9. Staying

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   The girls flinched as Lloyd roared at them, yelling madly at the top of his lungs about the stupidity of their actions.

   They were all in the Great Cabin back on the Bounty. The girls stood shifting nervously from on foot to the other while Lloyd marched back and forward in front of the table while the other Commanders sat on the table. 

   "Do you realise that what you did could have cost you all your lives?!" Lloyd came to a stand still, looking like a storm barrier mentioned in Ninjago history books and legends. He ran his hand through his hair before turning to glare at the girls.

   "I, ummm... well you see -" Harumi started. 

  "Explain to someone who'll actually listen. Right now, all I can do is yell," Lloyd snarled, "Now, tell me, who's idea was it to go against my orders?" He asked, looking from one girl to the next. 

   "I told you it would be a bad idea to disobey him, now look what you have done!" Pixal whispered to Harumi. 

   Lloyd heard this and turned his head to look sharply at the guilty princess. He sighed. "I should have known it was you!" Lloyd groaned. He walked around the table and sat down, still glaring at Harumi who shifted under his gaze. 

    "I... I just wanted to help. And if it wasn't for me, you'd be badly injured right now if not dead." Harumi mumbled.


  Everyone turned to look at Kai. 

    Lloyd suddenly looked slightly amused, but still kept his thunderous look, if that was even possible. 

  Kai jumped to his feet, upsetting a stack of books, and made his way to Lloyd's seat. 

    "What in Ninjago happened?!" Kai shrieked. 

  The girls exchanged confused looks. What is going on? They thought.

    "Relax, Kai. I'm fine, you can sit down. Can you stop worrying about me for more than a few seconds?" Lloyd raised an eyebrow. 

  "What? Of course I can't! Are you all right? You're not injured are you? Zane, check him over will you -" Kai said worriedly. 

   "Zane? He's the one with blood flowing from his arm, and you want him to check me? Kai I'm fine! Really." Lloyd shook his head in amusement. 

   "I just want to make sure you're -" Kai started. 

 "Kai sit down or I'll tie you down!" Lloyd tried to scowl at him but grinned instead, much to the girls' shock. 

  Kai scowled and crossed his arms as he slouched in a chair. 

  "Now, I'm not done with you lot yet - wait... where's..?" Lloyd turned his attention back to the girls in front of him but now, there was one missing. He looked around and found Pixal taking care of Zane's arm. 

   "Clean it regularly so that it does not become infected. Changing the bandages everyday would also help." Pixal instructed softly. 

    "Thank you, but we have done this before. We will be fine." Zane gave her a small smile. 

  "I have no doubt about that. But sometimes, it is best to have someone take care of you. I am sure a member of your crew will be happy to help." Pixal finished wrapping the bandage and took a pair of scissors to to snip it off.

   "They have their own injuries to worry about, we do not want to trouble them further." Zane explained. 

   Pixal remind silent as she securely tied the bandage. Zane smiled, silently thanking her. She smiled back.

  She returned to her spot beside Harumi once she was done.

   Lloyd looked at them thoughtfully, then sighed. 

  "Look, thank you for your thought about helping us, but what you did was very dangerous. You could have gotten yourselves seriously injured, or worse, killed!" Lloyd said, not yelling this time. 

   "I know, but at the time, our lives in danger were far from our minds." Harumi looked down at the carpet. 


  "Anyway, more important matters," Lloyd started, looking down at the maps in front of him, "You girls may be returning home a lot sooner than you think."


   Lloyd snapped his head up to look at them. It was the second time someone had shrieked 'what'. 

    "Is there a problem?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. 

   "What? How? Why?" The girls looked shocked. 

  "I thought you couldn't go back because they'd arrest you!"

    "Or execute you if they see you with us."

    "Our parents would probably execute you themselves!" 

    "You can't go back! We just risked our lives to help you and then you're going to go back and sign your own punishment!" 

   "Please don't take us back -" 

   "Silence!" Lloyd thundered, raising a hand to quieten the girls. They shut their mouths and waited. 

      "The trading ship is heading for Ninjago City, they will take you without saying a word about who you are or how they got you." Lloyd stood up and turned his back to them, looking out the window. 

   "Do we get a choice or a say in the matter?" Nya asked.

   Lloyd thought for a moment. "Yes, decide quickly. We plan on letting the ship go soon." 

     "We want to stay then." Skylor blurted out. 

   All the Commanders' heads snapped round to look at them.

    "Stay? Are you out of your minds or what?" Cole looked incredulously at them. 

   "Hear us out, we were born as royals as you know. But for once we want a taste of freedom, you can give us that. Getting kidnapped was probably one of the best things that has happened to us. We don't want to get in the way, but... we want to stay and help. Learn more about the world around us and to have fun and enjoy ourselves. So if it's all right, we'd like to stay." Nya said softly, looking down at the floorboards when she saw Jay staring at her with a look in his eyes.  

   Silence filled the room as the girls felt the boys' gaze on them. 

  "Lloyd..." Kai said, turning to the Captain. 

     "They want to. And... maybe if we show them the world, let them have some fun, it won't be so bad." Jay exchanged glances with Kai.

   "Jay has a point, Lloyd. You said it was their choice. Now they've made it." Cole added giving the girls a small smile. 

   "They all have a point." Zane agreed. 

   Lloyd just stared at the headstrong girls standing in front of him, in particular, a certain rebellious blonde. He turned his back and stared once more out the window.

    "Lloyd..." Cole pressed. 

   "Jay, Cole, please tell the Captain of the trading ship," Lloyd started, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips, "that he may go on to Ninjago City... without the additional passengers."

    The girls let out their held breaths, squealing and hugging each other. They were staying!

  "Your orders will be carried out." Cole grinned. 

  "You know what to do, of course." Lloyd turned to look at him and Jay. They both nodded and slipped out of the room. 

    "Thank you! And I promise you we'll try not to be a bother." Seliel grinned.

   "Let's hope you keep that promise, or I might be regretting this altogether." Lloyd said gruffly. 


       Maya stood in the doorway of a nursery. 

     This room had not been used at all. When she had Nya, she had another nursery decorated for her, this one bring to many depressing memories. 

    She slowly walked in and closed the door behind her. Sitting down in the chair beside the cradle, she traced the dark wood of the cradle, her thoughts far away...

    "Hello my little darling, my precious. Mummy's here, I'll protect you." She whispered as the cradle rocked. 

    "I love you, my darling, my little porcupine. Mummy and daddy loves you so, so much."  

  The baby was fast asleep, clutching a stuffed, red lion toy. 

     "My brave little boy, I love you so much." She stroked the little boy's head.

   Tears slowly fell down Maya's cheeks. She picked up the red lion, still in the cradle. She ran her fingers lightly over lion's mane. 

   "Our little boy," Ray smiled. 

    She and Ray were standing in the throne room and she was cradling their baby boy. 

   "Daddy and I love you very much, our darling, brave little king. I promise to always be there for you. We will always be with you, nothing will take us away from you." She smiled down softly. 

     And nothing did. Instead, someone took her son away from them

   "Your majesties! Prince Kai is gone!" A soldier came barging into the throne room.

   "What?!" Ray roared. 

      She sank down into her throne, numb. 

    "He is no longer in the nursery! The balcony doors are wide opened and the curtains ripped. There's no sign of him anywhere. The general has already sent all the soldiers he can to search the city." The soldier panted. 

    She burst into tears as she slipped off her throne and fell to the ground on her knees. 

   "Find him, find my son and the kidnapper!" Ray yelled. 

   Maya looked around the nursery. Everything was still exactly as it was 19 years ago. 

     "I'm so sorry, Kai! My little porcupine," She sobbed, sinking to the floor, hugging the lion to her chest, "I couldn't keep my promise. Come back to us... please come back." 


    Nya watched the green wisps of light floating around, creatures enveloping her. 

       They were staying. Freedom. It was all she ever wanted. A taste of freedom and the outside world, without having guards and soldiers watching your every step. 

   "Shouldn't you be in bed?" 

   Nya turned to see Jay walking towards her. He looked exactly as he looked last night, the night of the argument. His loose shirt fluttered lightly in the breeze. 

    "Commander Jay! I was, umm... I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd get some fresh air and watch the lights again." Nya explained. 

    Jay joined her at the railing, leaning against it as he looked out across the vast ocean. 

  "We've decided to stay a little longer in the Ultra Seas. There's something coming up, and Zane, Cole, Kai and I thought you girls would like to see it." Jay said. 

   "What is it?" Nya asked, curiosity filling her eyes. 

  "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise." Jay smirked, turning his head to look at her.

     Nya huffed, annoyed. "At least tell me if I'll enjoy it." She pressed.

   "Fine, yes. You'll enjoy it." Jay mused. 

      "I suppose I should thank you for what you said back in the Great Cabin earlier," Nya said, looking at him, "Thank you for taking our side and convincing Captain Lloyd to let us stay, even if it's only for a while." 

    "No sweat. It's the least we could do since you risked your lives to help us. Just remember, there is a very thin line between bravery and stupidity. Make sure you're on the right side." Jay smiled.

   "I've never seen you smile before. You're either frowning, scowling or smirking." Nya noted, "No offence, I hope, Commander Jay." 

  Jay laughed, "None taken. And also, since you're staying, just call us by our names, no need for Commander, or Captain in Lloyd's case. Even our crew just calls us by our names only." 

   "Okay then, Jay." Nya smiled. 

   Jay turned to smile back but instead burst out laughing. Nya was stunned. She had never heard any of them laugh before. 

  "Sorry, it's just that. You have fox cub sleeping on your head." He grinned after he managed to control himself. 

   Nya tilted her head up and saw the tell-tale signs of green wisps covering her head. She giggled. 

   The fox stretched and yawned before floating over to Jay, encircling him before running off. 

  "I, uhhh, we stole some things from your room." Jay blurted out.

  Nya stared at him. "You what?" 

    "Only a couple of vases, some jewellery, three, gold, candle holders and I thing that's about it... And some other things from your palace." Jay rubbed his neck sheepishly. 

  Nya laughed. "Oh! Keep them! With my blessing. The less jewellery I have the better!" 

    "We should head back below deck, Lloyd won't be thanking you or me if we're late for breakfast." 

      Nya nodded, giggling. 

   They walked to their cabins, softly talking and giggling so that they didn't wake up the others. Lloyd would not have been happy. 

   Jay walked Nya to her cabin.

  "Well, goodnight. I... I had fun tonight." Jay gave her a small smile. 

   "I did too. And really, thank you." Nya smiled softly. 

   Jay bowed slightly before heading back to his own cabin. 

  Nya stood awhile longer outside her cabin, smiling. "Goodnight, Jay." 


     There's chapter 9!!! 

   (Word count: 2201 ) 

     Some Jaya and a little bit of Pixane for you all!!! Next one is the 'major' turning point. :) 

  Maya's memories were sad to write... 

  Well, hope you all enjoyed reading this and I'll see you in the next chapter! 

  Claire xxx

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