17. Albert Einstein

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17. Albert Einstein

If all our discoveries relied on the substance of
Mere knowledge, then all the knowledge we
Attain would amount to little more than a
General set of limitations, for knowledge
Is inherently limited: it can only venture so far in
Nurturing the curiosity of man. Knowledge
Altars only what we know of the things
That can be observed by the human eye,
Insofar as we know them through experience.
On what ground, then, can we know things
Never seen or heard or touched or tasted or felt?

If Sir Isaac Newton looked up and viewed those same
Stars that our venerable ancestors surely

Must have seen, what would he have thought
On the night after that apple landed atop his noggin?
Rest assured, he would have been thinking on those
Entrancing dots of light, thinking not on their

Inherent gravitational properties, not yet at least.
More likely, at least in my estimation, he would be
Pondering over no foreknown knowledge
On those stars, for there was no knowledge in the memory of
Rational man that yet compared to such a conundrum;
There, in the empty blackness of ignorance,
A miracle happened—a magnificent flight of imagination
Never yet observed in the human world of circumstance—
That changed the world as everyone knew it forever.

There, the imagination ruled with absolute authority,
Heedless of the limitations of knowledge
As it soared the heavens of boundless intellect on the wings of
Newly found possibility never yet thought before.

Knowledge, no matter how much its shelves can hold, can
Never match the boundless reservoir of imagination
Or dare to venture into the deepest realms of the unknown;
Whereas knowledge has the power to change the
Lives of everyone with a revolutionary thought, it's the
Endless well of imagination that provides the daring and the
Drive to take the first step, the first leap, the first plunge.
God granted that we have intellect, but knowledge is
Earned with the courage of your imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
—Albert Einstein

(To be continued...)

A/N: Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of general relativity, effecting a revolution in physics. For this achievement, Einstein is often regarded as the father of modern physics and one of the most prolific intellects in human history.

Meter: Free verse
Rhyme Scheme: None 

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