered, "I'm not used to trying to be civil."

    "It's not your fault," Harumi promised him. She meant it in a double way. Not his fault that he got mad, and it wasn't his fault that Eloise two-timed him. 

     "Don't go, please don't go," Lloyd whispered. 

   Harumi hugged him even tighter. Forget hardened, stone-cold pirate captain who wouldn't give a damn about anything. All she saw right now was a broken boy who needed her. 

    They sat there hugging for a long time, which is how Kai and Cole found them. 


Sorry I haven't updated in like forever! I just have a lot on my plate. And I'm sorry for the poor quality of this chapter. It's not the best, but it'll have to do. I was having difficulty trying to see how to move this chapter forward, but hopefully it'll be easier from here.

Clara x

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