1. Fred R. Barnard (To Warrior_Prophet)

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Acrostic Quotes

1. Fred R. Barnard
(To Warrior_Prophet)

A picture is worth a thousand words. But

Poets paint, as well. They paint with inspiration,
Invoked like an incantation or spell or prayer,
Compose with all the senses, and direct with an artist's
Touch those leaps and bounds of metaphorical prowess.
Understand that poets are more than just ministers of
Rhyme: they are the messengers of truth, an
Eagle-eyed race that sees beyond the wall of dull existence. 

I've been fortunate enough to meet one of that race,
So gifted in the realm of rhyme and imagery.

We aspiring poets here today stand on the shoulders
Of the poets that came before our time, whose
Reigns are well-remembered for their courage and innovation:
The epic poets—Homer, Virgil, Lucretius, Ovid, Lucan,
Hesiod, Layamon, Dante, Ariosto, Spencer, Milton,

And Wordsworth, Shelley, Byron and Keats to name a few;

The playwrights—Euripides, Aeschylus, Sophocles,
Heywood, Marlowe, Shakespeare, Fletcher, Jonson and
Others; and lyric poets such as Sappho, Pindar, Catullus, Horace,
Underscoring countless more. And though I can hardly
Situate the Warrior with such lofty, formidable ranks, I must
Assure his place within the ranks of Wattpad's poetic greats.
Never has the sun risen in the west, nor has the drab
Dull round of Wattpad sung in notes of agonizing 

Wonder, till there came a poet from among us,
Outstanding all the rest, with words of deepest passions
Rising out of verses close and so concise,
Daring with the poet's heart and seeing with a poet's eye.
So I salute you, fellow poet, from a brother to another.

A picture is worth a thousand words.
—Fred R. Barnard

(To be continued...)

A/N: None, except the fact that I love this guy's works; he is an inspiration to all unsung poets in Wattpad... I hope I didn't sound like I blew smoke up his ass...

Meter: Free verse
Rhyme scheme: None 

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